Election delays force Somali Government to request extension from the IMF

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission chief for Somalia Laura Jaramillo, have yesterday discussed Somalia’s IMF budget program which is due for a review in the middle of May 2022.

In the meeting, the IMF warned that it might have to stop its program in Somalia if there is no new government in place by the time of the pending review and that election delays mean a new administration may not be ready to endorse planned reforms in time, forcing an automatic termination. This will risk the disbursement of budget support grants, opening a financing gap, and without other financing options available for the Somali government, the financing gap could result in new domestic arrears, meaning delays in payment of wages, allowances, and essential goods and services; and derail the timing for the HIPC Completion Point and full debt relief, the IMF said.

The previous review took place on November 18, 2020. The delay has already taken a toll on finances, which has been worsened by a months-long feud between the president and the prime minister.

Political uncertainty and election delays are also affecting Somalia’s IMF-supported program. All IMF-supported programs are reviewed by the IMF Executive Board on a semi-annual basis to assess whether commitments are adequate to achieve the program’s objectives”, the IMF said in a statement.

It now looks certain Somalia will need an extension for a review, because of the election delay, but it is not automatic as it would still depend on the approval of the IMF Executive Board. it seems very unlikely a new government committed to Somalia’s financial reform agenda would be in place to agree to a deal. The IMF needs a commitment of at least three months before the review, the source said .

Although Somalia has maintained strong reform momentum, the regular review of Somalia’s IMF-supported program is overdue. The next review can only move forward an agreement with the new government, after the elections, on the objectives and key policies under the program and confirmation from development partners that financing will be forthcoming.

Analysts are sceptical about the possibility of elections concluding in May, with some suggesting that, despite being behind schedule over a year, it could drag on until June, this year.

According to sources privy to the meeting, president Farmajo distanced himself from the election delays, noting it was no longer his responsibility, citing that he handed over election management to Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble.

Every month, there is $10m gap between the government revenue and its expenditure. Somalia’s international partners stopped their budgetary support to Somalia, following delayed elections. Because of these delays, budget support grants in 2021 were only US$38 million, compared to US$170 million expected in the budget. So far, the resources provided to Somalia as part of the IMF’s 2021 SDR allocation (SDR157 million) have been compensating for this revenue shortfall, but these resources will run out in a few months unless budget support is disbursed.
According to the HOL source, political harmony and an agreed-upon election outcome would determine basis for the reinstatement of development partners' budget support to Somalia.

The IMF says achieving full debt relief at Completion Point is well within reach for Somalia if all requirements are met, and could be attained as early as next year. However, continued political uncertainty and election delays risk derailing the whole process.
This nacas farmajo will certainly make Somalia miss it .

Weve been waiting for this opportunity since 2013

Everyone is more focused on elections I dont think these politicians are aware of this .

It wouldve reduced our 5.2Biion debt to only


If the debt release programme goes down the drain I blame it on those who delayed the election not just Rooble, but Deni, Madoobe, Badbaado Moriyaan and ASWJ.
If the debt release programme goes down the drain I blame it on those who delayed the election not just Rooble, but Deni, Madoobe, Badbaado Moriyaan and ASWJ.

Ninyaho how you going to blame badbado qaran and aswj when they arent currently in somali politics ?
You going to blame everyone except the nacas farmajo ehh ?
Let me remind you of the situation
And the spoilers whose holding us back

This is today's,
how many mps were selected from garbaharey so far ?

Farmajo shoulders 90% of the blame while the garbaharey militia shoulders the rest 10% .
U.s embassy statement on this matter.

Something weve been working hard on since 2013 will be reversed soon thanks to this out of mandate government dragging the (s)elections.
Update on the delayed IMF economic reform program

For months,
the federal government has kept quiet on this severe matter, hoping that the election impasse would resolve itself. Still, it has now become clear that the Somali government would not meet the deadline.

Every month, there is a $10m gap between the government revenue and its expenditure. Somalia's international partners stopped budgetary support to Somalia following delayed elections. Because of these delays, budget support grants in 2021 were only US$38 million, compared to US$170 million expected in the budget. So far, the resources provided to Somalia as part of the IMF's 2021 SDR allocation (SDR157 million) have been compensating for this revenue shortfall, but these resources will run out in a few months unless budget support is disbursed.

Government insiders have informed HOL that the extension request is not automatic as the IMF managing executive Board, the most senior governing body, has to approve. Additionally, all countries going through the reform program are expected to meet the deadlines set by the IMF and only allowed one exceptional request for extension through the reform program. It will be for the IMF leadership to now decide whether election delays can constitute a valid justification for an extension request.

Somalia had no choice but to ask for an extension because the mid-may deadline would not be met. Whatever happens, despite all of Somalia's reform progress, the delayed elections and the openly corrupted way the election process took place, Somalia's debt-relief and economic reform program are in serious trouble," said an international economic analyst HOL contacted who did not wish to be named.

All this is thanks to the delayed elections caused by farmajo .


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
Told ya Farmaajo is a clown wearing shoes too big for him.-Do you think he even underatands all of this- or how long somalia has been waiting?


It took us a while but now election is happening in little over a week. We will elect a president and our debt will be forgiven Inshallah :)
Told ya Farmaajo is a clown wearing shoes too big for him.-Do you think he even underatands all of this- or how long somalia has been waiting?

We've waiting 10 years and counting .
It's all thanks to former president HSM who put the time and effort to get this far ,


Its absurd how CBB have been taking the credit for debt forgiveness all these years when the N&N government are the ones who have delayed this .


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
We've waiting 10 years and counting .
It's all thanks to former president HSM who put the time and effort to get this far ,

View attachment 222319

Its absurd how CBB have been taking the credit for debt forgiveness all these years when the N&N government are the ones who have delayed this .
There were goals set for this gov-clear plan that would take decades to bring back the somali nation-Started with abdiqasim than c/yusuf aun-every president had a role to play in his tenure-Than comes this guy out of nowhere who decides to scrap the plan to go the opposite direction
while a mob of dimwits cheer him on


There were goals set for this gov-clear plan that would take decades to bring back the somali nation-Started with abdiqasim than c/yusuf aun-every president had a role to play in his tenure-Than comes this guy out of nowhere who decides to scrap the plan to go the opposite directionView attachment 222322 while a mob of dimwits cheer him on
We’ll be free soon. Inshallah


True Puntlander
Told ya Farmaajo is a clown wearing shoes too big for him.-Do you think he even underatands all of this- or how long somalia has been waiting?
Blames goes to hawiya to vote for him in place of M
Saxib this is a serious matter, dont bring qabiil to this . Your a big boy dont be afraid of the hawiye boogeyman under your bed .
That real facts in last elections, everyone knows which qabil vote for xarnaajo. Its good you guys learned your lesson.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
Blames goes to hawiya to vote for him in place of M

That real facts in last elections, everyone knows which qabil vote for xarnaajo. Its good you guys learned your lesson.
Ninyow hawiye were honest in this situation-They figured everybody was moving on letting the past go-To prove this they gave him chance-Boy were they rong.