Does Puntland have massive aquifers like Saudi?


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@Hilmaam DDS is same soil as Mudug and their breadbasket already and possibly food secure and exporting excess. PL is blessed. Bari-Nugaal soil is similar to egyptian nile river soil
A lot of DDS has same soil as puntland. Inland they have more fertile vertisol soil.

we can definitely grow crops with our soils it will just require a lot more investment to make it happen. First step to solution is defining problem . A lot of literature on how to best utilize gypsisol and calcisol we should leverage existing knowledge no need to learn hard way since people already did before us


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Vertisol soil video same somali guy shared on his YouTube channel found in harti territory in “somaliland” as well as Isaaq territory and also found alot in south of Somalia and Ethiopia as well. It’s more fertile and easier to grow crops. It’s also heavily found in India.



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I’m gonna try to find the somali soil map he used in his video that shows cities and soil types to better pinpoint location versus African one I shared


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Couldn’t access alot of textbooks so asked chat gpt best crops for each soil. Tool amazes me everyday crazy ass cadaan people next level

Gypsisols are soils that are characterized by a high proportion of gypsum in the soil profile. Gypsum is a mineral that is used in various industries, including agriculture. While Gypsisols can be challenging to farm due to their low water-holding capacity and high salinity, certain crops can thrive in these soils with proper management practices.

Some of the crops that are suitable for growing in Gypsisols include:

  1. Cotton: Cotton is a drought-resistant crop that can tolerate high levels of salinity. It is a major cash crop in many countries that have Gypsisols.
  2. Barley: Barley is a cool-season cereal crop that can be grown in Gypsisols. It is a hardy crop that can tolerate drought and saline conditions.
  3. Forage crops: Forage crops such as alfalfa, clover, and ryegrass can be grown in Gypsisols. These crops are often used as animal feed and can help improve soil health.
  4. Citrus fruits: Some citrus fruits, such as grapefruit and lemons, can be grown in Gypsisols. These crops are often grown in areas with warm climates and low rainfall.
  5. Vegetables: Some vegetables, such as spinach, carrots, and onions, can be grown in Gypsisols. However, these crops require proper irrigation and nutrient management to grow successfully.
It is important to note that the suitability of crops for Gypsisols depends on various factors, such as soil depth, drainage, and fertility. Farmers should consult with local agricultural experts to determine the best crops to grow in their particular Gypsisol.


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Calcisols are soils that are characterized by a high proportion of calcium carbonate in the soil profile. These soils are typically found in dry regions and can be challenging to farm due to their low water-holding capacity and high alkalinity. However, with proper management practices, certain crops can be grown successfully in Calcisols.

Here are some crops that are suitable for growing in Calcisols:

  1. Grapes: Grapes are a popular crop that can be grown in Calcisols. The high pH of these soils can help to reduce the risk of grapevine diseases such as powdery mildew.
  2. Olive trees: Olive trees are another crop that can be grown successfully in Calcisols. These trees are adapted to dry conditions and can tolerate high levels of alkalinity.
  3. Almonds: Almonds are a nut crop that can be grown in Calcisols. These trees require a low amount of water and can thrive in arid conditions.
  4. Cactus fruits: Cactus fruits such as prickly pear and pitaya can be grown in Calcisols. These fruits are adapted to dry conditions and can tolerate high levels of alkalinity.
  5. Pistachios: Pistachio trees are another nut crop that can be grown in Calcisols. These trees require a low amount of water and are adapted to dry conditions.
It is important to note that the suitability of crops for Calcisols depends on various factors, such as soil depth, drainage, and fertility. Farmers should consult with local agricultural experts to determine the best crops to grow in their particular Calcisol. Additionally, proper soil management practices such as pH control and soil amendment can help to improve the fertility of these soils and increase crop productivity


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Vertisols are soils that are characterized by high clay content and the ability to expand and contract with changes in moisture levels. These soils are typically found in tropical and subtropical regions and can be challenging to farm due to their low water infiltration rate and high potential for soil cracking. However, with proper management practices, certain crops can be grown successfully in Vertisols.

Here are some crops that are suitable for growing in Vertisols:

  1. Cotton: Cotton is a crop that can be grown successfully in Vertisols. The deep soil profile and ability of these soils to hold water can provide an advantage in dry regions.
  2. Sorghum: Sorghum is a cereal crop that can be grown in Vertisols. These crops are tolerant to drought and can produce high yields in areas with low rainfall.
  3. Soybeans: Soybeans are a legume crop that can be grown in Vertisols. These crops have the ability to fix nitrogen in the soil, which can help to improve soil fertility.
  4. Peanut: Peanuts are a crop that can be grown in Vertisols. These crops require well-drained soil and are adapted to dry conditions.
  5. Rice: Rice is a crop that can be grown in Vertisols in regions with high rainfall. These soils can provide an advantage in areas with high water table due to their ability to hold water.
It is important to note that the suitability of crops for Vertisols depends on various factors, such as soil depth, drainage, and fertility. Farmers should consult with local agricultural experts to determine the best crops to grow in their particular Vertisol. Additionally, proper soil management practices such as mulching, cover cropping, and conservation tillage can help to improve the soil structure and increase crop productivity.