Dark Matter Discussion


For all the science buffs, we know the definition of matter is

Matter is a substance made up of various types of particles that occupies physical space and has inertia.

In short it's something that is physical and can be observed in different states such as solid, liquid, gas within 'space' of course.

Now how does dark matter work? is it liquid, solids, and gas in dark space reversed? how can something be physical yet invisible to observe? how does this even come under 'physics' since their no physical attribute that is observable.

I know in science u can reach a set of conclusions thru 'symptoms' and not physically observable like mental illness, doctors work of symptoms not becuz they can 'experience' mental illness.


I left out dark energy becuz physical energy itself can have a non physical state like 'electricity', u don't see the energy running on your power-line, but u do see it's after effects.

But is their some dark matter of myself invisible, wouldn't this be 'soul' theory of religion.


I do something called "what I want"
Dark matter is not actually dark, it’s just not visible to us.

“Visible” means that it either reflects or emits light. if something is either completely transparent or a perfect black body. Then it would be invisible in space.

The way we know dark matter exists is because when we look at a system of stars, the total amount of kinetic energy present far exceeds how much SHOULD be there based on the visible stars.

This suggests that there are masses in the system that are not visible to us that are increasing the total kinetic energy of the system.

Hence we call it dark matter.


Dark matter is not actually dark, it’s just not visible to us.

“Visible” means that it either reflects or emits light. if something is either completely transparent or a perfect black body. Then it would be invisible in space.

The way we know dark matter exists is because when we look at a system of stars, the total amount of kinetic energy present far exceeds how much SHOULD be there based on the visible stars.

This suggests that there are masses in the system that are not visible to us that are increasing the total kinetic energy of the system.

Hence we call it dark matter.

So u mean the stars(suns) r producing way to much energy for it's mass, interesting calculation. Kinda like a 'fire' emiting way more energy then a house would need, the house being(sun). I can understand dark energy, but dark matter would make u think their hidden physical objects.


@Hot Ballah i love the 'laws' of science like gravity, space, motion, degradation, and most importantly 'energy'. It affects everything. Like the law of energy that it converts not disappears, is observable with everything even yourself u convert to dust, nothing disappears like black holes being the conversion process of 'dead sun' energy. When u look at everything the 'laws' make u ponder. For example since we know nothing disappears but converts, what happens to black holes and what process do they go thru when they die out? do they justs join 'space'? is all empty space former black holes.

What other great laws do u know as it can help u view many topics in a consistent approach
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Kinetic energy is about the 'motion' of masses


Formula is


Mass is based on 'weight', velocity is based on 'speed'. So what is the sun's weight and what is the 'speed' its moving out which shud tell us kenetic energy is producing is at the right level or higher level(dark matter)


I do something called "what I want"
@DR OSMAN Just like you said no Energy can be created or destroyed. So when we drop a bouncy ball, it should bounce forever however there is air resistance that slowly “steal” the kinetic energy of the ball. i.e the air particles were at rest but as they are knocked around by the ball, they start moving and gain kinetic energy. Where do they gain it from? The ball.

If we were to remove all air from the atmosphere and drop the ball, the ball would still slowly lose energy as it give it away as thermal energy while it comes into contact with the ground. (i.e the point of contact would heat up over time).

Let’s assume that there is no air resistance and the ball loses no energy over time. We could keep track of its energy over time as a graph and you’ll notice something peculiar.

When the ball falls it speeds up, hits the ground, slows down until it reaches 0 velocity at the top then falls back down. At the top of its peak v = 0 yet at the bottom v > 0. This means its kinetic energy is 0 at the top and high at the bottom. How come?

We have another energy called POTENTIAL energy. At the top of its trajectory the ball has high potential energy, this is because it’s high above the ground. Whereas at the bottom it has 0 potential energy. Think of it like this.

Formula for gravitational potential energy (near the earth) = mgh. where g is gravitational acceleration, h is height above the ground, and m is mass.

a brick held 1 metres above the ground has more potential energy than a feather held 10 metres off the ground since it is much more massive.

When you add kinetic and potential energy together we call it mechanical energy. THAT is what stays constant.

This is observed in all types of kinetic motions. For example there’s the simple spring oscillation. When you pull a mass on a spring, you increase its potential energy. Once you let go, as the spring shrinks the potential energy gets converted to kinetic energy (the mass moves faster and the spring gets shorter).

Up until the mass moves so fast it reaches the middle or the resting point of the spring. But the mass has too much inertia and moves past it and compresses the spring. The spring pushes back and slows down the mass “stealing” its kinetic energy and converting it to potential energy.

It then oscillates back and forth in harmony. This happens everywhere in universe including elliptical orbits, in the nuclei of atoms, and in our bodies as well.


I do something called "what I want"

The total energy can easily be calculated by adding up the potential energy and kinetic energy.

In space there is no air resistance obviously and objects rarely every come into contact. So the mechanical energy stays constant, i.e it’s not converted to thermal energy etc.

When you look at some systems of stars or even in galaxies. Their total mechanical energy is so high that it cannot be explained by the available mass there.


@Hot Ballah is gravity like a 'invisible field' that effects everything within it's range like a telephone tower has a 'certain coverage' area before u lose communication, is gravity like that? does gravity have a downward pressure on masses like we see on earth, or can it have different result such as 'upward pressure' when gravity is weak or absent.

Can gravity be seen as a 'spectrum' depending on the surrounding mass size? we know moon gravity is weaker. Can gravity present itself differently such as a 'total' absense, and when it's absent, what behavior happens to mass? does mass end up becoming uncontrollable in space.

I want to bring u and others to my clan bah dubays schools when I take over the helm of my clan traditional leadership, i want to ensure they are the best in science n math and be getting nobel peace prizes and respected world wide. Eventually we will be weapons scientists developing weapons for the nation and earning all that money for ourselves.
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@Hot Ballah we need to understand gravity as it will effect any scientific solution, especially solutions involved with 'flight', the down-ward pressure of gravity needs calculating the amount of velocity needed to break the barrier and be in flight. Once we know this, we can create anything from commercial planes, to jet fighters, drones, and even satellite dishes into orbit to keep surveillance on PL territory in real time.

Or else this will happen a lack of knowledge, his pushing it like a 'dameer payload' showing neolithic iqs only, the wheel n payload was developed 10,000 years ago. The IQ hasn't grown

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I know I will be sending alot bah dubays into maths n chemical engineering, and gravity specialist so we can create so many products and be billionaires. I also know we need mechanical engineers to understand how to create workable parts.

Once we have good base of mechanical engineers, mathamaticians, chemical engineers. We will own all the innovations in somalia. I wud also dedicate business specialists so we do business th modern way(balance sheets vs revenue vs expenses vs debt vs equity), they will reform our business ppl to operate 'nidaam calaami'
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@Hot Ballah I find invisible forces so fascinating like electrical,magnetic, gravity. What other invisible forces exist that I don't know about? cud space also have 'dimensions' like the invisible forces, we know dark matter/energy already.


I do something called "what I want"
@Hot Ballah is gravity like a 'invisible field' that effects everything within it's range like a telephone tower has a 'certain coverage' area before u lose communication, is gravity like that? does gravity have a downward pressure on masses like we see on earth, or can it have different result such as 'upward pressure' when gravity is weak or absent.

Can gravity be seen as a 'spectrum' depending on the surrounding mass size? we know moon gravity is weaker. Can gravity present itself differently such as a 'total' absense, and when it's absent, what behavior happens to mass? does mass end up becoming uncontrollable in space.

I want to bring u and others to my clan bah dubays schools when I take over the helm of my clan traditional leadership, i want to ensure they are the best in science n math and be getting nobel peace prizes and respected world wide. Eventually we will be weapons scientists developing weapons for the nation and earning all that money for ourselves.
In a classical sense, gravity is exactly like that. It’s a field that loses strength proportional to the distance squared.

So if you go 2 times farther distance, the strength will be 4 times weaker. However near the earth we can approximate the gravity to be constant simply because the distance from sea level to “high” altitudes is insignificant compared to how far the field reaches.

This is only in classical physics though. Modern physics doesn’t see gravitational force as a real force. It’s a lot more complicated.

You see gravity normally is caused by mass sort of like how electricity is caused by charge, an inherent property of matter. And it should only effect mass (and other matter). However we noticed light a massless electromagnetic wave bends around massive objects with strong gravitational fields. In fact, even orbiting bodies with mass behave just ever so slightly different to how newton predicted.

This is solved by general relativity. What we call gravity is actually the curvature of space-time. Massive objects tend to make bigger curves in both space and time.

So everything near a black hole or even the sun will be attracted to it. Not just in physical space but also in time, time moves slower near bigger objects.

There’s also another problem with gravity, we only see it with big objects. That is, we don’t see gravitational attraction between two small particles.

Obviously small particles are attracted to big objects like the earth. But we haven’t measured small particles attracted to other small particles purely by a gravitational relation.

So we don’t know if gravity always exists in any mass but just gets weaker as it gets less massive. Or if there’s a cutoff point where after a certain mass it ceases to have a gravitational field.

Also, look at the similarity between gravitational and electric forces. m is mass and q is charge.


You can see here the only difference is that mass is always positive and charge can be negative, hence the ability to attract AND repel.


I do something called "what I want"
@Hot Ballah we need to understand gravity as it will effect any scientific solution, especially solutions involved with 'flight', the down-ward pressure of gravity needs calculating the amount of velocity needed to break the barrier and be in flight. Once we know this, we can create anything from commercial planes, to jet fighters, drones, and even satellite dishes into orbit to keep surveillance on PL territory in real time.

Or else this will happen a lack of knowledge, his pushing it like a 'dameer payload' showing neolithic iqs only, the wheel n payload was developed 10,000 years ago. The IQ hasn't grown

A good understanding of physics is essential for any engineer.

Humans have ascended into the sky by simply understanding fluid mechanics.

If an object is less dense than its surrounding fluid, an upwards force acts on it called buoyant force. If this buoyant force is stronger than the gravitational force, we will rise.

We are all constantly surrounded in fluid, air. What’s less dense than air? Hot air. Just take heat up the air in your balloon and you will float.

It’s that simple, in fact if you do the math carefully you can see exactly how much you can float. This is because the atmosphere gets less and less dense depending on altitude so after a certain altitude you won’t climb anymore.

As we got more advanced we found gases like helium and hydrogen were much less dense than our air. Thus came blimps. Unfortunately even though hydrogen is the least dense substance, it’s too reactive and we learned it the hard way lol. So now we stick to helium, an interactive noble gas.

Unfortunately somalis were purely nomads and only focused on herding camel. We couldn’t sit down and look at the world around us, understand it and invent things with this understanding.

Inshallah more of our people get into STEM. And not the indian type of stem where all we do is learn and produce. But the western STEM where we actually create and innovate.


A good understanding of physics is essential for any engineer.

Humans have ascended into the sky by simply understanding fluid mechanics.

If an object is less dense than its surrounding fluid, an upwards force acts on it called buoyant force. If this buoyant force is stronger than the gravitational force, we will rise.

We are all constantly surrounded in fluid, air. What’s less dense than air? Hot air. Just take heat up the air in your balloon and you will float.

It’s that simple, in fact if you do the math carefully you can see exactly how much you can float. This is because the atmosphere gets less and less dense depending on altitude so after a certain altitude you won’t climb anymore.

As we got more advanced we found gases like helium and hydrogen were much less dense than our air. Thus came blimps. Unfortunately even though hydrogen is the least dense substance, it’s too reactive and we learned it the hard way lol. So now we stick to helium, an interactive noble gas.

Unfortunately somalis were purely nomads and only focused on herding camel. We couldn’t sit down and look at the world around us, understand it and invent things with this understanding.

Inshallah more of our people get into STEM. And not the indian type of stem where all we do is learn and produce. But the western STEM where we actually create and innovate.

The bend of space-time is due to gravity right? shouldn't gravity curve around the earth 'spherical' mass, makes sense since the earth is 'round' but this is invisible to the naked eye. U say gravity is a 'constant' so your saying it's felt equally in the same measure across the globe since it's applied at the 'mass level' of the earth?

We should send 'arabic' expert on text to timbuktu mali science/math libraries to see the 'style' of learning they had, as this place fed the 'spanish muslim state' which further fed europe. U really need to get close to the root of knowledge to identify thinking styles applied so u can use that to further explore. Ancient egypt knowledge was stolen n translated by greeks and they never documented their style of thinking. Westerner took that and further used their own cultural style of 'rigid thinking' not 'fluid' or 'connecting various' thinking styles.

If u don't set down early on the thinking style, the results will be very low standard.
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A good understanding of physics is essential for any engineer.

Humans have ascended into the sky by simply understanding fluid mechanics.

If an object is less dense than its surrounding fluid, an upwards force acts on it called buoyant force. If this buoyant force is stronger than the gravitational force, we will rise.

We are all constantly surrounded in fluid, air. What’s less dense than air? Hot air. Just take heat up the air in your balloon and you will float.

It’s that simple, in fact if you do the math carefully you can see exactly how much you can float. This is because the atmosphere gets less and less dense depending on altitude so after a certain altitude you won’t climb anymore.

As we got more advanced we found gases like helium and hydrogen were much less dense than our air. Thus came blimps. Unfortunately even though hydrogen is the least dense substance, it’s too reactive and we learned it the hard way lol. So now we stick to helium, an interactive noble gas.

Unfortunately somalis were purely nomads and only focused on herding camel. We couldn’t sit down and look at the world around us, understand it and invent things with this understanding.

Inshallah more of our people get into STEM. And not the indian type of stem where all we do is learn and produce. But the western STEM where we actually create and innovate.

Are u saying 'heat' is needed for flight? drones don't need heat. I understand what u mean by the mass and air interaction vs gravitational field. Becuz gravity is weaker in the moon due to absent of 'air' so air is definitely a factor to consider as it could effect gravitational calculation for any mass.


I do something called "what I want"
Are u saying 'heat' is needed for flight? drones don't need heat. I understand what u mean by the mass and air interaction vs gravitational field. Becuz gravity is weaker in the moon due to absent of 'air' so air is definitely a factor to consider as it could effect gravitational calculation for any mass.
heat is not needed for flight. However hearing up air in a balloon is one method of flight, there are others.

Like I mentioned, helium air in a balloon (even at room temperature) will float.

Also, technically a hot air balloon or blimps don’t “fly”. They “float”. Subtle difference.


heat is not needed for flight. However hearing up air in a balloon is one method of flight, there are others.

Like I mentioned, helium air in a balloon (even at room temperature) will float.

Also, technically a hot air balloon or blimps don’t “fly”. They “float”. Subtle difference.

What keeps plane stable n controllable in comparison to hot-air balloons floating. What mechanics or physics is occuring. Once u break gravitational field thru velocity calculation and mass of the object, u need to keep stable and then controllable for directions.


I do something called "what I want"
What keeps plane stable n controllable in comparison to hot-air balloons floating. What mechanics or physics is occuring. Once u break gravitational field thru velocity calculation and mass of the object, u need to keep stable and then controllable for directions.
It’s actually quite interesting, it’s the shape of the airplane wings.

The top of the wing is more curved meaning the air has to travel a farther distance, whereas the bottom part is flatter so the air has to travel a smaller distance to get around the wing.

They both reach the other side at same time so that means the air on top is moving much faster than the air on the bottom.

Faster moving fluids have less pressure than slower moving fluids (according to bernoulli’s) principle. This pressure gradient causes a force on the wings that push upwards creating lift.


If the pilot wants to go higher, he will tilt the wing upwards, this will even greater increase the pressure difference between top and bottom so more lift. If he doesn’t want to go higher, he will make it so the wing is at the perfect angle such that it perfectly counteracts the force of gravity and you stay stable in the air.

however if the wing tilts too high, the air never makes it across and instead creates vortexes that cause turbulence and eventually the plane stalls and starts falling down.


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