Ethiopia declaring they want to get rid of liyu police


There voices may not be as loud as ogadens , but they still should mean something.. especially in situations like this when it’s against xabesh who dont care if your ogaden or whatever else. Its a somali issue
Let them fight and defend this land if they want a voice

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
Your people as in Ethiopians? I dont see how taking away the only defence we have is “benefitting”. If the issue u have is liyu , a reform maybe beneficial but taking them away as a whole is a different story
No Liyu police disarm mx nomads and with their destruction out nomads can be rearmed as to prevent attacks from neighbouring barbarians, this way they aren't defenceless but now have their own weapon to protect themselves.
No Liyu police disarm mx nomads and with their destruction out nomads can be rearmed as to prevent attacks from neighbouring barbarians, this way they aren't defenceless but now have their own weapon to protect themselves.

Liyu Police attacked nomads of all Somalies, Hg, MX, Issaq, Issie ect , wallahi I cant wait until Ethiopia disbands those bastards.
No Liyu police disarm mx nomads and with their destruction out nomads can be rearmed as to prevent attacks from neighbouring barbarians, this way they aren't defenceless but now have their own weapon to protect themselves
That’s something unacceptable and totally wrong i accept that but you have to look at bigger picture. Every militia and/or army in all somali states have alot of wrongdoings and Liyu police have a much bigger army then most other somali states, if not all. 120 thousand hungry young to middle age men with small salaries your surely to see alot of messed up shit. The point is a reform is definitely needed but stripping yourself naked will just make things worse.
Let them fight and defend this land if they want a voice
Bad leadership in there communities leads to bad views on the communities as a whole. Your right but should be more willing to give a chance. Social media and internet is bringing the people way more closer then we ever seen in history. Just recently the situation in sitti brought together cisse and ogaden communities much closer and shows alot of progress and hope


Bad leadership in there communities leads to bad views on the communities as a whole. Your right but should be more willing to give a chance. Social media and internet is bringing the people way more closer then we ever seen in history. Just recently the situation in sitti brought together cisse and ogaden communities much closer and shows alot of progress and hope
There has always been a good relationship between OG and Ciise. Besides, OG has always defended the entire land, however it has been the other minority clans stabbing us in the back and working with the coloniser

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
120 thousand hungry young to middle age men with small salaries your surely to see alot of messed up shit.
That's there problem and by extension they are responsible for the death of so many. IMO the government should work to rehabilitate them but there is no way they should come back as a fighting force no way in hell.
I'm sure
That’s something unacceptable and totally wrong i accept that but you have to look at bigger picture. Every militia and/or army in all somali states have alot of wrongdoings and Liyu police have a much bigger army then most other somali states, if not all. 120 thousand hungry young to middle age men with small salaries your surely to see alot of messed up shit. The point is a reform is definitely needed but stripping yourself naked will just make things worse.
The residents of Gursum and raaso Baabil etc would say otherwise about the Liyuu qabil militia
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That’s something unacceptable and totally wrong i accept that but you have to look at bigger picture. Every militia and/or army in all somali states have alot of wrongdoings and Liyu police have a much bigger army then most other somali states, if not all. 120 thousand hungry young to middle age men with small salaries your surely to see alot of messed up shit. The point is a reform is definitely needed but stripping yourself naked will just make things worse.

liyuu has 120 thousand men? You surely mean 12,000. 120,000 Somalis would conquer the world
One of the many Somali areas that have defected to Oromo region. They defected due to liyu so of course will be happy
reer babille are part of oromia nowadays, obviously they would want the end of somali liyu. But the patriotic people of sitti are celebrating the liyu mujahideen saving them from afar enemy.
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One of the many Somali areas that have defected to Oromo region. They defected due to liyu so of course will be happy

Defect may not be the appropriate term, as there's no xoog over here. You want Oromia? To Oromia you go :mjohreally:

On another note, even though some of the residents opted for Oromia, others were wronged and through fraudulent results in some kebeles/districts were handed over to Oromia. You might have to check upon your kin, as they don't completely share your sentiments :patrice: