Do you think the Muslim community bends over backwards when someone cadaan takes the Shahadah?


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Yes because they dont welcome black converts with the same energy
Yes because they dont welcome black converts with the same energy
The biggest reason for revert Muslims leaving islam after taking the shahadah is because the lack of family and community. Like spending eid alone and not living in a muslim household.
The welcome cadaan reverts receive doesn’t last long. As a poster mentioned, being a revert can be very lonely. No family to celebrate Eid with, no sense of community and the list continues. It’s a shame that certain colorist communities don’t welcome black reverts in the same manner but ultimately white reverts are also forgotten about after a while. Also, don’t get me started on how difficult marriage can be for reverts. For the men, sometimes certain communities aren’t receptive and for the women, I’ve heard horrible tales of exploitation with cadaan revert females being excited in the beginning and then later on being preyed upon by terrible minded men who take advantage of the lack of male family members of these women.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
That’s because people are used to Black reverts at least in places like the US and Canada/
They aren’t used to black reverts, they assume every black person is a revert
Anytime any famous/popular black person says they are muslim, the comments be asking when they reverted