UPDATE Corrupt SL president Micro manages Somaliland-Taiwan scholarships and awards 21 of them to his clan's students


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Corrupt and Tribalist leader of the incompetent tiny region of North Western of Somalia gave 21 of the Taiwan scholarships to his clan of HA, 2 of them positions wen to Burco community and one to Sanaag Awdal and Soon.

The reaction of the SL citizens for this blunt discrimination and injusticea against other minority clans by the president created an uproar on Social Media

It is reported also that some of the hand-picked students were not on their Post graduate level of their education and most of them had much trouble speaking in English or solving basic math equations.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
I’m dead. There’s no low he won’t stoop to.

Muse Bihi knows no body wants him including his loyalists on this forum hence why the corruption schemes tripled now and became a normal occurance weekly.

But seriously the man enriched him self and clan with all those land plots he was robbing all the last two years, yesterday they robbing a whole land the NaasoHablood mountain sits on.:mjlol::pachah1:


Did you not watch the video?

There were only 20 full Scholarships offered by the government under the agreement with Taiwan and so your numbers is lie.The rest that went got through the universities directly which is no different as to how Somalis study in China, Malaysia and etc.

Lastly the students were shortlisted and interviewed by the Taiwan office in Hargeisa which included lectures from Taiwan:mjlol:

All the government was involved was to confirm the identity and education certificates.

Could there have been favoritism?
I don't know how favouritism can happen when it's Taiwan officials who are interviewing and awarding the scholarships.

Also where did you get the numbers from each clan? As I didn't know there were 25 scholarships offered? You know more than than the representative himself?
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[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Did you not watch the video?

There were only 20 full Scholarships offered by the government under the agreement with Taiwan and so your numbers is lie.The rest that went got through the universities directly which is no different as to how Somalis study in China, Malaysia and etc.

Lastly the students were shortlisted and interviewed by the Taiwan office in Hargeisa which included lectures from Taiwan:mjlol:

All the government was involved was to

confirm the identity and education certificates.

Could there have been favoritism?
I don't know how favouritism can happen when it's Taiwan officials who are interviewing and awarding the scholarships.

Also where did you get the numbers from each clan? As I didn't know there were 25 scholarships offered? You know more than than the representative himself?
:what:I think it is you who didn't watch the video,the man said the 20 scholarships were followed by 17 and later 13 partial scholarships, these 13 seats are the once seats Bihi gave to his clan students, why the other students in the whole region competed against each other for 20 posts Bihi got partial scholarships for his clan and even offered them to pay their airlie flights to Taiwan, that is what is called a corruption Mr Zooland.


:what:I think it is you who didn't watch the video,the man said the 20 scholarships were followed by 17 and later 13 partial scholarships, these 13 seats are the once seats Bihi gave to his clan students, why the other students in the whole region competed against each other for 20 posts Bihi got partial scholarships for his clan and even offered them to pay their airlie flights to Taiwan, that is what is called a corruption Mr Zooland.

Musa Bihi can't award partial scholarships to a foreign university lmao
My own cousin who applied for the full scholarships was rejected and instead directly applied to a university through "study in Taiwan" and gained a partial scholarship through his own accord.

100's of somalis do this exact thing every year to study in China, Malaysia and etc and get awarded partial scholarships directly from the university and has nothing to do with the governments.Those partial scholarships is open to anyone in the world.

It's a token of gesture to pay for flights of Somaliland students as they need every money they can get as its expensive to study abroad.Keep in mind those with partial scholarships have to pay more than $2000 for quarantine when they arrive in Taiwan.
Everyone knows about this corruption, even MPs and others I have spoke to. All MPs and councilmen and everyone in the government is going to get their youngins in. Taiwan is just one of the countries. Charge it to the game. Next president will do the same and so on.

We need a complete overhaul of the system.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Like I said on this thread, Taiwin's scholarship to Somaliland region is back on the news today, both SL students and the SL media has reported that nepotism and corruption played major part of this grants, is there anything Bihi cannot manage without corrupting it,Yaab.

Deeqdii Waxbarashadda Ee Taiwan Siisay Somaliland Oo La Musumaasuqay & Arday Kashifay Sida Musuqmaasuqu Udhacay​

Wednesday April 13, 2022 - 08:24:37

"Hay'addu waxay si cad noogu sheegtay in aanay wax liis ah u gudbinin safaaradda"
Taiwan waxay sanad kasta bixisaa deeqo waxbarasho oo kala geddisan kuwaasi oo ay ugu caansan yihiin TaiwanICDF scholarship iyo MOFA scholarship.

Haddaba u kaalay TaiwanICDF oo ah deeq waxbarasho oo gebi ahaanba kharashaadka ardayga la kafaalo qaado (Fully funded scholarship).

Deeqdan waxbarasho ee TaiwanICDF waxa ay furantay February/1/2022 waxa aanay xidhantay March/15/2022, haddaba sida lagu baahiyay websiteka hay’adda bixinaysa deeqdan oo lagu magacaabo ICDF waxa kala shaandhaynta tartamayaashu soo gabo-gaboobaysaa 31-ka bisha shanaad ee sannadkan iyadoo intaas ka dibna liiska guulaystayaasha ay hay’addu la wadaagi doonto safaaradaha dalka Taiwan ee ku yaalla dalalka shisheeye ee Somaliland ka midka tahay, si ay safaaraduhu ugu yeedhaan oo u wargaliyaan guulaystayaasha.

Haddaba aniga iyo tartamayaal kale ayaa waxa aanu markaliya kuwar helnay in Safaaradda Taiwan ee Hargeisa ay toban cisho kohor oo ku beegnayd Sabtidii 2-da April 2022 ay u yeedhay 20qof oo ay sheegtay inay yihiin guulaystayaashii ay Hay’adda ICDF usoo gudbisay yadoo isla maalintii shalay ahaydna ka qaadday Imtixaan ay ku xulatay 7 qof oo kamid ah 20kii qof ee loo yeedhay.

Ogow oo hay’adda ICDF iyo Jaamacadaha kuyaala Taiwan midkoodna ma soo gudbinin liis guulaystayaal ah oo lamaba gaadhin wakhtigii ay gudbin lahaayeen taasi oo ah 31ka bisha shanaad. Intaas kaddib waxa aanu la xidhiidhnay safaaradda, waxa aanay noo sheegeen in: hay’adda ICDF usoo gudbisay liiskii guulaystayaasha; isla markaana intaxaankii laga qaaday oo 7 qof soo bexeen, CAJIIB!.

Waxa aannu toos ula xidhiidhnay hay’adda ICDF ee deeqdan maalgalisa waxa aanu u sheegnay in safaaradda Taiwan ee ku taal dalka Somaliland la yidhaa ay kala xushay guulaystayaashii kaddib markii idinku (ICDF) aad usoo gudbiseen liiska guulaystayaasha, Hay’addu waxay si cad noogu sheegtay in aanay wax liis ah u gudbinin safaaradda isla markaana aan la gaadhinba xilligii ay u gudbin lahaayeen safaarada oo ku beegan 31ka bisha shanaad. Dhinaca kale waxa aanu yagana la xidhiidhnay qaar kamid ah jaamacadihii aanu xeraynay kuwaasi oo yaguna noo xaqiijiyay in aanay weli kala saarin tartamayaashii soo codsaday Adhmiishanada.

Safaaradda Taiwan ee Hargeisa kutaal waxa wakhti xaadirkan u diyaarsan dhammaan guulaystayaashii deeqdaas waxbarasho oo sida sharcigu yahay ay ahayd in 31ka bisha shanaad hay’adda ICDF usoo gudbiso safaaradda, si safaaradduna ugu dhawaaqdo. Lakin nasiib darro safaaraddu yadaa ICDF iyo waxkasta isu noqotay oo dad diyaarsatay.

Haddii Alle idmo, marka la gaadho 31-ka bisha shanaad waxa hay’adda ICDF soo saari doontaa liiska guulaystayaasha xalaasha ah taasi oo lala soo wadaagi doono Safaaradda Taiwan ee Hargeisa si ay guulaystayaashaas u dhashay Somaliland ula xidhiidhaan oo u ogaysiiyaan in ay guulaysteen laakiin nasiib darro cid la xidhiidhi doontaa ma jirto oo waxa lagu beddeli doonaa dadkii bishii 3aad iyo 4aad lasii diyaarsaday, kuwaasi oo ICDF looga dhigi doono kuwii xalaasha ahaa, kumana dhawaaqi doonaan guulaystayaasha gacan ku rimiska ah ilaa la gaadho 1-da bisha lixaad ee sannadkan, Oo imikaba waa u diyaare may ku dhawaaqaan? Ku dhawaaqi maayaan imika waayo waxa fashilmaya musuqa, ICDF-na way ogaanaysaa.



@Manafesto think about this way. This is good incompetent students are getting scholarship grant, becuz once they go to taiwan, they will fail all the university courses, wasted 4 years and money. This means SL can never grow it's human capital. U shud encourage this behaviour so SL remains where it is.

PL is very careful to ensure a legimitate process or else we know the students who are not capable will end up not succeeding in scholarship and it's lost money and time and a vicious brain drain cycle.


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