CabdiMalik Coldoon arrested in Burco, Somaliland

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
If you walanweyn love terrorist ideas as AS is active in your areas why not take him with you guys instead of calcaaling about his arrest ? :fantasia2:

He will probably be a Godane 2.0 on them, he will unleash a killing-spree unlike anything else..
This was 2 years ago

This guy is salty because these kids are smarter then him and are going to top Ivy League universities.

The same ISIS jail break he was cheering for, those elements, that broke free have killed innocent people in Bari today.
We would happily take Coldoon a pious man who spends his days raising money for the poor and the shuyookh and you can keep the Gays and Nigerian pastors if that is what you love.

Gaalo tropes of calling everything related to the deen extremism will not work. All this and still no recognition.

Take him because we don't accept his views.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
He was arrested to appease the Kuffar. Alhamdulilah alhamdulilah the prison is much better for him!
Wallahi i would prefer prison than to be silent while the missionary is spreading in Maamulka Somaliland


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
May Allah free him, standing up to gaalos in SL is dangerous business