AUN Nabadoonkii Cali Madaxweyne oo ku shahiiday furunta Adan yabaal.

May Allah swt grant you Jannah Firdus beloved uncle. What makes me angry is where we were attacked from. Abgaal need to mobilise asap.




Waxuu ahaa mujaahid
Leader of his people
Kacadoonka Xawaadle iyo Saleebaan cannot be failure otherwise Somalia will argagixiso place
Abgaal need to wake up, where is their macawisleey?
He’s right

Abgaal fadhiga ha ka Kacaan

Hiiraan cannot be liberated with AS sitting cozy in Middle Shabelle.

But we got a new Zuug from AS, few tekinikos and loads of ammunition.

I worried that Al-shabab are getting help and reinforcements through Middle Shebelle. It makes liberation of Galmudug more of a challenge.
AUN nabadoon. Died fighting to defend his women, children and elderly. Thats what you call a real man. Beesha ciise harti and others who live in Adan Yabaal have to stand up and fight AS. Thats where AS returned to to launch fresh new attacks today


AUN nabadoon. Died fighting to defend his women, children and elderly. Thats what you call a real man. Beesha ciise harti and others who live in Adan Yabaal have to stand up and fight AS. Thats where AS returned to to launch fresh new attacks today
Today Shabaab broadcast Murusade Abgaal and Duduble elders all saying that they’ll fight any ‘invaders’. Situation is at the most critical is ever been and they’re going all out on propaganda. The SNA is 6km from Aadan Yabaal after their attacks on Moqokori. Next few days is going to be big. IMO more officials should be on this front. I don’t know why Minister of Defence and SNA commander are at Saleebaan front

They had Abgaal women ‘cooking food’ for their soldiers and saying Shabaab is great to them.
Today Shabaab broadcast Murusade Abgaal and Duduble elders all saying that they’ll fight any ‘invaders’. Situation is at the most critical is ever been and they’re going all out on propaganda. The SNA is 6km from Aadan Yabaal after their attacks on Moqokori. Next few days is going to be big. IMO more officials should be on this front. I don’t know why Minister of Defence and SNA commander are at Saleebaan front

They had Abgaal women ‘cooking food’ for their soldiers and saying Shabaab is great to them.

As I said before, Abgaal are the Achilles heel of this war against Al Alshabab. Hiiraan and Galmudug will never be safe aslong as Al Shabab has free reign in Middle Shabelle.

This is a big stain on Abgaal.

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