BREAKING NEWS: Mudane DENI new President of Puntland

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Hambalyo to Mudane Deni, he seems like a reasonable leader that will work closely with the fgs to move Somalia forward. If we go by what he said in his winning speech. He definitely has a different approach to gaas.
Hambalyo to Mudane Deni, he seems like a reasonable leader that will work closely with the fgs to move Somalia forward. If we go by what he said in his winning speech. He definitely has a different approach to gaas.
If he paid 1.4 Million to become president then I doubt he would be a good leader for Puntland.

There is no way a sane man would pay 1.4 Million to become president without expecting to earn back his money or more.


If he paid 1.4 Million to become president then I doubt he would be a good leader for Puntland.

There is no way a sane man would pay 1.4 Million to become president without expecting to earn back his money or more.
Are you sure he paid that much, is it known that he did pay that amount?

Wouldn't this be secret if he did pay?


Seeker of knowledge and truth
Are you sure he paid that much, is it known that he did pay that amount?

Wouldn't this be secret if he did pay?
Somaliland is light years ahead of the rest of the country when it comes to elections this kind farce is not an election it’s so fucked up 1 man 1 vote is needed badly
Are you sure he paid that much, is it known that he did pay that amount?

Wouldn't this be secret if he did pay?
I've seen couple posters on this site saying he paid 40k per MPs and he paid 35 MPs.

That's 1.4 Million.

Idk if the amount is correct though but he definitely spent bribe money because this is a parliament election
Speaker: Tobanka daqiiqo way damaatay
Dani: *Turns to the speaker in shock* Yaah?

God his reaction was priceless :chrisfreshhah:Question I want answered is that will he make that face when we take Garowe?

General: Mudane madaxweyne Somaliland baa garowe qabsatay
Dani: *Turns to the general in shock* Yaah?

We've got 5 years of solid entertainment ahead of us lads :pachah1:
loool why was he in such a shock :russ:

he's a clown wallahi
Siciid C Dani iyo Damul Jadid/shaydaan relationship.

1. Raysalwasaarihii la magacaabey Saacid kadib Mudane Cabdiweli Sheekh Axmed ayaa u magacaabey Siciid Cabdulaahi Dani in uu noqdo Wasiirka Qorsheynta iyo Xiriirka Caalamiga ah ee Dowaladda Federaalka xilkaas oo uu hayey Janaayo 2014

2.Waxyaabaha ugu waaweyn ee lagu xusuusto Siciid Dani waxaa kamid ahaa buugii tirakoobka ee qiyaasta ahaa, kaas oo la diyaariyey sanadkii 2014, markaas oo uu xafiiska joogey Siciid Dani, tirakoobka qiyaasta ah ayaa tirada dadka Soomaaliya ka dhigay 12.3 milyan oo qof, waxaana guud ahaan gobolada Puntland qiyaastu sheegeysey in ay ku noolyihiin dad ka yar 1.7 milyan oo qof, xogtan ayaa la shaaciyey xiligii uu Wasiirka ahaa Cabdiraxmaan Caynte, laakiin waxa uu ku doodey in xogta la diyaariyey sanadkii 2014.

3.Siciid Cabdulaahi Dani ayaa saxiixay warqad lagu sii deynayay natiijada qiyaas tirakoobka, laakiin Raysal Wasaarihii hore ee Cabdiwali Sh. Axmed, ayaa diiday inuu aqbalo natiijadaas, inyar kadibna Raysalwasaaraha xilkii ayaa laga qaadey. Arintan ayaa ahayd weji gabax iyo gef laga galay shacabka Puntland iyo Dowladda Puntland

4.Siyaasi Siciid Cabdullaahi ayaa markii uu wasiirka ahaa ka horyimid Xukuumadiisi iyo Raysalwasaare Cabdiweli Sheekh Axmed, waxaana uu kamid noqdey qaar kamid ah golihii wasiirada ee u ololeeyey in ay ridaan isla xukuumadii ay ka tirsanaayeen. look ho he re-paid his former boss cabdiwali.


Copenhagen 22 Nov 2014, 12 maalmood ka hor riditaankii xukuumadii Cabdiweli Sheekh

6.Siciid Cabdilaahi Dani wasiirkii qorsheynta waxa uu kamid noqdey kooxdii Faarax Sheekh Cabdulqaadir, waxaana uu kamid ahaa kuwii ridey isla xukuumadii ay ka tirsanaayeen taas oo ahayd khaladkii siyaasadeed ee ugu weynaa ee Siciid Dani galay, Raysalawasaare Cabdiweli Sheekh Axmed waxa uu markaas taageero weyn ku dhex lahaa shacabka Puntland.

7.sida ay Horseed u sheegeen dad la soo shaqeeyey. Qaar kamid ah dadka la soo shaqeeyey mudada dheer ayaa Horseed u sheegay in ay aaminsan yihiin in Siciid Dani kamid yahay siyaasiyiinta dhaqankoodu yahay in ay ka faa’ideystaan fursad kasta oo soo marta si uu u gaaro hadafkiisa isaga oo aan eegin waxa ka dhalan kara doonitaankiisa (consequences), iyo saameynta ay ku reebi karto bulshada.- opportunities to core..

a good article written by horseed. anyone who followed the siyaasada for a long time , will know who this character is speailly reer puntland.

the only way he won was, $$$$$ money talks and bulshit walks, the man had big sponsors.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Ogaden last man standing. Indeed, we are a difficult and terrible foe to have :wow:

We were holding it down for beesha since 1991, we were a thorn in their eyes. We pass the torch to you, do not disappoint your bigger brother. This feels like the Cell Saga, Goku fighting Cell first so that Gohan learns Cell's moves before he's asked to finish him off. We've shown you the moves, the tricks and the rules of the game. Make us proud. Finish what we've started. In the name of Kablalax rise and shine :wow:


Seeker of knowledge and truth
We were holding it down for beesha since 1991, we were a thorn in their eyes. We pass the torch to you, do not disappoint your bigger brother. This feels like the Cell Saga, Goku fighting Cell first so that Gohan learns Cell's moves before he's asked to finish him off. We've shown you the moves, the tricks and the rules of the game. Make us proud. Finish what we've started. In the name of Kablalax rise and shine :wow:
Its a sad day when the macavity Majeerteen is depending on retard dhaanto dancing morons to politically outmaneuver anyone:ileycry::ileycry::ileycry:


Engineer of Qandala
Who's Said Deni?!!

Born in Mogadishu 1966.
Graduated from Hassan Barsane secondary school.
Graduated from The highly steemed Somali National University (Jaamacada Umadda) in 1990.
Advanced his educational background by earning a Masters degree in Management from Malaysian University.

2002-2012 was chairman for many powerful business groups in East Africa.

2003 member of Dispute Resolution Committee that effectively tackled the repetitive clan conflicts within the Puntland borders.

2008 member of Puntland economic reform committee that shaped up the basic structure of Puntland's economy.

2009 member of committee that reshaped Puntland's system of governance.

2014 Appointed by former PM of Somali Abdiwali Sheikh Ahmed as the minister of planning.

2017 FGS presidential candidate.

Masha Allah impressive.

Now dig that oil and turn Puntland into Dubai:shookgabre:
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