Authentic Salafiyyah versus fake "Salafiyyah"


I put Books to the Test of Life
I finally get it now @Omar del Sur

This individual in video continually navigates in circles, avoiding straightforward expression of his genuine thoughts and emotions. His discussions about different factions of Salafis seem designed to obfuscate his true intention, which is to incite rebellions and declare takfir against the rulers. " Give permission to oppressors"

Anyone who resorts to labeling others with the term "Madkhali" as a means of slander is undoubtedly displaying characteristics of Khawarij, whether these tendencies are evident outwardly or concealed inwardly. Their disdain for the inability to declare takfir on Islamic rulers and their efforts to sow discord and animosity among Muslims and society at large reveal a desire to foment disorder and chaos.

They consistently assert and discuss the notion that Muslim rulers are covert agents collaborating with British and American interests. According to this narrative, the rulers' alleged alliance with non-Muslim entities serves as a justification for advocating uprisings and unrest.

@Omar del Sur, kindly refrain from attempting to sow confusion and division among those who adhere to the ways of the Salaf and resist being enslaved by their own desires. Be forthright and openly declare if you oppose the guidelines that discourage public condemnation and the sowing of discord against rulers. If you harbour reservations or inclinations reminiscent of the Khawarij, have the courage to express them unequivocally instead of subtly fostering dissension.

There's no need to adopt the guise of a Salafi to express your views or propagate the idea of a distinction between a formal sect known as Salafism and a sincere adherence to the ways of the Salaf without explicit labels or organized guidelines.

A true Salafi is someone who adheres to the Quran and Sunnah with an understanding rooted in the practices of the Salaf. In the current era marked by various sects and deviations, Salafis distinguish themselves from those who follow innovations and clearly articulate their creed as Salafiyyah. There is no concept of different types or versions within Salafism, There are no distinct types or versions within Salafism. Any fixation on associating Salafism with a specific country, such as Saudi Arabia, is unfounded.
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