GENETICS Common ancestry of Cushtites and Amazigh/Berbers

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The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
Why are you so fascinated by Berbers? Many Amazigh people look fully European to me.
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The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
I'm not fascinated, just mere curious since I've been on a trip around the Maghreb (excluding Libya) plus my big brother is married to a Kabyle.

That's nice, I'd love to travel around Maghreb. Did you ask them about their opinion on Somalis/Cushites?
That's nice, I'd love to travel around Maghreb. Did you ask them about their opinion on Somalis/Cushites?

Yep, the educated and professional ones both elder and young are quite aware they are related to Cushtites and their ancient homeland is Somalia. And a Chaoui elder I met believes that Berbera used to be owned by his ancestors and it should returned back to him lool! lol


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
Yep, the educated and professional ones both elder and young are quite aware they are related to Cushtites and their ancient homeland is Somalia. And a Chaoui elder I met believes that Berbera used to be owned by his ancestors and it should returned back to him lool! lol

Thieving Isaaqs lol


I believe that both North Africans and East Africans share common ancestry and both carry the same haplogroup (E1b) which proves this. The Arabs of the past would identify Somalis as the 'dark berbers' and North Africans as 'white berbers' which indicates that they were distinguished from other Hamites (7amiyoon, we still use that word).

I think that all this just proves the theory of everyone on earth being descendants of Nuh (AS) through his 3 sons that remained after the flood Ham, Sam and Japeth.

Somalis and Egyptians are clearly related and they are both believed to be the descendants of Phut son of Ham.

Egyptians would previously call the land of 'Punt' which sounds similar to the word Phut (in present day Somalia) the home of their ancestors, maybe this is all linked?


All Afro-Asiatic speaking groups share common ancestry (Egyptians, Semites, Cushites, Omotics, Berbers). There is no special link between Berbers and Cushites beyond the ancient Afro-Asiatic ancestry all share going back to about ~10,000 to ~8,000 BCE.

The major 'out group' are Chadics. Who have very little autosomal Afro-Asiatic ancestry. They are almost completely of Niger-Congo origin with minimal Nilo-Saharan and Afro-Asiatic input, nevertheless they carry R1b-V88 from the Middle East on their paternal side due to a founder effect that is not representative of most of their ancestry.

Cushites are also not completely 'Afro-Asiatic' ancestry-wise, a large portion (40% to 60%) of their ancestry derives from Nilo-Saharan groups similar to the Kunama and Nara who probably mixed with the Cushites as they migrated into East Africa from Egypt. The Nubians of North Sudan retained their Nilo-Saharan language and never adopted an Afro-Asiatic language, yet they are autosomally very similar to Cushites and closer to Cushites than the Berbers, Semites, and Egyptians are.
Why are you so fascinated by Berbers? Many Amazigh people look fully European to me.
because they are european a huge chunk of european slaves got assimilated

The Barbary slave trade refers to the White slave markets that flourished on the Barbary Coast of North Africa, or modern-dayMorocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and western Libya, between the 15th and 19th centuries. These markets prospered while the states were nominally under Ottoman suzerainty, but in reality they were mostly autonomous. The North African slave markets traded in European slaves. The European slaves were acquired by Barbary pirates in slave raids on ships and by raids on coastal towns from Italy to Spain, Portugal, France, England, the Netherlands, and as far afield as Ireland and Iceland. Men, women, and children were captured, to such a devastating extent that vast numbers of sea coast towns were abandoned.


All Afro-Asiatic speaking groups share common ancestry (Egyptians, Semites, Cushites, Omotics, Berbers). There is no special link between Berbers and Cushites beyond the ancient Afro-Asiatic ancestry all share going back to about ~10,000 to ~8,000 BCE.

The major 'out group' are Chadics. Who have very little autosomal Afro-Asiatic ancestry. They are almost completely of Niger-Congo origin with minimal Nilo-Saharan and Afro-Asiatic input, nevertheless they carry R1b-V88 from the Middle East on their paternal side due to a founder effect that is not representative of most of their ancestry.

Cushites are also not completely 'Afro-Asiatic' ancestry-wise, a large portion (40% to 60%) of their ancestry derives from Nilo-Saharan groups similar to the Kunama and Nara who probably mixed with the Cushites as they migrated into East Africa from Egypt. The Nubians of North Sudan retained their Nilo-Saharan language and never adopted an Afro-Asiatic language, yet they are autosomally very similar to Cushites and closer to Cushites than the Berbers, Semites, and Egyptians are.
Semites don't share same ancestry with Cushites kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


Semites don't share same ancestry with Cushites kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
They do. Not recent, but ancient links are there. Semites descent from Neolithic Egyptians who made prehistoric Middle Easterners shift to Afro-Asiatic languages and culture.

Turks and Persians are not related to Cushites, but the Semites are.


All Afro-Asiatic speaking groups share common ancestry (Egyptians, Semites, Cushites, Omotics, Berbers). There is no special link between Berbers and Cushites beyond the ancient Afro-Asiatic ancestry all share going back to about ~10,000 to ~8,000 BCE.

The major 'out group' are Chadics. Who have very little autosomal Afro-Asiatic ancestry. They are almost completely of Niger-Congo origin with minimal Nilo-Saharan and Afro-Asiatic input, nevertheless they carry R1b-V88 from the Middle East on their paternal side due to a founder effect that is not representative of most of their ancestry.

Cushites are also not completely 'Afro-Asiatic' ancestry-wise, a large portion (40% to 60%) of their ancestry derives from Nilo-Saharan groups similar to the Kunama and Nara who probably mixed with the Cushites as they migrated into East Africa from Egypt. The Nubians of North Sudan retained their Nilo-Saharan language and never adopted an Afro-Asiatic language, yet they are autosomally very similar to Cushites and closer to Cushites than the Berbers, Semites, and Egyptians are.
Interesting. Some say 'Axum' as you call it comes from Kunama. And that the area itself was originally inhabited by Kunama. And apparently means hill or something along those lines in their language. Some say they've been around the area before the Xabashis and so on. Also, they don't look too different from Cushites. They are also an entirely isolated community. With them making only 2% of Eritrea's population, with 80% of Kunama being found there .


They do. Not recent, but ancient links are there. Semites descent from Neolithic Egyptians who made prehistoric Middle Easterners shift to Afro-Asiatic languages and culture.

Turks and Persians are not related to Cushites, but the Semites are.
loooooooooooool omg Semites descend from Neolithic Egyptians? What the f*ck saaxib? Troll?

Everyone is related if you go far back enough. Semites are called Semites because they are descendants of Shem.



No, not everyone is related when it comes to language families and Neolithic expansions. The Chinese, Khoisan, Aborigines and whatnot are not related to Cushites in this sense.

Anyhow, I can't argue with an idiot who goes by Biblical groups that never existed or if they did are totally irrelevant to what we are talking about. I go by science. You are the troll here.


I can't argue with an idiot who goes by Biblical groups that never existed. I go by science and population genetics studies. You are the troll here.
Semites carry the J haplogroup though which is native to the Middle East whilst 'Cushites' are confirmed to be carriers of E1b which is native to North and East Africa. You fucked up Saaxib.


Semites carry the J haplogroup though which is native to the Middle East whilst 'Cushites' are confirmed to be carriers of E1b which is native to North and East Africa. You fucked up Saaxib.

There is more to population genetics than paternal haplogroups that are significantly prone to founder effects (do you even know that is? I don't think so). Every geneticist knows this. The area where the proto-Afro-Asiatics expanded from could have had different localized founder effects that resulted in E-M81 being dominant in Berbers, E-M78 & T-M184 in Cushites, R1b-V88 in Chadics, E-M329 & E-M34 in Omotics, and J1 & E-M35 in Semites. This however does not negate that these groups could have been related on the macro-population level through maternal ancestry (such as N1a, N1e, N1b, U, R0a, M1, HV1b etc) and autosomal ancestry (the Southwest Asian cluster). Plenty of studies show a strong autosomal link between Berbers, Cushites, and yes Semites. Non-Afro-Asiatic Middle Easterners (like Georgians, Turks, Persians) do not have these links with North Africans and Northeast Africans like the Semites do. You fucked up Saaxib.


There is more to population genetics than paternal haplogroups that are significantly prone to founder effects (do you even know that is? I don't think so). Every geneticist knows this. The area where the proto-Afro-Asiatics expanded from could have had different localized founder effects that resulted in E-M81 being dominant in Berbers, E-M78 & T-M184 in Cushites, R1b-V88 in Chadics, E-M329 & E-M34 in Omotics, and J1 & E-M35 in Semites. This however does not negate that these groups could have been related on the macro-population level through maternal ancestry (such as N1a, N1e, N1b, U, R0a, M1, HV1b etc) and autosomal ancestry (the Southwest Asian cluster). Plenty of studies show a strong autosomal link between Berbers, Cushites, and yes Semites. You fucked up Saaxib.
J1c3d is the only confirmed Semitic haplogroup according to 'geneticist'. There's no proof that the groups you've mentioned are related on the 'macro-level' lmao, a simple autosomal test would prove this. You fucked up again saaxib.
Nice try though, sounds like the pleas of a sheegato to me.


J1c3d is the only confirmed Semitic haplogroup according to 'geneticist'. There's no proof that the groups you've mentioned are related on the 'macro-level' lmao, a simple autosomal test would prove this. You fucked up again saaxib.
Nice try though, sounds like the pleas of a sheegato to me.
:childplease: The world don't revolve around you sxb.


J1 is found in Egypt. You still have not proven me wrong, idiot. The general consensus among both linguists and geneticists is that Semites came from Egypt or the Southern Levant (close to Egypt).
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