Bakara Market shut down by ISIS

Muqdishaawis have to secure the sacred capital from the evil shisheeye wanting to cripple our great nation. There is no other city like Muqdisho it's a shame that we allow these leeches to tax our businesses. Farmaggio has been hiding in Villa Somalia for 5 years now and it doesn't look like he wants to come out to the sunlight anytime soon. We even have people proposing the idea we change the capital to somewhere hopeless like Baydhabo or Garowe. This cannot go any longer. Hawiye lack balls.
There’s no city like Mogadishu because all Somalis invested in it. MJ built Garowe, did Abgaal build Xamar? Look at literally any other Hawiye deegaan and it doesn’t compare to anything in PL. we’ve been too politically correct with y’all.

As for your last statement, everyone is on their home turf and has their ciidan, we know how y’all do in those type of situations so please spare us the rara bowe.
The answer is simple. Nationalise Hormuud and have a single monopoly for mobile payments. Require biometric identification for sims.

walahi this move would be 100x more effective than any drone or another 20 years of amisom.
So the bakaraaro shut down because of one phone call from isis that are not even in the city :gucciwhat:
Assassins, they don’t need military. You can get gunned down coming out of your home, business or masjid. It only takes is to give couple of hundreds to 1-3 kids from the neighbourhood and you are dead. How many have died this way the last couple of days in xamar? You need intelligence to defeat these terrorists. Fear is their tool.
The gov has been hiding it but isis has been very active in Xamar they have been carrying out many low level assassinations using handguns/home invasions in the night and they got a bigger fanbase since they are not using suicide bombs in public places like shabaab
Today in Bakaaraha both Alshabaab and Haramaad police officers were going around asking people their clans, wixii non-Hawiye ah madaxa laga jabiyeey.

Walahi to be honest looking for ISIS terrorists is easy just look for non-HAGs.

In another note im also hearing that ''This daacish thing is false flag. It's NISA behind it. They need the taxes for Farmaajo's election''
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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
I feel sorry for Rer Muqdishu imagine having to pay 3 taxes now AS, IS and Dawladda. What a nightmare


I may be wrong but it's highly unlikely
Today in Bakaaraha both Alshabaab and Haramaad police officers were going around asking people their clans, wixii non-Hawiye ah madaxa laga jabiyeey.

Walahi to be honest looking for ISIS terrorists is easy just look for non-HAGs.

In another note im also hearing that ''This daacish thing is false flag. It's NISA behind it. They need the taxes for Farmaajo's election''
I wouldn’t be surprised if it was NISA tbh. I doubt isis has an influence that far south. N&N puppets would go above and beyond for their master and support and finance him by any means
I wouldn’t be surprised if it was NISA tbh. I doubt isis has an influence that far south. N&N puppets would go above and beyond for their master and support and finance him by any means
Sxb the truth is coming to light, farmaajo and fahad are using NISA to act like ISIS to extort money from reer Mogadishu to fund Farmaajo election.
