Ben Fender UK Ambassador on Somalia



See when u go to any nation know their history acknowledge it or else there is problem immediately which Somalis have problem with and that's u won't make any friends in this world, recognize people achievements, stop denying it and think it will go away as they just get more emboldened about it and u give em an excuse to begin your death plot. People want to move on niyahow not stay in time with your 'ego' shit when they want to leave the world a better place then they left it and be in the history book for something of an achievement.

Lets get back in the world and play according to the rule of the world. But I urge britain becareful if they cant build a diaspora or whatever nation their in a basic somali community center between them it's highly likely their building a damn nation bottom up federalism is mandatory and then over all federalism can be discussse when we know its from their people and some 4 year jambal guy they sent to keep stalemate, everything must start small, village, then towns, districts, and then regions, and then who ever is willing to join the recovery process like PL did with hartis and also invited SACAD who rejected as they think everything is just tribe aand its not even if u gave majerten all power in hamar we wud walk away federalism is really 'important' to us due the tyrany matter in center power and we aint nudging 20 years and jubaland aint nudging 7 years and possibly even longer as their far more emotional then stoic bari-nugal-sool ppl who will nudge if its for the greater good but with CAUTION a-lot of caution if u cant prove something to us at small level like how u use power now with tasks then dont speak to us about anything else and dont try the ina igaare talk as we just turn it off as that strategy is old public speaking and not evidence since we are an oral society we had to talk on trees earth skies and prove shit due the practical environment not read books or public teach it was very REAL WORLD out there in desert sxb ma jirin school u experimented with anything u saw to survive, we need proof at all times and we must see with our eyes not your mouth as we not interested in the old qiyaano game of this part of the world since its mastered it and u wont beat me in it.
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Somalis please do this when an ambassador is sent check his credential he cud just be migd9 with no influence in his own system kkkkk, like no point to mid55 about dhulbahante affairs or isaaq or hawiye or other darods ma garatay? check the credential like we wud on sub sub sub clan and their history annd influence its the same at nation state, its all social structurs niyahow. Trump is useless as he cant even talk to his liberal brain base its like me bah dubays not being able to talk our elite class that urban or coastal, its pointless relationship better of spent with putin at least he has influence. If he cant even talk to his own tuulo dont give them exception tell him fix your house and talk to him cuz u wasting valuable time when there is someone who manages their tuulo and can make quick decisions like china who is always neutral and doesnt run idealogy in history.

If we want to build fast we need nations with complete authority like russia or china no joke sxb things get done quick look at how fast africa infrastructure is done. The west problem is democracy as it splits them and its time waste as u need wait centuries for simple things that can be done quickly in other countries and other countries obviously use that against them to ensure their less attractive to the world as they say he wont be able to get anything thru and its cause their involved to cuz division in their society thru business side given orders to do this and that on party so it ends stalemate deadlock like healthcare a simple matter like that so dont tie your military to them but china or russia for that as it has to be quick and fast.
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Speed of the society u trade in will determine your war efforts if attacked if that nation is in deadlock in democracy, this is an advantage to another nation with speedy arms delivery from russia or china to defend their borders, so beware about security side, as it has to be quick that shit as it can decide outcomes and countries that are democracy are anything but quick and highly divided with 'business element' to their party funding so its lots of interests and leads to a deadlock niyahow for decades for them, look how china rose niyahow it took america 300 years to get there yet they did it in 40 years so their is some positive qualities of those systems but itsn ot suited to us though dont copy n paste whatever u see that works for others but it doesnt mean their not a good partner in key areas. And always divide your 'lifelines' do not tie ur trade or security to just one nation as they can embargo u like qatar see, make sure your important trade has multiple market points to india-china-dubai and u have the sea for it too, remember if u see anything centralized be it trade, military partner, other key lifelines u in trouble its like somalia u can collapse if they collapse so always 'federalize' the GDP when u get there and even inside the GDP the important one get priority when making decisions so u dont effect that nation as your trade partner for critical things u need, u can sacrifice ppl agriculture but not their 'weapons' kkkkk or their 'important oil, equipments, knowledge, medicine' list all the GDP shit that is priority and make sure its never tied to one market. The rule of our foreign policy shud federal also not just our country


Somalis if countries send u time waster and u check his influence in his country, they are not genuine about your country, get the message and just expel him or keep him but keep it 'limited' and focus on the real 'ambassadors' who do send real movers n shakers, dont get emotional be like abdillahi yusuf just stoic and no emotion iyo jeceyl and politeness its not our culture and how ppl talk we dont care as we spoke many languages since language isnt a culture to us, we know our culture, language is communication only, the ppl who make it a culture is because theirs got wiped out like phoenician turning arabic into culture kkkk. We cud speak any language and our culture wud remaian the same just translated in italian, english, arabic, it dont matter language the culture matter iyo waxad haysatid ka duwaan aduunka intneeda kale, langauge isnt unique thing it was developed in neolithic time period even uncircumized ppl had language it didnt make a distinction to them as they drop ur pants and saw your not really apart of their cultural group