Can Puntland Export Mango To Mogadishu To Counter Egypt Diseased Mango


Indhihii Dhiman waaya Geel dhalaayay ku Tusaan waa ayaan darro in Cambe aan Tayo iyo Dhadhan lahayn Caafimaadkana Halis galinaya Dalkeenna loosoo Dhoofiyo Reer muqdisho haddii Cambihii wabiyada Laga cinaqabateeyay Gaalkacyo Cambe ha u soo doonteen waa aduun iyo Xaalkiise

Yaa kaaga bahan

Indhahaaga u raaxeey. Waa Geedi Sahan oo Balcad tagay
People are misinformed. These Egypt imported Mangos are only sold in some supermarkets for few Diaspora and upper class locals who think it’s ‘ilbaax’ to buy from supermarket. 99% of the city are buying mangos from local markets growing from the two Shabelle’s
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we should fill our local demand first, then export the surplus to other states. we don't even produce our own mango at the moment, most of vegetables/fruits products comes from Ethiopia and the far south, and solf high price in our markets. reer puntland need to put faith on their land and invest in farms.
People are misinformed. These Egypt imported Mangos are only sold in some supermarkets for few Diaspora and upper class locals who think it’s ‘ilbaax’ to buy from supermarket. 99% of the city are buying mangos from local markets growing from the two Shabelle’s

Can someone teach these ignorant people the closer food is grown to your table the healthier.
Locally made is healthier organic and fresher. How can you trust Egypt of all places.

People anyone from south inform your people to stop this madness. Supermarkets should only import what we can’t grow like apples or strawberries not mango’s.
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we should fill our local demand first, then export the surplus to other states. we don't even produce our own mango at the moment, most of vegetables/fruits products comes from Ethiopia and the far south, and solf high price in our markets. reer puntland need to put faith on their land and invest in farms.
Lol that's the biggest lie I've seen lol


Sound mind sound body
People are misinformed. These Egypt imported Mangos are only sold in some supermarkets for few Diaspora and upper class locals who think it’s ‘ilbaax’ to buy from supermarket. 99% of the city are buying mangos from local markets growing from the two Shabelle’s
This video it shows grapes mango’s and bananas from abroad. The seller seems to indicate there is shortage of homegrown fruits. He also complained how expensive the foreign fruit and he wants to be able to buy homegrown fruit. Is it possible supply not meeting demand?



Sound mind sound body
Population jumped but fruit production pretty stagnant 1973-2019 looks about same for fruit and veggies leading to supply issues. If its happening in xamar probably happening in north and elswhere


Lol that's the biggest lie I've seen lol
it's fact sxb. im practically in puntland, the state economy is pretty much in bad shape(worsened in recent years) everything is imported including veg/fruits. that is why we are gaajo. yes there are local farms but their production is not enough to fill the high demand in puntland markets, hence we should buy stuff from Ethiopia and koonfur. let us stop selling the snake oil in somalispot, be realistic and work on improving our economy