Effects of Global warming are becoming more and more noticeable.

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Good rain or typhoon/hurricane beasts that kill thousands at once? If we're gonna be flooded it's basically useless and doesn't help.

I need to read up this shit. My understanding is that Somalia which is a desert will go full Sahara and so will most of the Sahel region of Africa. The Sahara will gain millions of km2 in just decades

Most of Somalia's desertification is due to charcoal harvesting not necessary due to the lowering rain fall levels.

In the Sahel region it's because the Sahara is actually expanding. Different dynamics.
Have y'all seen this?


  • The rapid loss of species we are seeing today is estimated by experts to be between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than the natural extinction rate.*
  • These experts calculate that between 0.01 and 0.1% of all species will become extinct each year.
  • If the low estimate of the number of species out there is true - i.e. that there are around 2 million different species on our planet** - then that means between 200 and 2,000 extinctions occur every year.
  • But if the upper estimate of species numbers is true - that there are 100 million different species co-existing with us on our planet - then between 10,000 and 100,000 species are becoming extinct each year.

Yikes :tacky:


Polar bears and hippos have joined the ranks of threatened species, along with a third of amphibians and a quarter of mammals and coniferous plants, according to the World Conservation Union.

By the time you have kids the only time you''ll be seeing Polar bears and Hippos will be in a Zoo, they'll be nonexistent in the wild at this rate :tocry:

Fish are in particular danger, with more than half of freshwater species in the Mediterranean basin facing threats and formerly common ocean fish such as skate disappearing.

Say bye bye to Somalias future food solution :5hcpspq:

At present, animals are believed to be going extinct at 100 to 1,000 times the usual rate, leading many researchers to claim that we are in the midst of a mass extinction event faster than that which wiped out the dinosaurs.


Humanity is the worst thing that ever happened to this earth. We are literally the most destructive specie to ever exist :wow:

Time to hit the reset button
Somali coastline is one of the longest in Africa and has been largely untapped apart from foreign fishing trawlers.

If done sustainably I think fishing can more than enough meet somalias food demands and probably open up markets for export. Couple this with rice and potato farming and you got yourself a balanced staple meal that will make somalia stronk :rejoice:

At this rate Kenya and Ethiopia will snatch our coastline before we get our shit together :wow:
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Cultural revolution
Scientists have been crying about this since the 90s and no one gave a shit lmao. Now this thing is slowly creeping into reality.


Cultural revolution
@Amun is right. Apparently Somalia will be green again :rejoice:

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