Downtown Hargeisa looks cool, I kinda wanna visit/live there

Why Hargeisa?
Didn't you get the memo? Isaaq are honorary Oromos now.


''In the areas of cultivation and in cities, different ethnic groups have specific relationships of interaction and exchange of service.
This is especially the case in the Rahanwein and Digil inter-river area. Some of the groups interact as equals, others in a patron and client relationship.
Displaced clans or lineages of the larger Somali tribes are usually accepted as equals; clans or lineages surviving from tribes which have dwindled and disappeared are less accepted because of their weakness but have no disabilities or impediments to marriage in Somali customary law.
This includes the Akisho clan of the Oromos, who are scattered in small groups among the Habr Awal Isaaq.
The Isaaq intermarry with them and recognize their right to own land. These maintain their identity as Oromos but are accepted on equal status by the Somalis, being under the protection of Habr Awal lineages.
When an Akisho lineage wished to join a Habr Awal group, they were adopted without any protest save from the other Akisho who were losing members.
Oromos are generally accepted as related to the Somali because of their way of life rather than their physical or lingsuitic relationship; the WaBoni, whose language, like Somali and Oromo, is also Cushitic, are not so accepted because of their differing way of life.
The specific test of Oromo political and social status, however, is their ability to pay dia [blood money] without the aid of their protectors/patrons among the Isaaq; those who cannot may hold land only as tenants.''

[Area Handbook for Somalia: Co-authors: Irving Kaplan [et Al.] Research and Writing Were Completed on June 15, 1969
Front Cover
American University (Washington, D.C.). Foreign Area Studies
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1969 - Somalia - 455 pages
Page 93]

:) :D