Economics Vs Political hostility: Discrimination Vs Hardwork & No Victimhood

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Here im going to prove how victimhood mentality & cry babying is Self Defeating.. I will draw on various example Including From Somali Business sucsess in Africa and the Middleast but also start a debate on Economic future of Somalis in the west and how its different from generation to generation.

An emphasis on entrepeneurship & High education rather than on politics and discrimination.

To start of this Thread i will highlight an interview with The World Celebrated Economist and Author Thomas Sowell.


Interviewer: What about the role of politics in the economic future of blacks in this country?

Thomas Sowell: I would draw upon the experience of other countries and other groups. I can't think of a single group anywhere in the world who has risen from poverty to affluence through politics. Any number of groups who has risen from poverty to affluence to almost everyother concievable means. When i look at the groups who have spectacular rises like the jews and the chinese,they are almost enviably groups who stayed away from politics and they usually stayed from poltics until after they became affluence, then some of them could Afford to go in to politics, but that was not the mechanism by which they got where they are.

Interviewer: What was the Mechanism?

Thomas Sowell: Basically work, skills and Savings.

Interviewer: You are saying that then that the train on the black community, in terms of voter registration and political empowerment is on the wrong track?.

Thomas Sowell: I think if what you expect out of that is economic advancement for the mass of black people, now if all that you are looking for is some advancement on part of the leaders or what you looking for something that has happened during the civil rights revolution where you need to get the southern process system broken, that is an enourmous achievement through politics as i have pointed in my books. Its not that politics can't do anything , it the question that politics like anything else has somethings it can do and somethings it can't do. From what i have seen from groups around the world economically , one of the things its seems not to be able to do is raise groups from Poverty to Affluence.

Interviewer: Who controls the society? Those who are in political control or those who are in economic control.

Thomas Sowell: Those with economic skills tend to advance wether they have any political power or not and those without those skills tend not advance even when they have great political power.

Interviewer: What about dominating the society? Do you Dominate a society through politics or through economics?

Thomas Sowell: It depends on how you define it. Malyasia For example the malays have overhelming politicall domination over their society and they use it ruthessly against the chinese minority. The chinese still make double the income of the malays on average.

Interview: You make a Statement in the book: ''Discrimination has been prevasive but not prevasively effective'' what does that mean?

Thomas Sowell: In means that people have discriminated against other people where ever they had the power to do it almost everywhere in the world and almost every period of history.
Some groups are kept back by this and for some groups it seems to make no difference whatever. In so far for example if you have entrepeneurial skills. The fact that people didnt hire jews in the 19th century , didnt stop the jews from hiring eachother and dominating industries such as garmen industri or the beginning of a great hollywood movie studios and other areas of the economy. It is the Skills that are crucial and not the fact that other people are willing or unwilling to hire you , even groups that have a great animosity towards other groups will nevertheless hire the members of those groups with skills in the long run if there are enough of them to make it worthwhile.

Interviewer: What is the lesson in that statement for black Americans?

Thomas Sowell: Skills are what matters, if other people will not aknowledge your skills in the short run, then those same skills are useful in the black community with other blacks. It what has made other groups advance from poverty to affluence, i know of nothing else that has actually really done it.


Interviewer: Are you due suspected that you maybe to be guilty of De-Emphasizing the effects of racism in that pattern?

Thomas Sowell: Everything is a possibility, but as i look up the data i dont find any correlation between the degree of racism and the degree to which groups advance. That is if you look up the history of the chinese in South East Asia , the hostility they have encountered there will compare any hostility the Blacks have encountered here. There have been number of occassions in the history of South East Asia where the number of chinese killed in a few days exceeded all the blacks lynch in the history of the united states, so they are enormously hated.

Interviewer : what about the Jews?

Thomas Sowell : Well of course the jews same thing has happened with the jews numerous times a few thousand killed here and a few thousands kill there. Ofc under the Nazis millions killed. The groups that have suffered the most violence and i use that as one index group hostility and racism. Those groups have typically been middle men minorities Chinese,the jews, the armenians , The ebows in Nigeria 30 thousand of those were killed and massacres, just within our time. Yet i dont find any correlation in the long run between the economics and the political hostility.
Here is an Important Somali Proverb:

Rag waxaa u liita ma toshe, ma tashade iyo ma tashiishe
~The worst man is he who never sews, never consults and never economizes ( There is no social value for he who can’t consult his mind, can’t manage his assets wisely or can’t help himself otherwise)

I will draw upon more examples of how there is no correlation between discrimination and to the degree in which somalis advance.

Somalis are hated grotesquely killed ,massacred and raped in kenya , you even have people making videos displaying their animosity towards us somalis in kenya. They are treated far worse than AA's in america

Yet economically we are one of the most sucsessful in kenya and the most entrepeneurial and have various top positions in the kenyan society including out doing them in education.

Even in Refugee camps we are working and economizing
IT entrepreneurs find surprise success in Kenya's Dadaab refugee camps

South Africa

South africans hate us they kill us burn down our shops and even loot us. Even their politicians spew hatred towards us.
They burn uss and stone us to the death

Yet we are Dominating in businesses in south Africa even out doing the chinese in the process.

They are ailing refugees who are institutionally dicriminated yet sucessesful.

its the same thing all over africa , including the middeleast i could display examples after example how discrimination have no correlation to somali advancement.

This Victimhood Western diaspora youth push is not productive just get to work. It is self defeating to lower your standards and has severe consequences when you sit around whine cry and transfer responsibility onto others.

We need to focus on Education ,Entrepeneurship and Self Suffeciency

Education: meaning higher degrees specifically in, economics,math and science. Going to college for the sake of going to college will not do us any good especially when it comes to fields we specifically major in.

Entrepeneurship: taking advantage of the cultural & religious factors involved when doing business, aquiring skill, employing eachother and investing in the community. Saving organizing our businesses.

Self Suffiency: Marrying eachother, educating eachother

Do not put much in importance on politics & discrimination becuz this will have zero impact in advancing somalis especially economically in the western world.

No excuses no victimhood no self dehumanization or self demonization,
Just hardwork and cohension.
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