@Canuck was on to something with her dislike for Oromo

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All the Western countries should send Somalis back so they can protect Somalia from Oromos.

Ma mooda dad nool.

Oromo wadanka ha la siiyo ileen inagu qimahiisa garan waynaye.
ooooohh, you got me he dissed my qabiil guys omfg.

Miss me wit that bullshit sxb motherfuck Marehan and harehan and all your fairy tales

Insulting a tribe is not a joke on SS i have right now 12 Death threats in My PM i though i was Lucky this Evening and will get few marehan in My Collection :(


tfw no habesha gf
Why tf are they even in Somalia in the first place?



He Said the harti Fighters left for our regions not the zayid family

But they already took over Dire Dawa and Harar. How do a few migrants in a town of theirs then allow for them to live in DDSI AND Somalia? Kick these people out ffs look at sida ay nala xisaabtamaayaan and without proof too. I don't mind a few but the idea that's not what they have in mind.
But they already took over Dire Dawa and Harar. How do a few migrants in a town of theirs then allow for them to live in DDSI AND Somalia? Kick these people out ffs look at sida ay nala xisaabtamaayaan and without proof too. I don't mind a few but the idea that's not what they have in mind.

Ethiopian has the highest fertile rates in Africa even in famine time they are multiplying imagine in 1990 ethiopia population was 48.04 million, today they are 101,303,498 http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/ethiopia-population/

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
I think they're garre, hence why he mention qoroleey and being somali. Usually it's very easy to differentiate somali from oromo.

Anyways oromos aren't going to take over but somalis need to have some form of border control, for the sake of public health. We're surrounded by two gaal countries, we have very little medical infrastructure. I smell disaster.


tfw no habesha gf
I think they're garre, hence why he mention qoroleey and being somali. Usually it's very easy to differentiate somali from oromo.

Anyways oromos aren't going to take over but somalis need to have some form of border control, for the sake of public health. We're surrounded by two gaal countries, we have very little medical infrastructure. I smell disaster.

Like bordering Christian countries means shit. Look at Syria and Iraq, all their Muslim neighbors helping fucking their shit up
I think they're garre, hence why he mention qoroleey and being somali. Usually it's very easy to differentiate somali from oromo.

Anyways oromos aren't going to take over but somalis need to have some form of border control, for the sake of public health. We're surrounded by two gaal countries, we have very little medical infrastructure. I smell disaster.

Ethiopia has highest level of AIDS in Africa read here

"What brought their anger to a boil was the blood scandal. The Ethiopian community -- with reportedly about 50 times the incidence of AIDS as other Israelis -- was regarded by medical authorities as a high-risk group "

Hawiye isn't a problem. The cancer of Somali starts from Lascanod to Galkacyo. If a Nuke hits that region, somali would be the most prosperous folk in the world

odds of that happening is Nil, odds of you being the first to be carried away by oromo tsunami 50/50


Your superior
Was your government hand over oromo and ONLF to the tigray until quite recently.

beesha triangle naga amu

And that is absolutely a good thing. Onlf are terrorist who brought their war with Ethiopia to our country. I support the executions of ONLF scum and putting it on video so I can enjoy it. Onlf kill non jebarti somali in Ethiopia
oromo is my least concern,alshabab is more dangerous both in long and short term.they kill children randomly and suicide attacks on civilian places
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