Breaking: Col Barre Hiiraale foces clash with Itoobiyan forces in Dolow Gedo!


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Daawo: Ciidamada Soomaaliya iyo kuwa Itoobiya oo ku dagaalamay GEDO
By Jamaal Maxamed -
September 26, 2023
Doolow (Caasimada Online) – Wararka naga soo gaaraya gobolka Gedo ayaa sheegaya in maanta dagaal u dhexeeyay ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliya iyo kuwa Itoobiya uu ka dhacay gudaha degmada Doolow ee gobolkaas, kaas oo socday muddo saacado ah.

Dagaalka ayaa yimid kadib markii ciidamada Itoobiya ay ku amreen kuwa Booliska in ay qaadaan bar koontarool oo ay ku lahaayeen degmadaas, taasna ay ka biyo diideen ciidanka Soomaaliya, waxaana sidaas ku qaraxay iska hor imaadka u dhexeeyay labada dhinac.

Ilo deegaanka ah ayaa innoo sheegay in iska hor imaadka uu socday saacado kooban, kadibna uu istaagay, balse ma jiro wax khasaare ah oo lasoo wariyay illaa iyo hadda.

Xaaladda ayaa goobta lagu dagaalamay ayaa hadda ah mid deggan, waxaana lagu soo warramayaa in ciidamada Itoobiya ay dib ugu laabteen xeradooda, halka kuwa Booliskana ay joogaan bartii ay horay ugu sugnaayeen ee ku taalla degmada Doolow ee gobolka Gedo.

Dhinaca kale waxaa isla degmadan ka taagan xiisad kale oo u dhexeyso ciidamo taabacsan, Korneel Barre Aadan Shire (Hiiraale) iyo ciidamada Itoobiya, kuwaas oo hadda dhaq-dhaqaaqyo iska soo horjeedo ka wada halkaasi.

Xiisadda ayaa timid kadib markii ciidamada Itoobiya ay ku amreen Korneelka inuu isaga baxo degmadaasi, isaguna uu ka biyo diiday amarka, taas oo keentay xiisadda taagan.

Sidoo kale waxaa lasoo wariyay in ciidanka taabacsan Barre Hiiraale ay hadda difaacyo uga jiraan qaybo kamid ah degmada, si ay uga hortegaan haddii weerar lagu soo qaado.

Korneelka oo qudhiisa hadlay ayaa ku goodiyay inuu la dagaalami doono ciidamada Itoobiya, haddii ay isku dayaan inay qabtaan ama soo weeraraan, sida uu hadalka u dhigay


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Barre Hiiraale forces have taken over the infamous bridge that borders Itoobiya. Madoobe paid Itoobiya to arrest Barre but the people defended him @Dalalos_ibn_Adali



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Wallahi Madoobe failed so bad cashor loo dhigay Itoobiya this is a historic victory for Somali sovereignty. SNA forces have sided with Col Hiiraale!



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Shacabka Doolow stand with Halyeey Barre Hiiraale kick out Itoobiya they have shooken the hornets nest



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Itoobiya is now beggin Marexaan and saying we apologize for trying to arrest Barre Hiiraale after hundreds of civilins took up arms against them war Sade wa libaax mar haduu kaco :russ: :russ:



Barre Hiiraale forces have taken over the infamous bridge that borders Itoobiya. Madoobe paid Itoobiya to arrest Barre but the people defended him @Dalalos_ibn_Adali

The people who failed to kill their horgals are now willing to fight Ethiopian troops in support of Hiiraale, I don't buy it.

No Way Trump GIF by MOODMAN

They must accept gumeysi, Rer Gedo must drink piss and eat shit. I do not support any conflict in Gedo because I don't want these retards with no leadership to wipe themselves out, they must accept gumeysi by a minority. Perhaps future generations will be more useful so let us not support conflict in Gedo ina adeer.

The only Nasab MX to remain are Rer Caabudwaaq.
Madoobe is a crazy politician Wallahi y’all have played into his hands.

MX has already been labelled as Anti Kenya, now they are anti Ethiopia. Madoobe has not only beaten MX to Kenya but he outplayed them when it comes to Ethiopia as well.

He doesn’t have any foreign enemies anymore, UAE, Kenya and Ethiopia are now all pro Madoobe as well as the SFG. Madoobe is not going anywhere. There is absolutely no coming back from this.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
The people who failed to kill their horgals are now willing to fight Ethiopian troops in support of Hiiraale, I don't buy it.

No Way Trump GIF by MOODMAN

They must accept gumeysi, Rer Gedo must drink piss and eat shit. I do not support any conflict in Gedo because I don't want these retards with no leadership to wipe themselves out, they must accept gumeysi by a minority. Perhaps future generations will be more useful so let us not support conflict in Gedo ina adeer.

The only Nasab MX to remain are Rer Caabudwaaq.
You are a fool! Sade is one and horgalnimo is not going to erase that. I stand with Col Hiiraale in liberation of Gedo


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Madoobe is a crazy politician Wallahi y’all have played into his hands.

MX has already been labelled as Anti Kenya, now they are anti Ethiopia. Madoobe has not only beaten MX to Kenya but he outplayed them when it comes to Ethiopia as well.

He doesn’t have any foreign enemies anymore, UAE, Kenya and Ethiopia are now all pro Madoobe as well as the SFG. Madoobe is not going anywhere. There is absolutely no coming back from this.
Ethiopia cant stay in Gedo without Sade support. Now they are doing heshiis and begged for reconciliation. We are a very important border tribe


You are a fool! Sade is one and horgalnimo is not going to erase that. I stand with Col Hiiraale in liberation of Gedo

Caqliga Rer Diini, Sade is one while simultaneously undermining the big MX Subs who conquered JL and continue to expand and consolidate Sade territory.

In the end this won't even benefit Rer Diini, its short sighted calool ushaqeyste who will benefit not the ordinary Rer Diini who lives in JL who will have enemies both shisheeye and sokeeye as a result.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Caqliga Rer Diini, Sade is one while simultaneously undermining the big MX Subs who conquered JL and continue to expand and consolidate Sade territory.

In the end this won't even benefit Rer Diini, its short sighted calool ushaqeyste who will benefit not the ordinary Rer Diini who lives in JL who will have enemies both shisheeye and sokeeye as a result.
Waryaa Tolkaaga raac, Col Barre Aden Shire will lead us to the Holy City :rejoice:
It isn't in MX's interest to fight Ethiopia nor are we in position to fight them. If Barre Hiraale is gonna fight anyone, he should fight the horgals first. This is blown out of proportion by forces that are trying to ruin the relationship between Ethiopia and MX.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
It isn't in MX's interest to fight Ethiopia nor are we in position to fight them. If Barre Hiraale is gonna fight anyone, he should fight the horgals first. This is blown out of proportion by forces that are trying to ruin the relationship between Ethiopia and MX.
Thats exactly what happened two sarkaals on the payroll of Madoobe and an ENDF unit tried to arrest him. ENDF later apologized after losing the skirmish. Did you want Barre just to surrender?