Death by hilib ari

I never thought I’d say this but my experience in Somalia has turned me into a (almost) vegetarian. Not that I care for the animals or anything:mjpls:. Its just that I was eating such a ridiculous amount of hilib, that I’ve gotten sick of it. Oodhkac ( is that even how you spell it?) for breakfast. Hilib and the smallest portion of bariis for lunch (Ive never seen such a unnatural ratio of hilib to bariis in my life - the plate was 3/4 meat). And drum roll please…. bariis and hilib for dinner.

I started to feel like a picky and ungrateful khasaaro. People only slaughter an animal to honour their guests. I was being treated like a king. Naf dhan baa la ii qalay and I had the audacity to feel some type of way about it. So I sat down at every meal time nibbling down the food while my hosts insisted I eat more and more. To add salt to the wound, they would watch me eat so I had to fake my enthusiasm every-time. I did say no to a meal once - and I knew they felt disrespected, didnt do it again.

It reached a point where I could not stand the smell of hilib, I would dread going to my relatives houses. I spent my evenings giving myself abdomen massages for the constant indigestion.
This was honestly me at the table/dirin every meal time

I haven't had hilib since.... To this day, I avoid beef, goat and camel meat and rarely eat chicken. I stick to salmon and tuna.
I never thought I’d say this but my experience in Somalia has turned me into a (almost) vegetarian. Not that I care for the animals or anything:mjpls:. Its just that I was eating such a ridiculous amount of hilib, that I’ve gotten sick of it. Oodhkac ( is that even how you spell it?) for breakfast. Hilib and the smallest portion of bariis for lunch (Ive never seen such a unnatural ratio of hilib to bariis in my life - the plate was 3/4 meat). And drum roll please…. bariis and hilib for dinner.

I started to feel like a picky and ungrateful khasaaro. People only slaughter an animal to honour their guests. I was being treated like a king. Naf dhan baa la ii qalay and I had the audacity to feel some type of way about it. So I sat down at every meal time nibbling down the food while my hosts insisted I eat more and more. To add salt to the wound, they would watch me eat so I had to fake my enthusiasm every-time. I did say no to a meal once - and I knew they felt disrespected, didnt do it again.

It reached a point where I could not stand the smell of hilib, I would dread going to my relatives houses. I spent my evenings giving myself abdomen massages for the constant indigestion.
This was honestly me at the table/dirin every meal time
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I haven't had hilib since.... To this day, I avoid beef, goat and camel meat and rarely eat chicken. I stick to salmon and tuna.
That makes sense and got me thinking. We are a nomadic people that live off of meat and milk, as opposed to the West Africans, you can see why our people are so thin in comparison to them. While we evolved into becoming leaner to withstand our nomadic lifestyle and harsh environment, the WA's developed muscle with the aid of an agrarian existence and good climate. Interesting isn't it.
That makes sense and got me thinking. We are a nomadic people that live off of meat and milk, as opposed to the West Africans, you can see why our people are so thin in comparison to them. While we evolved into becoming leaner to withstand our nomadic lifestyle and harsh environment, the WA's developed muscle with the aid of an agrarian existence and good climate. Interesting isn't it.
It is interesting. you’d think Somalis would have evolved to have a lot of muscle from the amount of dairy and meat we consume.
maybe we walked all the muscle off


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I never thought I’d say this but my experience in Somalia has turned me into a (almost) vegetarian. Not that I care for the animals or anything:mjpls:. Its just that I was eating such a ridiculous amount of hilib, that I’ve gotten sick of it. Oodhkac ( is that even how you spell it?) for breakfast. Hilib and the smallest portion of bariis for lunch (Ive never seen such a unnatural ratio of hilib to bariis in my life - the plate was 3/4 meat). And drum roll please…. bariis and hilib for dinner.

I started to feel like a picky and ungrateful khasaaro. People only slaughter an animal to honour their guests. I was being treated like a king. Naf dhan baa la ii qalay and I had the audacity to feel some type of way about it. So I sat down at every meal time nibbling down the food while my hosts insisted I eat more and more. To add salt to the wound, they would watch me eat so I had to fake my enthusiasm every-time. I did say no to a meal once - and I knew they felt disrespected, didnt do it again.

It reached a point where I could not stand the smell of hilib, I would dread going to my relatives houses. I spent my evenings giving myself abdomen massages for the constant indigestion.
This was honestly me at the table/dirin every meal time
View attachment 252549
I haven't had hilib since.... To this day, I avoid beef, goat and camel meat and rarely eat chicken. I stick to salmon and tuna.

Good choice


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Are you a vegetarian/pescatarian?

I like Tuna above all. I am not a meat eater. But when i crave i eat goat meat from Somali restaurant, but it has to be super jileec -literally has to be soft and pulling apart. LOL

1 Tuna

2 Chicken

3 Goat meat
I like Tuna above all. I am not a meat eater. But when i crave i eat goat meat from Somali restaurant, but it has to be super jileec -literally has to be soft and pulling apart. LOL

1 Tuna

2 Chicken

3 Goat meat
Tuna is so reliable. I always have some at home. Great for a quick lunch.