DEVELOPING NEWS Caleema Saarka Madaxweyne HSM

Jubaland state president Hafidullah Ahmed Mohamed Islam has arrived for the inauguration of Somalia’s re-elected president Hassan sheikh Mohamud.

Many Ogaden Absame heavyweights are arriving to attend the ceremony in Mogadishu from Jubbaland to Somali state DDS to Kenya. All Ogaden's are United for their own geopolitical cause.

I’m hearing that President Cagjar is also attending, yet to be verified. This will be the 2nd meeting between cagjar and Madoobe. History is in the making!

#Ogadeniimo #Jubaland #Somalia



Many Ogaden Absame heavyweights are arriving to attend the ceremony in Mogadishu from Jubbaland to Somali state DDS to Kenya. All Ogaden's are United for their own geopolitical cause.

I’m hearing that President Cagjar is also attending, yet to be verified. This will be the 2nd meeting between cagjar and Madoobe. History is in the making!

#Ogadeniimo #Jubaland #Somalia

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Interesting if Pres Cagjar attends. I would’ve thought Ethiopia would be uncomfortable with that.

Further increased integration with Somalia and DDS being seen as autonomous I thought would be problematic.

Will Somalia allow all Somali citizens to vote in elections, even those in Ethiopia?
Interesting if Pres Cagjar attends. I would’ve thought Ethiopia would be uncomfortable with that.

Further increased integration with Somalia and DDS being seen as autonomous I thought would be problematic.

Will Somalia allow all Somali citizens to vote in elections, even those in Ethiopia?

I don’t think he will attend because PP policy was that of Eritrea & Farmaajo’s dead regime. Let’s see what happens.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
Cagjar should attend and talk with axmed-Whats between them is petty and should be put to the side.
@Biden,cagjar can do what he wants if he knew who he is-The problem is not abiy it is cagjar not realising the era of waiting for Adis is over.
Cagjar should attend and talk with axmed-Whats between them is petty and should be put to the side.
@Biden,cagjar can do what he wants if he knew who he is-The problem is not abiy it is cagjar not realising the era of waiting for Adis is over.

Cagjar will soon be replaced with a pro Ogaden Nationalist leader in DDS. Dictator Afwerki is isolated, Abiy Ahmed is morally defeated and Farmaajo is gone. Smell the fresh coffee beans.



Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
We cant except a guy being named anymore aswell-Cagjar is it,from here on out nin aan keenay moyee ninkale nalama tusi karo-

Look at How things changed
President ahmed islaam is in xamar walking around like he owns the city without any worries and sleeping right across madaxtooyada while the two Gareens are sleeping in decale hotel in the airport :hemad: