Class struggle in Somalia? What is the relationship between rich and poor somalis?


As we know our somali society is dived in qabil, but like any other society we also have rich people, middle class people and poor people. A poor Hawiye has much more in common with a poor Darood, while rich Hawiyes have more in common with rich Darood people. The unity of the working class could actually be an antidote to qabilism.Somalis both in somalia/s-land and neighbouring countries have a strong bourgeoisie class mainly businessmen , then you have proletarians who work in factories and poor nomads. In the west the class system is more evident, there are many somalis who take welfare or work in menial jobs and many others who own buisnesses.
Do you think we have a class system in somali society? If Yes is there any class discrimination among somalis?


Spokesman For Kablalax
But why should they hate each other? Why not direct their anger against the rich elites who eat somali wealth and destroy our country while our people starve?
It wasn't the rich ppl who destroyed somalia by themselves. It was destroyed by both rich and poor people


Certified CNC expert.
Social inequality/class disparity is already a disease that plagues first world countries. It can only be worse among developing ones


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
A rich Darood feeds his people, builds roads,, hospitals and provides some semblance of social services. A rich Haawiyah pays extortion to terrorists, promotes anarchy and monopolises whole industries (Hormuud) while elimanating enemies under the guise of terror.


Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
There's a minority Uber rich class.

The gap was big enough I wouldn't mind communism, it could only rectify the situation.
Somalia's development isn't at the point of real class consciousness, tribes exist due to scarce resources and even those rich elites are naught but tools to further their clan's quest for more power by way of business or governmental corruption. Somalia shifting to a decentralised form of governance has helped greatly in reducing clan tensions at the national level so that's a major step forward. Clan only has power when their exists an immediate out-group to blame the clan's failings on.


It wasn't the rich ppl who destroyed somalia by themselves. It was destroyed by both rich and poor people
The leaders though were all rich. They used common people as cannon fodder, but they are the ones who had the money to finance their anti government activities


A rich Darood feeds his people, builds roads,, hospitals and provides some semblance of social services. A rich Haawiyah pays extortion to terrorists, promotes anarchy and monopolises whole industries (Hormuud) while elimanating enemies under the guise of terror.
Dude many people die of starvation each year even in Darood majority areas.
Darood businessmen just like Hawiye businessmen only think about their profit
A rich Darood feeds his people, builds roads,, hospitals and provides some semblance of social services. A rich Haawiyah pays extortion to terrorists, promotes anarchy and monopolises whole industries (Hormuud) while elimanating enemies under the guise of terror.
All of Somalia including my region of Somaliland are shitholes.You sound stupid af, show me one decent city these superior Daroods created? :sass2:


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
If u dream of Somalia quitting qabil for monetary class divide, u r mistaken. Somalis & Qabil is Blood & Veins. They go together to the grave. Qabil is so strong, that Religion comes second to it. Ruminate on that dish, while i sit here eating my salad.
There's a minority Uber rich class.

The gap was big enough I wouldn't mind communism, it could only rectify the situation.

Of course you wouldn't mind Communism, you xayawaan goof.

You're a Leftist coon who repeats the white man's phrases, adopts his ideologies, and identify yourself using his terms

Everything I've ever said about you is right. "I wouldn't mind Communism" kulaha're not gonna get away with using terms like bourgeoisie and proletariat in Somalia

Lefty Somalis trying to import this cancerous ideology into Somalia

The Somali Caesar

King of Sarcasm• Location: Rent free in your head
Tbh the big tribes aka Darood,Hawiye,Isaaqs etc generally have a higher social ranking then others.

The richest Somalis generally come from them tribes. There’s Nepotism when applying for employment where a manager would rather choose an employee from his tribe over someone else


I do something called "what I want"
No way man :Sutehja:

I will pick a poor cripple dhulbahante over a rich idoo0r any day. Class system will never be an antidote for qabilism, if anything higher class members will have pity on their qabil members in worse positions.

Not to mention having a class system where 50% of the population is in poverty is just stupid. This works in places like canada because the bellcurve is more evened out, whereas in somalia most people are below poverty line.

Do you want us to end up like india? Where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer at an alarming rate? They have no sympathy for each other and see poorer castes as sub-human, it's no different to qabil except it ties money, which is arguably worse.

