Ethiopia's PM Abiy Ahmed meets with President Kenyatta at border point.

Apparently PM Abiy is on a state visit to Kenya. The meeting between the two leaders started at the Moyale Ethiopia-Kenya border point.

With the way things have unfolded in the region in recent days, you have to wonder what these guys are upto. Anything that they do or discuss will have an impact on the whole horn region.

What are these two leaders plotting? :farmajoyaab:

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Forza Somalia!
Maybe they talked about the Somalia-Kenya water dispute. Since Abiye has influence on farmaajo, and if farmaajo wins again, it means the continuity of Abiye influence, which can help kenya.
It looks like PM Abiy is in Kenya to find access to a sea Port for his landlocked nation:lolbron:

Of course, Ethiopia is a big country and needs all available ports from our neighbors. High ways and rail ways to Djibouti, Eritrea, Somaliland, Kenya and Sudan are in the master plan.

MOYALE ( HALBEEG NEWS) – The Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed Ali and Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta met in the border town of Moyale on the Kenyan side on Wednesday.

The leaders jointly inaugurated development projects including a one-stop border post as well as Lappset corridor project that connects Lamu port to Ethiopia via Garissa and Isiolo counties.

Kenya and Ethiopia signed a bilateral agreement in 2011 to develop the joint border point and road to enhance trade relations between the two.

Ethiopian premier who is facing pressure back home over Tigray violence will be in the country for two days’ official state visit.

The two leaders are scheduled to discuss other wide range issues including boosting the bilateral and trade ties while also deliberating on the security issues along the border of two nations among the pastoral communities.

Ethiopian paramilitaries area accused of cross-border raids to hunt down criminals mainly armed rebels fighting the Addis Ababa government.
Apparently PM Abiy is on a state visit to Kenya. The meeting between the two leaders started at the Moyale Ethiopia-Kenya border point.

With the way things have unfolded in the region in recent days, you have to wonder what these guys are upto. Anything that they do or discuss will have an impact on the whole horn region.

What are these two leaders plotting? :farmajoyaab:

Kenyatta is a drunkard with zero attention to detail, if his fam isn't making any money from any agreements made, I doubt much will come from this meeting
For once I agree with that Xabashi let's not spread conspiracy theories they are probably talking about the relationship between their 2 countries. But didn't Kenya back Egypt I wonder what Abiy wants.
Of course, Ethiopia is a big country and needs all available ports from our neighbors. High ways and rail ways to Djibouti, Eritrea, Somaliland, Kenya and Sudan are in the master plan.

why not just invade somalia and have access to
the sea from there
why not just invade somalia and have access to
the sea from there

Let alone Somalia, Ethiopia will not even invade Somaliland just for the sake of having a sea outlet. This kind of wild scenario is found only in the minds of some Somalis not in Ethiopians.

We generally see our country as a founding father of AU and a responsible member of the UN that abides by the rule of international law. So no Ethiopian government will come up with the idea of invading another country just to have access to the sea.

The only time our army may cross international borders is if our country is threatened or attacked. That is the reason why I many times urged our close friends in Somaliland not to try to play the game of threatening Ethiopia by giving military base to Egypt. If we are not threatened or attacked then be asured that no invasion will come from Ethiopia.

We have setup a master plan of road and rail way integration with all our neighbors that enable us to have legal access to the sea by cooperating and doing business with our neighbors. Our foreign policy master plan is based on the very fact that Ethiopia is a land locked country.