Burundi Atmis forces relocate to Mahaday after incompetent SNA forces failed to dislodge AS fighters from their defenses

Sacads didn't get backup in Shabelow? What I see here is there is no clans willing to fight for other clans and that's why Macawisley will never unite to defeat Al-shabab.


Show some respect najasyahow, those dead AUN are warriors, Shabeelow is a Qubeys dir town, the Halyeeys who died came from 200km to liberate their brothers.
AUN all of them, they are Heroes. They paid ultimate price
AS is cancer to somalia and has to be defeated, any time I hear high casualties of SNA is scares me for somalia.
That is exactly what happened to Afghan Army, they were talking high casualties and ultimately they couldn’t take any more.
All Somalis should support HSM for this fight to succeed.
This is survival of Somalia as Nation
Very scary times