Boy gets sucker punched, what his friend does next is BRUTAL!

I’m a smart gangster. Upper level gangster. Guys like me can’t die for stupidity reasons like the foot soldiers
If you are so proud of yourself, tell us about your story. Make a thread about it, lets see how you went from selling drugs to getting your ass busted in prison.
Dude the teenagers in the fight were all bigger than him, they didn't need to resort to such cheap shots. There is a difference between a savage and a fighter.

If you play dirty games, you should be ready for dirty repercussions. Like 3 dudes stomping your head until you go retarded.
Why would you sucker punch the guy if his friend were surrounding you, clearly he knew what he was getting himself into. Don’t cry when you get booted in the head when you least expected when that was the same thing you do.
Why would you sucker punch the guy if his friend were surrounding you, clearly he knew what he was getting himself into. Don’t cry when you get booted in the head when you least expected when that was the same thing you do.
where you from, the getto
I hate it when ppl kick someone's head in, that should be counted as attempted murder.

Don't kick a man when he's down was proverbed for a reason, the bodys defence mechanism is at it's weakest.

There are no rules when it comes to street fighting, especially on the playground. School fights are brutal, I have seen them and been in them myself. Kids are pieces of shit, they deserve to be beaten up by adults. All of these kids were raised by stupid parents.
That was a pretty decent punch for his size sxb, he connected with the chin/jaw. I've been grown men wobbled by similar punches at my old gym.

It was probably more so the "Somali" kid being a pussy and not having the heart to fight back . It was a cowardly thing to do 100%, but loyalty to your friend comes first wallahi. Can't let your mate get embarrassed like that and just watch it.

Facts wallahi, he is lucky that he has true friends like that (not saying what he did was right, that was a pussy move to hit someone in the head like that whilst they were on the ground, but he saw his friend getting banged up), in this era of social media and fakes. Most of ''these friends'' would have just laughed and watched him get banged up.

That kid was an idiot for not having his guard up or at least trying throwing a punch back, I mean, even when he went to the ground he didn't even attempt to fight back. I hate people who sucker punch too, but then again its a street fight, and not a boxing fight or cage match where everything is guarded by certain rules. You have to be ready at all times. The black kid, should learn from this and take up an MMA class. He is young, so he can learn quickly.
Facts wallahi, he is lucky that he has true friends like that (not saying what he did was right, that was a pussy move to hit someone in the head like that whilst they were on the ground, but he saw his friend getting banged up), in this era of social media and fakes. Most of ''these friends'' would have just laughed and watched him get banged up.

That kid was an idiot for not having his guard up or at least trying throwing a punch back, I mean, even when he went to the ground he didn't even attempt to fight back. I hate people who sucker punch too, but then again its a street fight, and not a boxing fight or cage match where everything is guarded by certain rules. You have to be ready at all times. The black kid, should learn from this and take up an MMA class. He is young, so he can learn quickly.
Although it's a fucked up situation, It's nice to see such fierce loyalty and friendship exists in Somali zoomers.

Defiantly wallahi, after training for a year or two you realise how fucking shocking the avg non-trained person is at fighting. It's actually laughable how quickly the get gassed.
Used to encouraged all the Somalis I know to come training with me but it was a task even getting those niggas to lift weights, let alone strapping on headgear and sparring for a few rounds:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:
Although it's a fucked up situation, It's nice to see such fierce loyalty and friendship exists in Somali zoomers.

Defiantly wallahi, after training for a year or two you realise how fucking shocking the avg non-trained person is at fighting. It's actually laughable how quickly the get gassed.
Used to encouraged all the Somalis I know to come training with me but it was a task even getting those niggas to lift weights, let alone strapping on headgear and sparring for a few rounds:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:
Offcourse 95% of people cant fight and 9/10 street fights you see can go either way and comes down to who lands the first decent blow. Thats why the most important thing is to have back up or a weapon that actually know how to fight. I seen too many tough guys who think they are badass get jumped and hurt seriously. Good luck saying well atleast Im not pussy when your face is rearranged,
Offcourse 95% of people cant fight and 9/10 street fights you see can go either way and comes down to who lands the first decent blow. Thats why the most important thing is to have back up or a weapon that actually know how to fight. I seen too many tough guys who think they are badass get jumped and hurt seriously. Good luck saying well atleast Im not pussy when your face is rearranged,
The avg dickhead you get into a fight with in like a car-park over a spot or something wouldn't have a weapon sxb, if you don't live in a shithole area anyway. And if it ever got to the point where I'm out numbered/about to get jumped I'd 100% trying to diffuse the situation or run.

But if it's 1 on 1, unless they outweigh me by 20-30kg or have 5-10inchs of reach on me the avg skinny-fat untrained f-ggot isn't rearranging shit :drakelaugh:
The avg dickhead you get into a fight with in like a car-park over a spot or something wouldn't have a weapon sxb if you don't live in a shithole area. And if it ever got to the point where I'm out numbered/jumped I'd 100% trying to diffuse the situation or run.

If it's 1 on 1, unless they outweigh me by 20-30kg or have 5-10inchs of reach on me the avg skinny-fat untrained f-ggot isn't rearranging shit :drakelaugh:
he is not. but all it takes is one of his friend to come from behind and wobble you and for you to get overwhelmed. Ultimately if you can avoid any street fight....avoid it. you just dont know what the other person has on him or who is with him. Its just not worth it


Somali Arab
The Somali kid deserves to be shanked, What a filthy dog. Kicking someone in the head, while they are down. What a filth, wallahi if I meet him on the streets they are going to be karbashed.

Malis are such a weak race, what happened to 1vs1
You can’t even ejaculate you ain’t karbashing anything U


Veni Vidi Vici
I believe its fair, he hit a guy WHO was not ready, and so it was a cheap punch

He deserves it. That kick on the head was cowardly too, but he deserved it


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
Many Somali young bluds are weak like that so feminine and can't even defend themselves against a skinny Cadaan. The Cadaan and other races seek out to bully such skinny Jileec boys because they are easy "Black" targets. I've seen many of those jileec boys growing up it's f*cking embarrassing.
I believe its fair, he hit a guy WHO was not ready, and so it was a cheap punch

He deserves it. That kick on the head was cowardly too, but he deserved it
is it justifiable for you to utter those words so effortlessly, can you stand in court and say "he deserved it, my honor". A kick to the head can make people literally retarded. No one deserves to be retarded for life.