DP World seeking a port deal with Barawe

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We have the largest coastline but we are landlocked by the arabs
It's not even about coastline now, these khaleejis won't make shit on these little ports now, they'll be funneling weapons and explosives to punish us for going against there wishs on cutting of qatars petty gulf problems.
It's not even about coastline now, these khaleejis won't make shit on these little ports now, they'll be funneling weapons and explosives to punish us for going against there petty gulf problems.

They won't be funneling weapons but will own the rights of the ports and will sit on it for the lifetime of the lease to stick it to Farmaajo. Either that or they are buying his support to undermine Farmaajo. They got Somaliland to "cut ties with Qatat" who knows what sakiin will say in the next few days after the deal is inked. If he denounces the SFG position in the Gulf feud then UAE is just messing with our sovereignty


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I don't think these folks understand how federalism works.

Should honestly just copy the us constitution and call it a day.
This is just wishful thinking and an opportunity for photo-op, I thought by now people understood how Somali politician's operate, they take a picture with some lowly delegate or sometimes a medium ranked one, then spread rumours about a deal that was done to massage their ego's and keep themselves relevant to the public (classic PR)

Sakiin cannot even visit Baraawe without very heavy protection and even then he doesn't stay there too long, it was only this year or so he was able to do this, Guleed did the same photo-op with both UAE/Iraq/China for Hobyo, this is how Somali politician's stay relevant with falsehoods like this.

Even if by 1% chance this is not the usual smokescreen, the Government/Turks will block this without a doubt as this will threaten their main revenue stream, they managed to block Hiirshabelle Ceel-Macaan port, a far more powerful proposition with heavyweights behind it, Baraawe is nothing in comparison, UAE have no skin in the game here.
Baraawe is beautiful town and should be maintained like Santorini in Greece. Imagine how beautiful it will be as tourism town with blue windows and white houses.
This is just wishful thinking and an opportunity for photo-op, I thought by now people understood how Somali politician's operate, they take a picture with some lowly delegate or sometimes a medium ranked one, then spread rumours about a deal that was done to massage their ego's and keep themselves relevant to the public (classic PR)

Sakiin cannot even visit Baraawe without very heavy protection and even then he doesn't stay there too long, it was only this year or so he was able to do this, Guleed did the same photo-op with both UAE/Iraq/China for Hobyo, this is how Somali politician's stay relevant with falsehoods like this.

Even if by 1% chance this is not the usual smokescreen, the Government/Turks will block this without a doubt as this will threaten their main revenue stream, they managed to block Hiirshabelle Ceel-Macaan port, a far more powerful proposition with heavyweights behind it, Baraawe is nothing in comparison, UAE have no skin in the game here.
Thank u for ur input sxb, u know the situation on the ground more than us.:whew:

My blood pressure went thru the roof for a minute


It's not even about coastline now, these khaleejis won't make shit on these little ports now, they'll be funneling weapons and explosives to punish us for going against there wishs on cutting of qatars petty gulf problems.

Nothing can enter without them knowing national security is finished they really do control or will soon control us
The central government must reduced the federal States' S power or at least changed these traitors governors with new governors who are faithful to Somalia.
The central government must reduced the federal States' S power or at least changed these traitors governors with new governors who are faithful to Somalia.
unfortunately somalia is too soft on traitors. They're given cushy positions and pandered to so they don't incite a rebellion :icon neutral:

classic pigs with lipstick :rolleyes:
I think african countries should come together and form an anti exploitation coalition to intervene every time snakes try to cut deals with corrupt countries so dirty politicians can sell their own country and resources for pennies
This is Legit, Pres sharif sakiin has the right to want to see his state prospour like all other states, barawe will be the bosaso or berbera of southwest state, the may may govt will get revenue which they don't get now. The strategic location :icon lol: of thier port will prospour the region, and the digil and 0.5 ppl can have barawe as thier business capital.
I support this and think these ppl deserve it.

Ps nice move by the UAE


It's all so tiresome

This is all on Farmaajo.

If he can't keep his house in order and karbash these clowns into submission then he doesn't deserve a second term.

Regardless whether Somalia ends up as a Federal or Central system; Xamar needs to have some leverage over these state "presidents".

In the US there is the national guard which keeps the states under control. We need a domestic guard (not an army) for taking care of these kind of jobs.

Whoever has the biggest stick still makes the rules since the start of Siad Barre's coup. Nothing has changed and Farmaajo needs to quickly realize that and put the fear of God into these clowns.



Just know that when WW3 breaks out, I'm waging war against these sand coons :fittytousand:

With what a toyata pick up with 30 men and 16 kalasnikovs whilst there soilders will use uavs from the comfort of the homes in dubai or better still pay your sub clan rivals to shot you
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