Ethiopia to take stake in Port of Djibouti, its trade gateway -state media

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Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
@anonimo good talking to you bro. You seem like a pro who knows his stuff even if we disagree on clan based narratives.


I've explained to you how a sub-clan of SM called Jibril Abokor was able to crush Issa many times in war and even forced them to pay tribute, not to mention many issa left SL because of Jibril Abokor.

Now you've shot yourself in the foot without thinking I don't know other Somalis history? :cryinglaughsmiley:

Here is facts on how Afar was destroying issa in Djibouti in war yet Issa were three times bigger but still needed multiple countries to intervened and saved them. Pathetic wallahi! :cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley:

"Even though the FRUD/Afar front had achieved control of 75% of the republic within a few months, the Issa government managed to prevail LARGELY DUE TO EXTERNAL SUPPORT. It had received political and military support from the old colonial master, the French. In addition, weapons and marine fighting boats also arrived in the port of Djibouti from Iraq on the eve of the first Gulf War. Interviewed FRUD/Afar fighters asserted that the then newly established EPRDF government interfered in the Djiboutian Civil War by siding with the Issa government. The Eritrean Marine Force also supported the Issa. According to an interview with veteran Afar fighters/FRUD, EPLF's naval boats were actively blocking the coast bordering Djibouti in order to cut the supply route for the FRUD/Afar army."

[Borders & Borderlands as Resources in the Horn of Africa
edited by Dereje Feyissa, Markus V. Hoehne, Page 92]

''As the Issa Somalis intrusions into Afar territory increase, Ugugumo leaders pay due concern to this 'unberable repression'' of their people. Ugugumo, which means 'uprising' or 'revolution' in the Afar language, is an Afar armed resistance group established in 1981 to oppose the TPLF fighter's violent intrusions into Northern Afar lands. Though the TPLF attempted several times to negotiate with the leaders, some factions still remain in their base in the Danakil Depression and claim to be struggling for the Afar cause.

Some Ugugumo fighters had moved from their base in the Danakil Depression in the north to the southern tip of the Afar region in 2001, and they offered military training along with modern arms for Afar youths in the conflict area. After fierce fighting on March 23rd 2002, the new Afar trainees succeeded in defeating Issa fighters and established the district capital at Gala'lu. Consequently, senior officials in the Afar regional and local administrations accused of having clandestine linkage with the Ugugumo leaders, were automatically dismissed from their post.''

[Borders & Borderlands as Resources in the Horn of Africa, page 91

About the civil war, yes Issa minded their own business when Jibril Abokor conquered Gadabursi but Issa back stabbed us and tried to join Djibouti by force but you was eventually crushed by Jibril Abokor and they began kicking your clan out of Zeila. Plus, in the 90's you Issas had Gurgura and Gadabursi support against few sub-clan of Afran Qallo so quit lying.:drakelaugh:

There are certain Somali clans that would militarily destroy Issa in war and you know it.

Lastly, it's been confirmed by the U.N that Somaliland has the strongest and largest Somali composed army so Djibouti is nothing in comparison. :trumpsmirk:

You think theres a sub clan alive in 2018 that could militarily defeat us?


Delusion of grandeur sxb.

We have several attack helicopters, maybe more. The hell do you have? The only thing u have over us is man power and our more sophisticated equipment should be enough to negate that.


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
You're mouth is still stinking though. Just reread my advice and rinse your smelly ass mouth .

Difference between me and you is I won't take any of this FKD to heart. You caught feelings.

Do yourself a favour and try to amount to something in life aside from crying about grown men making fun of you on the internet little kid.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Difference between me and you is I won't take any of this FKD to heart. You caught feelings.

Do yourself a favour and try to amount to something in life aside from crying about grown men making fun of you on the internet little kid.
Your mood has changed dramatically, did i hurt your feelings poofter?! :browtf:


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
I'm out little niggas.

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I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Ayo auyihan ali ali saleeban my nigga I thought you where Ogaden I would’ve karbash we that Nigga so hard if you told me you where MJ:gaasdrink::gaasdrink::fittytousand:
Ali saleebaan the nobles.. Mashallah bro.
No need to gang up on these snowflakes sxb.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Aside from Gen Morgan I think Ali Haji Warsame would be the perfect choice.
We would be no different than somaliland or galmudug if we chose morgan as president like galmudug did qeybdiid and somaliland with muuse bixi, im glad puntland didn't chose a person who was involved in the civil war for the senate position
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