Bandit here is the video

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Tuur ruled from 1989 to 1993. He was the SNM chairman who during his reign Somaliland was liberated and the first
Somaliland president also, that itself is a honor. While senile Madhibaan Siilanyo was denied that honour and he
had to wait for a non Isaaq man to finish his reign first before he was allowed in.

Duke, whats is your beef with HJ and Mudane Silaanyo i am actually curious.

Bear in mind i am not HJ, so be honest.


Well they are hypocrites and I am not fond of hypocrites. They cry "Isaaqniimo" when you are heavy handed with
them yet start shit. As this video shows they begged Warsangeli/Dhulos for help against my people in Sanaag but we still
handed their langaab asses to them on a plate.

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Duke, whats is your beef with HJ and Mudane Silaanyo i am actually curious.

Bear in mind i am not HJ, so be honest.

I think this kid was in the habar habar war LMAO. wallahi nothing else can explain his biased views towards the great HJ.

Tbh i don't even know of one major HY company in all of somaliland. Hj have Indha deero who literally control all livestock through their berbera maxjar and we know livestock makes 60%+ of the country's GDP. All habar yoonis and ogaaden in hawd bring their xoolo to us in berbera to make money. HJ also has Dahabshiil who controls the finance of all somaliland. HA have oomaar group of companies that control the importation of goods. Dhulos have HASS petroleum that controls most oil & gas imports in somaliland. What financial sector do HY control??


Livestock = commodity, HY has the largest number of livestock in Somaliland, that alone makes them wealthy. Inadha dheero
is not the only exporter of livestock, Ina Baradho (Isaxaaq,HY) is also a major exporter of livestock and he is a multi millionaire.
The largest telecommunication company in Somaliland Telesom is mainly owned by Garhajis as well who have large shares in
it specially millionaire Ina Aloore (Reer Sugule, HY) who has hotels in Burco, Berbera and Hargeisa, Richest woman in Uganda
(Amina Hersi Moghe) owner of the Oasis mall and numerous huge hotels who is way much wealthier than Dahabshiil is also Cali
Siciid/H-Y. Just because H-Y don't brag about some individual's wealth doesn't mean they don't have millionaires. Fact remains
H-Y has more millionaires than H-J.

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Most the livestock comes from hawd zone 5 since their livestock is the largest in weight. Whoever controls the the maxjar and the ships controls the livestock trade which is laf dhabarka economy for somalis. My point wasn't to brag about who's balls are bigger. You're trying to undermine HJ to these youths that probably weren't born back home, or have never lived there.

Hy wa gob and are the warriors of isaaq. We know if it wasn't for you guys in sool & sanaag hj would've been overwhelmed by harti during afweeyne time. So i foks with Hy and give credit where it's due.

Were you born back home. Anigu burcaan ku korey, but i have no problem when i chill in Hy side. They show mad love....Only ppl that fought in the war hold this much hate


And which Isaaq sub clan has the largest lands in zone 5? the answer is H-Y from Gashaamo, Danot and Daroor. Cidagale also have
lots of camels there, were's Habar Awal are mostly farmers. I wasn't trying to undermine anyone but setting the record straight. I
was in Burco as well this summer and was chilling in my old neighborhood... of west Burco, it was funny some random woman asked
me ya ka tahay Habar Yoonis when I was walking in the zerooga suuq. Reer Burco are outspoken. Were's in Hargeisa nobody asks you
your clan.

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Hy no doubt have most land in kilika....HA and reer galbeed(sland) have a different type of qabiyaalad that's motivated by dhaqaale and siyaasad. Hj and Hy bari are more of the aggressive type, even between their own subclans since we were part of the eastern expansion. Reer burco been mayaqaanan, they tell it str8 how it is. Hy Hj beef doesn't exist like it used to. Ardayada reer Burco mar mar dagaal gacan bey galaan laakiinse waa dhalinyaro gang mentality leh. Odayaasha have moved from senseless qabiyaalad to what i would call competitive qabiyaalad like galbeed somaliland.
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