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Can someone explain how this work. I see you need input(source, scalable), a storing process(scalable number depends) and then a converting process(scalable) and then output process(scalable) into whatever your feeding. I see 4 major phases with electricity.

Source part seems to vary from water, sun, wind. I don't know how they store it nor convert such sources so it turns into outputs somewhere. I can see the outputs are heat, cold, light, fuel. So all I see is the source and the end product not so much what happens in between other then it's scales in strength and weakness for light or heat and cold which varies also.

I also see metal is a big part of the process followed by wires(which is a form of metal) also I guess.


Besides how strong or weak does electricity get? you would really need to measure it's output carefully so it doesn't explode end products that need it. Like ovens, fridges, electronics, electric cars, lights. It would need measuring on the electricity part and knowing what the end product can handle or what it needs to function without blowing up. The amount of energy say a laptop or lightbulb needs is nowhere near what a fridge or oven would require. If you applied the same electricity from oven or fridge to a light bulb or laptop it would blow up as the device isn't intended for that much energy.

I can see how heat or cold can come from electricity. Look at our noses, when u blow out sxb that's air yet it's stored in your nose all of that energy. U could do the same if you know how to store water and apply something to generate air from it.

All you would need to figure out is how to heat or make the water cold and from that will come hold or cold air and then it's storing it in pipes and all the air and transferring it to whatever you want. Romans used to heat water with fire underneath it.
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They change potential energy into electric energy by using a huge dynamo this applies to all power generating sources except for solar


They change potential energy into electric energy by using a huge dynamo this applies to all power generating sources except for solar

How does the dyanamo work with different sources? water and wind are clearly not the same type of inputs for changing into energy even though they produce the same end result. What happens when it's water and what does dyanamo do to it?

This doesn't seem to be the same old temperature and time thing because that creates physical things not energy which is not physical at all.
How does the dyanamo work with different sources? water and wind are clearly not the same type of inputs for changing into energy even though they produce the same end result. What happens when it's water and what does dyanamo do to it?

This doesn't seem to be the same old temperature and time thing because that creates physical things not energy which is not physical at all.
Wind water all of them move therefore create kinetic energy these then move large turbines then they turn into electricity due to electromagnetism this happens because of Faraday's Law of Induction physics isn't my cup of tea though you could ask experts like @CangeeroBear


Wind water all of them move therefore create kinetic energy these then move large turbines then they turn into electricity due to electromagnetism this happens because of Faraday's Law of Induction physics isn't my cup of tea though you could ask experts like @CangeeroBear

So there trying to generate wind out of it using those turbines on top of the water? you can take a babis or one of those things to water and generate wind or movement from water. I mean animals move doesn't mean they will turn into electricity, so the term movement must apply differently.

Because if you look at lightning, there is clouds and rain present and movement in the sky. It doesn't have lightning when there is no movement happening between those components.

So is the movement referring to wind? because if u blow the top of a water u get the rubble effect but you also get wind.
How does the dyanamo work with different sources? water and wind are clearly not the same type of inputs for changing into energy even though they produce the same end result. What happens when it's water and what does dyanamo do to it?

This doesn't seem to be the same old temperature and time thing because that creates physical things not energy which is not physical at all.
The question of how dynamo works leads to the inevitable question of charge.Faradays law of induction explains how if you move a conductor in an electric field the free electrons feel a force which pushes it in one direction.This is the Lorentz force which is caused by the relativistic field of the electric field.This causes a potential difference, think of gravity.This potential difference can be used to do work such as power up our homes etc.Energy itself , classically is simply a book keeping system, it involves things that happened to be conserved.In actuality it's the time symmetry of our region of the universe which causes energy conservation.Wind and water energy are simply mechanical energy , Infact they are quiet similiar.One is the movement of gaseous particles while the other is the movement of liquid systems.


The question of how dynamo works leads to the inevitable question of charge.Faradays law of induction explains how if you move a conductor in an electric field the free electrons feel a force which pushes it in one direction.This is the Lorentz force which is caused by the relativistic field of the electric field.This causes a potential difference, think of gravity.This potential difference can be used to do work such as power up our homes etc.Energy itself , classically is simply a book keeping system, it involves things that happened to be conserved.In actuality it's the time symmetry of our region of the universe which causes energy conservation.Wind and water energy are simply mechanical energy , Infact they are quiet similiar.One is the movement of gaseous particles while the other is the movement of liquid systems.

I meant how does it become electricity. Your talking about a solid state liquid, what is done by dynamo to make it transform into energy? are you saying there is electricity in water and they basically using instruments to remove that electricity? what needs to occur with the water and dynamo, this is the real stuff not the laws.

Laws and stuff are basically nonsensical human stuff, there is no law in real nature, it's how we describe it only, so we can understand. It's like saying their is numbers, their really isn't. Numbers are used to measure thing only and you can measure anything. I could take energy and break it up into smallest component and start placing numbers, doesn't mean it's a number at all. You can do that with apples even or oranges or people or anything in the world.
I meant how does it become electricity. Your talking about a solid state liquid, what is done by dynamo to make it transform into energy? are you saying there is electricity in water and they basically using instruments to remove that electricity? what needs to occur with the water.

Laws and stuff are basically nonsensical human stuff, there is no law in real nature, it's how we describe it only, so we can understand. It's like saying their is numbers, their really isn't. Numbers are used to measure thing only and you can measure anything. I could take energy and break it up into smallest component and start placing numbers, doesn't mean it's a number at all. You can do that with apples even or oranges or people or anything in the world.

Well in a dynamo there is a conductor , Thsi anything with free charge carriers such as electrons etc.Then when you move this around in a magnetic field the charges feel a force ( magnetism force) the direction they go depends on their charge.Now if you have an + charge on one end and negative on the other you get s potential difference.This allows a flow of electron.For example for copper by swinging it around in a field we get a flow of electrons at the end.

If you are asking why this force occurs it's due to relativistic effects of the electric field.The electric field is created an electric charge.As for what charge is , we have only hap hazardous tried to answer this Quantum mechanics.Every question you ask involves so much background which you will need to read up on, if you want to reinvent it all then you must write.


I just read up it now, it makes sense their using metal again. Their basically using a motor and there is a converter in the materials are metallic and from this their speeding up the water and capturing it using the metallic magnet and once it hits the metal it begins the electricity process and they begin converting all that energy using a converter.

I'll try it sometime with magnetic tool near water and see what happens when I apply speed to it, maybe to small for the naked eye but it should attract some activity. The magnetic part strips the water from it's electricity, I guess you could do it to anything possibly humans also.


In short their slapping a motor behind magnetic metallic instrument, the motor gives the magnetic mettalic instrument speed to drain out the energy or electricity from the water source, once that is done they begin the conversion process and output probably in measurable units for appliances.

They will need to store it somewhere also, so there must be some storing component because it will be useless just going everywhere as you can't measure it and break it up and deliver it in sustainable units. What I vision and don't hold me to it, is when the electricity comes in from the magnetic force and speed applied, it starts to flood all that electricity and then it needs to be stored or captured somewhere and then there will be like some measurable hole where it comes out of so you can start breaking it up and controlling the flow.
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You know water, you need to store it in bottles or something like a container, then you apply a hole to let it out or else water will just go everywhere and I am sure electricity is no different. So what is this AC/DC crap? it's the same, it's electricity and the only difference can be how much or less nothing else not the form it takes. It's like water, it always be water sxb, just the way it's measured in water like liters is the difference.

Measurements anyone can really do, that's pretty straightforward stuff. The hard part is the capturing and then storing and working out how to release it in different strength and weakness.
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A good start would be to think about anything that is non physical in nature and how it's stored, as that can give you ideas how you would need to store electricity also. Ducts are good example for central heating, it's stored in one area and then delivered thru different ducting space. So maybe a box shape could store electricity and then u break it up like ducts into different strengths and weakness.

By the way how would magnetic metal work against light? light ain't got a body like water or wind to source from it's charge. Well it does have a body but u would need to be at sun.


Qolana Janno qolana naar
Besides how strong or weak does electricity get? you would really need to measure it's output carefully so it doesn't explode end products that need it. Like ovens, fridges, electronics, electric cars, lights. It would need measuring on the electricity part and knowing what the end product can handle or what it needs to function without blowing up. The amount of energy say a laptop or lightbulb needs is nowhere near what a fridge or oven would require. If you applied the same electricity from oven or fridge to a light bulb or laptop it would blow up as the device isn't intended for that much energy.

I can see how heat or cold can come from electricity. Look at our noses, when u blow out sxb that's air yet it's stored in your nose all of that energy. U could do the same if you know how to store water and apply something to generate air from it.

All you would need to figure out is how to heat or make the water cold and from that will come hold or cold air and then it's storing it in pipes and all the air and transferring it to whatever you want. Romans used to heat water with fire underneath it.
The up and down transformers will do the job. The voltage that comes to the house is enough only to run ur equipment. Not more not less.


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Modern elec systems dont bother with storing the elect. Its about delivery that is it.

You will need massive batteries to store the energy.

That is y hospitals run generators as back up right after the electr is cut off during storms etc


Qolana Janno qolana naar
Source to up transformer to increase voltage to high levels to minimize loss to the wires to down transformer to ur home.

There are alot of safety devices in use to protect the the system incase of emergency


Source to up transformer to increase voltage to high levels to minimize loss to the wires to down transformer to ur home.

There are alot of safety devices in use to protect the the system incase of emergency

How in the world do they handle all that energy entering it's dynamo if they don't store it first and then break it up into measurable units? It would be like a flood and chaotic. Their must be a storing process or at the very least the dynamo must be designed in a way to allow for only certain amount of energy to enter it. Yes I know the end products must be delivered in standard strength, that's why most big appliances go direct to the wall outlet while smaller devices use their own adaptors to lessen the voltage to their device.
How in the world do they handle all that energy entering it's dynamo if they don't store it first and then break it up into measurable units? It would be like a flood and chaotic. Their must be a storing process or at the very least the dynamo must be designed in a way to allow for only certain amount of energy to enter it. Yes I know the end products must be delivered in standard strength, that's why most big appliances go direct to the wall outlet while smaller devices use their own adaptors to lessen the voltage to their device.
Note The energy being deliver is voltage multiplied Current.The reason we max voltage is because we lose more energy if the current is high, so we simply increase the voltage with transformers.The trick here is that voltage and current can be changed however you want but the multiplication has to be conserved!
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