Do you feel more closer to Ethio&eri (incl. Oromo) or Arab and other “ethnic” Muslims

I just wanted to see how you guys guys feel about your “neighbors” and how you view them culturally and genetically, as well as how much you interact with them in the west


^ Ethiopian


^ Somali


^ Ethiopian


^ Somali


^ arabs


Minister of Propaganda
Sudanese, Yemeni and Omani people.

In that order.

However honourable mention to Ethiopians.

Edit: @Nilotic by Sudanese, I mean both North and South.

Edit again: I forgot about Harari’s, they’re number one.
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Minister of Propaganda
How assimilated are the daroods in dhofar?

For all intents and purposes the Somalis there are basically Omani.

They hold citizenship, most don’t speak Somali and have little cultural connection to back home.

Basically similar to Carab Salaax in Somalia who are basically Somali but are Arab in tribe name only.


Minister of Propaganda
Damn those assimilated Daroods reay left a footprint Into Omani dhaqan

Everyone also wears the Somali koofiyad.

Funniest thing is their national museum tho, they claim Mogadishu was founded by Omanis and claim a lot of Somali work as Omani.

They had a lifesize medieval Somali ship in the museum but claimed it was Omani.

Basically what’s mine is mine but what’s yours is also mine lol.
People tend to over exaggerate our closeness to Arabs and people from that continent, including Yemenis.

If we look objectively, other horners are closer to us in terms of language, culture, custom etc. similarities. In fact, I would put it in this order:

1. Harari, Afar, Eastern/North eastern Oromo
2. Sudanese, (Muslim) Eritreans, Yemenis
3. Arabs and other ethnicities.

However, depending on where Somalis are from and where they live. Each one, will feel closer to a certain ethnic group, more than others.

For me, whose family are from north western DDS, (as much as I feel very clearly distant from them and feel like we are two completely different people in all regards, despite what we have in common) Haraghe Oromos are closest to my family. I’ve even be willing to make the claim that they are more closer to Somalis than let say a western oromo (culturally). Since Oromo is a confederation of oromized people. Quite many of them speak Somali (and we speak oromo), they have adapted similar or straight copy of traits from our culture. (Hence why there even are discussions of Oromos culturally appropriate Somali culture. 9/10 it’s always Haraghe Oromos. From clothes, to food and even cultural dances. It will be an eye opening if you visit Dire Dawa in particular, as some of them can pass as Somalis…). Don’t know how valid this comparison is, but I don’t think it would be far off from the relations between southern Somalis and Somali Bantus, except that they claim Somali. As we both have lived 100+ years together.

A Djiboutian would most likely say Afar. And northern and north Eastern Somalis + Somalis that have lived in Yemen, would probably feel closer to them. So it all depend on the region in question.
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I just wanted to see how you guys guys feel about your “neighbors” and how you view them culturally and genetically, as well as how much you interact with them in the west
I’m closer to anyone who’s Muslim. An Albanian or Nigerian Muslim is closer to me than a Kafir who’s Somali.
At university, I had friends of Arab (mostly Egyptians & Yemenis (almost like family) ), Sudanese (had lovely times on Fri. gatherings with some decent Sudanese food), Ethiopians (discovered their Anjera, which has a different taste to our laxoox - one of them was Haile Selassie's grandson), and Eritrean (awfully nice people, if a bit apprehensive). I also had close friends of Indian, Pakistani, and Bangoli extraction.
I was closest to the Muslims, those from the Horn, and Arabs.


🇺🇸 PROUD MURICAN!!! Hamitic Horner Race
At university, I had friends of Arab (mostly Egyptians & Yemenis (almost like family) ), Sudanese (had lovely times on Fri. gatherings with some decent Sudanese food), Ethiopians (discovered their Anjera, which has a different taste to our laxoox - one of them was Haile Selassie's grandson), and Eritrean (awfully nice people, if a bit apprehensive). I also had close friends of Indian, Pakistani, and Bangoli extraction.
I was closest to the Muslims, those from the Horn, and Arabs.
Everyone also wears the Somali koofiyad.

Funniest thing is their national museum tho, they claim Mogadishu was founded by Omanis and claim a lot of Somali work as Omani.

They had a lifesize medieval Somali ship in the museum but claimed it was Omani.

Basically what’s mine is mine but what’s yours is also mine lol.
"We wuz xamariz"

Where's the ibadi somalis ?Bet they were claiming ma fahamtay is Omani greeting too :russ:


Minister of Propaganda
Bet they were claiming ma fahamtay is Omani greeting too :russ:

Faham is an Arabic loan word but you can tell “ma fahamtay” is Somali because of this:

“Ma” in Arabic is a negative, as in “I don’t” or “not”

But in Somali, “ma” in this context is “do you” or “did you”

But in Oman, they were using it as “do you understand” which is exactly how it is used in Somalia.

