Barre Hiiraale reaches Dolow

You are Marehan. I have never heard of a Gaaljecl who is obsessed with Gedo region. Gaaljecls don’t live in Gedo. You could have claimed a Raxaweyne sub clan or your own Boon tribe

Why should I ask @Somali Ugaas for your Abtiris we know that’s your other account
this guy is 100% mx, he is a "gaaljecel" who in his first thread said he supports farmajo, claimed fartag militia will take over jubbaland and supported laftagareen. A laftagareen loving gaaljecel has to be the biggest joke, who supports the man displacing your own people :mjlol:
this guy is 100% mx, he is a "gaaljecel" who in his first thread said he supports farmajo, claimed fartag militia will take over jubbaland and supported laftagareen. A laftagareen loving gaaljecel has to be the biggest joke, who supports the man displacing your own people :mjlol:

When did I support farmaajo or laftagareen, when did I say fartaag will take over JL cope harder nigga.
you sure sxb, this only from your first thread, should I bring even more quotes :russ:
Just cuz I agree with a nigga’s policies doesn’t mean I support them, i agreed with farmaajo on something’s but still hate him he killed more hawiye in 5 years then shabaab did. I will support anybody willing to get rid of that cancerous charcoal selling terorrist that is your uncle. Cagdheer caqli xuma.


this guy is 100% mx, he is a "gaaljecel" who in his first thread said he supports farmajo, claimed fartag militia will take over jubbaland and supported laftagareen. A laftagareen loving gaaljecel has to be the biggest joke, who supports the man displacing your own people :mjlol:
I said this a while back but I was attacked by many anti-Biden users of all shapes and sizes.

This guy is MX. NOT A SINGLE GALJECEL would support LG after what he’s trying to do in Wanlaweyn with shanta caleemood.

Secondly he’s got too many Gedo like talking points. I’m surprised he’s still going, usually sheegatos don’t survive long but I guess cos of the lack of other Gaaljecel users here you can with them.
I said this a while back but I was attacked by many anti-Biden users of all shapes and sizes.

This guy is MX. NOT A SINGLE GALJECEL would support LG after what he’s trying to do in Wanlaweyn with shanta caleemood.

Secondly he’s got too many Gedo like talking points. I’m surprised he’s still going, usually sheegatos don’t survive long but I guess cos of the lack of other Gaaljecel users here you can with them.
@bidenkulaha I ain’t no sheegato but you ain’t even Somali your an Oromo. LG is fighting one sub clan of GJ caloofi not the whole clan.
@Kabtaanka it's like you’re trying to be called a sheegad. Anyways i don't know shit about GJ other than what i heard from @Rationale i think.
these people are stupid I am GJ from JL just cuz I want madobe removed so my land can develop i am a sheegato. Just to get to my farms I have to go through shabaab land, while my farm is even on shabaab land. JL is the most valuable land in Somalia a charcoal selling cancer has turned it into the Sahara desert.

listen to his own clansman 👇

Kenya side compared to JL side.
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