Elon musk permanently suspended several high-level journalists from CNN, NYT, The Washington Post, The Intercept, and VOA


Forza Somalia!
Musk was confronted in one of twitter spaces, get cornered, then he left and shutdown all twitter spaces with one button and claimed it was bug, he didn't left the space

They were talking about ElonJet, and so they put a link for the news, they all got suspended. But elon was all ok to post about hunterBiden.

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Forza Somalia!
He asked the plebs Vox Populi, Vox Dei, they said let the journalists back, he then ignored it


Forza Somalia!
great work, CNN deserve it. a victory in the fight against fake news.
fakenews? He is free speech absolutist, he was against old twitter policy of silencing the "Alt news" which basically were fake news. But now it is ok to label any credible news channel as fake news and ban it?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
fakenews? He is free speech absolutist, he was against old twitter policy of silencing the "Alt news" which basically were fake news. But now it is ok to label any credible news channel as fake news and ban it?

He had a "free speech" platform, I've never had any such platform. Yes my stance is the Washington Post, CNN are all fake news garbage and let them all be shut down. a loss for them is a victory for humanity.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I bet, dictatorship makes you horny

that's a strange thing to say and it's just an obfuscation. let's just be honest and open about this. you're in favor of sjw hegemony and I'm opposed to it. you'd be perfectly fine with crushing enemies of sjwism but somehow I'm supposed to cry when the people who would want to shut me down are themselves shut down instead.


Forza Somalia!
that's a strange thing to say and it's just an obfuscation. let's just be honest and open about this. you're in favor of sjw hegemony and I'm opposed to it. you'd be perfectly fine with crushing enemies of sjwism but somehow I'm supposed to cry when the people who would want to shut me down are themselves shut down instead.
NO SJW or any of that. Free journalism is good.


that's a strange thing to say and it's just an obfuscation. let's just be honest and open about this. you're in favor of sjw hegemony and I'm opposed to it. you'd be perfectly fine with crushing enemies of sjwism but somehow I'm supposed to cry when the people who would want to shut me down are themselves shut down instead.
SjW nutjobs > right wing school shooters

I see you spazzing right wing rhetoric on this site alot and honestly its sickening to them you're nothing but a sp*c your right left nonsense won't work we're neutral.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
SjW nutjobs > right wing school shooters

I see you spazzing right wing rhetoric on this site alot and honestly it sickening to them you're nothing but a sp*c your right left logic won't work we're neutral.

Why pretend to be neutral when you're aligned to a particular side?

Also, what exactly is rhetoric of mine that is particular to right wing whites? I don't complain or care about "white replacement" or whatever. I don't have the same interests or concerns as they have and I'm not with either the sjws or that crowd.


Forza Somalia!
CNN, Washington Post are all mouthpieces for cultural Marxist propaganda/sjwism.... they all should be shut down
They all are ranked to be posting factual information, whether they are biased or not. Labelling them and banning for posting factual information is pathetic dictatorship behaviour

