Dating Apps Is Not In Men's Favor


I was just looking at tinder and other dating apps and gee women do seem to have the upper hand and selection power of mating partner. I mean read this and google it yourself if you don't believe me

Tinder Gender DemographicsTinder has a gender imbalance, with 75% of users identifying as male

That's a pretty scary statistic and supports academic research that women decide who to mate with as 75% of the digital dating world is made up of men and 25% is women. The pool of female is scarce while the pool of males seeking a partner is extremely high and un even since sex is 50 50.

In short terms that means for every 10 guys a woman sees she is only considering 2 males and then those two males have to compete for her thru natural law of survival of the fittest.


This isn't a women bashing thread incels so go back to your underground rage forums lol. This is just to reassure men don't wonder why you stand no chance as the odds are against you and let destiny and fate or calaf plays it's role.

I mean U can try keeping up with your male friends having partners but I wouldn't lose sleep over it or let it control your life to get married, let destiny play it's role and enjoy your life sucker.
Dating apps are not realistic proxies for things on the ground. It says more about gender relations toward dating apps than dynamics taking place outside them without dating apps. That is why data taken from online companies should be automatically thrown in the bin if used to make broader statements on general or universal mate selection process trends.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Online dating has become the main way Americans meet romantic prospects.

People on dating apps contend with the paradox of choice. For instance, Tinder has millions of users, and the average active user has 140 daily matches. With the abundance of choice, that doesn't mean you're likely to be successful. It could lead to paralysis by analysis and dissatisfaction with the selection. When you are given the choice to select online, often, you'll spend more time searching and evaluating choices and likely won't find the best fit.

Also, you'll be more inclined to reverse your decision even if you find someone somewhat suitable. They call this choice overload or dating fatigue. People get into a rejection mindset when presented with more options. And, well, women are presented with more options, and there are fewer of them on there than men. They are also the gender much less likely to accept potential suitors, to begin with.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
I prefer meeting people organically but thats just me i guess.


Living well is the best revenge Duke of guacamole
Dating apps are destroying men there is no chance your getting a girl on there unless your a top 1 percent man


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement
Dating apps are destroying men there is no chance your getting a girl on there unless your a top 1 percent man
Most niggas could get matches if they fixed up their profile. No selfie shots, few pics of them doing shit with friends to show you're not a loser, have someone you know that's good with angles take a pic of you in fresh drip, a pet pic you get the picture. Not shirtless gym pics and a billion selfies that shit only attracts gay men. :ufdup:

Lakiin even after doing that and getting matches Online Dating is a soulless experience. It's a lot better to build a relationship organically in person instead of swiping on faces. :umad:

Someone you swiped left on could've been a future partner for the rest of your life if you just met her through a mutual friend or hobby. Instead she's gone replaced by a becky you broke up with 3 months ago. :hova:


Living well is the best revenge Duke of guacamole
Most niggas could get matches if they fixed up their profile. No selfie shots, few pics of them doing shit with friends to show you're not a loser, have someone you know that's good with angles take a pic of you in fresh drip, a pet pic you get the picture. Not shirtless gym pics and a billion selfies that shit only attracts gay men. :ufdup:

Lakiin even after doing that and getting matches Online Dating is a soulless experience. It's a lot better to build a relationship organically in person instead of swiping on faces. :umad:

Someone you swiped left on could've been a future partner for the rest of your life if you just met her through a mutual friend or hobby. Instead she's gone replaced by a becky you broke up with 3 months
We live in the west that’s not true get your passport


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement
This is not straight forward as many may assume. Watch this

Tinder and Bumble are khasaro for gender ratios but Hinge is pretty balanced. If you don't get much matches on there you're either doing something wrong or were shadow banned
These dating apps are usually 70-80% men and the remaining 20-30%woman always go for the top 5% of men so all these woman are all going for the best looking man
I’m genuinely looking forward to the anarchy that is to come when a MAJORITY of men realise their life is nothing but wage slaving for corporations and returning to an empty
home. Get the popcorn and Kool aid ready! All types of flavours YA HUURRRRD
I’m genuinely looking forward to the anarchy that is to come when a MAJORITY of men realise their life is nothing but wage slaving for corporations and returning to an empty
home. Get the popcorn and Kool aid ready! All types of flavours YA HUURRRRD
Being a wagie is a personal choice