GENETICS DNA Tests of ReerXamari individual

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Some groups like have San substratum as well. That's fairly cool.


Benadiris are barely Arab it seems. There is also a Bajuni individual on 23andMe [not mentioned on that blogpost] and he scores mostly Persian and South Asian (Indian subcontinent) for his non-African parts.



Man you guys are the definition of Muttbreeds , hybrids of all kinds of shit.
You are the definition of a jealous monkey lmao. I know who my forefathers married all the way to the one who came to Somalia.

I'm Omani on my paternal grandmothers side and they only came around 200 years ago, their lineage is well established, I'm related to the royal family of Oman and our lineages connect at Ahmad bin Said al-Busaidi (1710 – 15 December 1783).

My maternal grandmother is from 'Az-Zuhri' clan who migrated from Iraq descendants of Musa al-Zuhri who came to Mogudishu and he was a descendant of Uthman ibn Mohamed ibn Abdurrahman Ibn Awf Al Zuhri Al-Qurayshi (RA). J1(L859).

My qabil are descendants of Mohamed ibn Saeed ibn Muslim who was a descendant of Adiy ibn Hatim (RA). J1(M267).

My mums tribes are descendants of Imam Qaffal al-Shashi who was a Uzbekistani Persian Scholar this guys who is from the same tribe as my mum DNA is proof. R1a

It appears as though your jealous saaxib. I can trace all of the graves of my forefathers you bastard


@Amun, Do Omanis have South Asian ancestry there are groups like Balochis and etc, that are distant relatives of Sindhs that's live in Eastern Pakistan?


@Amun, Do Omanis have South Asian ancestry there are groups like Balochis and etc, that are distant relatives of Sindhs that's live in Eastern Pakistan?

Oman has many Balochis who are relatively recent transplants from Pakistan, but the indigenous Arabs of Oman are mostly similar to the other Arabians (Yemenis, Saudis etc). I don't think they have high levels of South Asian ancestry, only the Balochis living in Oman.


A lion like me does not get butthurt over the words of an insignificant jungle man. My phenotype screams Middle East. I'm as elite as you can get. Now kiss my hand, bastards. Peace.
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