Dear Atheists

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cismaan maxamuud
The Middle East got rich off oil
They don't manufacture anything, they don't produce anything intellectually, their universities are utter shite compared to western universities. The average IQ is under 90. Their only source of money is oil
If you want to see a theocracy without the blessing of black gold, take a look at Mauritania. Mauritania is an utter shithole and 20% of its people are slaves. And I don't want to go in on Pakistan, Saudi Arabias most successful project
when i said look at them now it was meant in a negative manner
Religion is a private thing? Says Who your prophet Darwin? Don't dictate what Islam is cause the Quran is in black & white it's clear as day & it says religion isn't a private thing otherwise there wouldn't be a call to prayer in Muslim countries 5 times a day, Somalia is a Muslim country so shariah is integral you have no choice in the matter since you're a gaal.

I get it you ain't a Muslim but where do you get off trying to dictate to our Muslim sisters what they can or cannot wear? You should have that conversation with your own people gaalo like Jessica miise Emma. If a person leaves the fold of Islam then they're an apostate gaal it hasn't got anything to do with the individual judging rather Allah has made it clear in the Quran as slaves we hear & simply obey. Since you're a kaffir you should be shunned an ostracised again that's not me judging its right there in the Quran, for your own sake don't go to Somalia & tell people you've apostated cause under shariah law you should be killed again that's not me going by my own whims & desires it's says so in the Quran. Homosexuality is forbidden in Islam & there's nothing you can say or do to change the Quran which is followed by 99% of Somalis.

It's quite evident to me that we will never see eye to eye on anything cause you're going off based on your whims & desires whereas I am a slave & only follow the will of my master Allah like the good slave that I am so I bid you Godspeed.

but why would homosexual and apostates be killed? what makes you think you can punish one of gods creations on his behalf? this is the exact issue with muslims today. this reminds me of that story in pakistan/afhanistan where a guy was wrongfully accused of burning the quran and a mob of muslims came and beat him up then threw stones at him and set his body on fire. even after it came out that it wasnt him, the imams still condoned the killing as "justice". but who are YOU that makes you think you can take the lives of innocent people becouse they don't follow your views on religion. live and let live walaal. let allah deal with those you think are kuffar. YOU talking a life is putting a dambi on yourself. just like those isis members that think throwing gays off buildings and beheading christians is gods will. its not.
I don't think your future would be bright if you come out. You'll be disowned, hated and despised from your whole family. :cosbyhmm:

I assume you want to marry a Somali man, even if he's extremely handsome, intelligent and has decent job. I don't think he'll ever marry you because you're a gaal.

I wish the best for you after you repent back to Islam. :salute:

Sxb I've already told them and I haven't been disowned yet.

Lol I'm not looking to marry someone religious no matter how rich or handsome they are. I swear those type of relationships always end up a mess.

Repent and revert back kulaha :drakekidding:kkkk thank u tho
you're an actual ciyaal.I'm happy right were i am thank you.Regarding Islam,i would like to see a day where all Muslim countries are unified under one banner,have a strong cohesive military and a just leader.Just like the golden age of islam when we weren't western puppets
During this 'golden age' no one was unified. Muslims have been takfiring on each other since day one sxb. How does one French tribe take over a large strip of land if the whole Islamic world is united??

But I'm the child apparently??


cismaan maxamuud
During this 'golden age' no one was unified. Muslims have been takfiring on each other since day one sxb. How does one French tribe take over a large strip of land if the whole Islamic world is united??

But I'm the child apparently??


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
but why would homosexual and apostates be killed? what makes you think you can punish one of gods creations on his behalf? this is the exact issue with muslims today. this reminds me of that story in pakistan/afhanistan where a guy was wrongfully accused of burning the quran and a mob of muslims came and beat him up then threw stones at him and set his body on fire. even after it came out that it wasnt him, the imams still condoned the killing as "justice". but who are YOU that makes you think you can take the lives of innocent people becouse they don't follow your views on religion. live and let live walaal. let allah deal with those you think are kuffar. YOU talking a life is putting a dambi on yourself. just like those isis members that think throwing gays off buildings and beheading christians is gods will. its not.
I didn't say homosexuals need to be killed what's up with the slander? I said apostates would be killed in Somalia since Somali is governed by shariah law if you don't like Allah law then don't go there Ayan hersi :comeon:

War yaa illahay yaqaano war I have no patience for this qumayo gaal nacaala iyo waxa tahay ba waas :pacspit:
what aspects of saudi arabian governance are you referring to
not allowing women to vote, not allowing them to leave the house without uniform (black hijab and abaya) or show off their "beauty", not allowing women to work in certain fields, not allowing KIDS of mix genders to study together, limiting any form of interaction with men, go for a swim, compete freely in sports, they need their guardians permission for marriage or divorce, travel if under 45, opening a bank account, etc. and the concept of "honour" (namuus) where the man is responsible for his female's honour. aha nd the most infamous...driving. you get the point.

Do you have any idea how many sultanates and caliphates were inside the Islamic world
The Fatimids
The Abbasids
The Seljuks
And a shit ton of other sultanates were in constant war with each other.
the Muslim world is probably more united now than ever

Also, if that map is true, how can a bunch of poor, hungry and exhausted europeans take over the holy land

That's a HUGE L for an empire that you claim to be that big


cismaan maxamuud

Do you have any idea how many sultanates and caliphates were inside the Islamic world
The Fatimids
The Abbasids
The Seljuks
And a shit ton of other sultanates were in constant war with each other.
the Muslim world is probably more united now than ever

Also, if that map is true, how can a bunch of poor, hungry and exhausted europeans take over the holy land

That's a HUGE L for an empire that you claim to be that big
look at the image closely,it says 750ce.This was a time of Islamic conquest and the Muslims were not divided yet.The crusades began at the end of the 11th century which was a time of turmoil for muslims because they were indeed divided.Also the mongols took advantage of this period and pillaged iraq all because the Muslims decided to break into several different groups and we are witnessing this phenomenon today.At this present moment we are divided like never before which precisely explains why we are susceptible to invasions e.g Iraq and Afghanistan
Maybe I was wrong, you'll end up marrying a west African descendent or properly Asian men.

But you'll never find a Somali man because he'll never marry a gaal. :chrisfreshhah:
definitely asian men :rejoice:. wouldn't be opposed to west african either :patrice:. i know many somali male gaals irl. even some of the muslims out here are borderline gaal. being a girl its easier though. i don't think id marry a muslim though


Accomplished Saaxir
but why would homosexual and apostates be killed? what makes you think you can punish one of gods creations on his behalf? this is the exact issue with muslims today. this reminds me of that story in pakistan/afhanistan where a guy was wrongfully accused of burning the quran and a mob of muslims came and beat him up then threw stones at him and set his body on fire. even after it came out that it wasnt him, the imams still condoned the killing as "justice". but who are YOU that makes you think you can take the lives of innocent people becouse they don't follow your views on religion. live and let live walaal. let allah deal with those you think are kuffar. YOU talking a life is putting a dambi on yourself. just like those isis members that think throwing gays off buildings and beheading christians is gods will. its not.

True there are almost as many interpretations as there are Muslims.

That said however there are some interpretations that are more plausible than others. Unfortunately IS practice an Islam that is heavily supported by the Qur'an and Sunnah.


Queen of the light
Why are poeple suprised atheist are amongst us you know what abu Bakr did to the muslims who apostisised when the phrophet died ? Yep he went on a slaughter crusade. Some of the things I read from the hadiths makes my heart wheep why are men so cruel ? I wish there was a peaceful way to make people unite not through slaughter beheadings enslavement etc, why do humans always pick the cruelest form of conquests

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
True there are almost as many interpretations as there are Muslims.

That said however there are some interpretations that are more plausible than others. Unfortunately IS practice an Islam that is heavily supported by the Qur'an and Sunnah.
No there is not, there are 4 madhabs and that's the main different interpretations that exists for fiqh.

Aqeedah there is only one and that's Sunni. Shias or Ahmadis don't count as different interpretations.

ISIS with their crazy satanic executions are far from Islam, no wonder why you're an atheist just look at this ignorance.


Why are poeple suprised atheist are amongst us you know what abu Bakr did to the muslims who apostisised when the phrophet died ? Yep he went on a slaughter crusade. Some of the things I read from the hadiths makes my heart wheep why are men so cruel ? I wish there was a peaceful way to make people unite not through slaughter beheadings enslavement etc, why do humans always pick the cruelest form of conquests

Abu bakar did the right thing, these apostates spread corruption
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