Does anyone here go through depersonalisation and brain fog


It's like watching my self in 3rd person it's scary I don't know how to get rid of it. I think I might need quran saar
You're eating something you're sensitive to, it was gluten for me, I cut off all carbs for about 3-4 months when I did keto and had abundant energy, nowadays I still reduce my carb intake, but eat plenty of healthy carbs high in fibre, like kale, broccoli and salads etc...
You're eating something you're sensitive to, it was gluten for me, I cut off all carbs for about 3-4 months when I did keto and had abundant energy, nowadays I still reduce my carb intake, but eat plenty of healthy carbs high in fibre, like kale, broccoli and salads etc...

This and also its evil eye or Jinn I get it too sometimes. Reading quran works. Read as much quran as u can.
Get your hormones checked, your vitamin levels checked. Start there.
Also how stressful is your life right now?
how well are you sleeping?

A lot of the times, basic lifestyle changes is all you need.
Get your hormones checked, your vitamin levels checked. Start there.
Also how stressful is your life right now?
how well are you sleeping?

A lot of the times, basic lifestyle changes is all you need.
I might need to change bad habits like staying home all day not going out often and eating foods that lack nutritional benefits I often go to the gym atleast twice a week but nothing changes I'm still dissociating. Bringing myself closer to the Deen will help.
I might need to change bad habits like staying home all day not going out often and eating foods that lack nutritional benefits I often go to the gym atleast twice a week but nothing changes I'm still dissociating. Bringing myself closer to the Deen will help.
You'll get out of it inshallah young man.
Eat lots of veggies, some meat and exercise everyday.
If you can, pick up a sport and play it 3 times a week, on days you aren't going to the gym and stay away from if you are consuming it.
You'll get out of it inshallah.


“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
3rd person like it’s Minecraft or something in all seriousness I hope that you get rid of whatever it is
It's like watching my self in 3rd person it's scary I don't know how to get rid of it. I think I might need quran saar
I had gone through something similar to this three years ago because I was being forced to help people that I would never get back in return and stole six months from me. I was on the verge of starting to talk to myself, and the crazy thing about it was all Hooyo's fault. What I did to solve this problem was to become an asshole. Now, people would pull teeth out before asking me for help. To become an asshole, you need a new mindset of "me first." I don't like being an asshole. It is a survival tactic to keep in mind and accomplish my goals.