UPDATE ATMIS shuts down Xalane to secure swearing-in of MPs


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

ATMIS oo xayiraad kusoo rogtay Xalane iyo dhaarinta xildhibaanada oo shaki ku jirta​

Howlgalka ATMIS ayaa ku dhowaaqay in la xirayo xerada Xalane 10-ka illaa 16-ka bishan April, tallaabadaas oo loo arko mid lagu carqaladeynayo dhaarinta xildhibaanada cusub.

Basically ATMIS have locked out Rooble and his fake swearing in from coming into Xalane and causing trouble ATMIS is fully under Farmaajo control

Thats check mate baby

winning independence day GIF by IFC

Clashes between PM backed SNA/milita and ATMIS occupiers protecting Mr Cheese. Rooble should not backdown from ATMIS if they interfere in the internal politics of Somalia Italiana

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If these reports are true then Rooble has to be brave. Save Somalia Italiana from ATMIS interference in an intragovernmental dispute between PM/president. Dont let ATMIS set a precedent that they can protect a non native president from being overthrown by a native PM with his new parliament
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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
What a sucess Nabad iyo
Nolol and ATMIS are doing well together , Thank you Cabdullahi Yusuf for bringing these Bantus they really are good at humbling mooryaan:rejoice:



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
This is for the swearing in mps-to think AU will keep your uncle in office 😆
You didnt read the tweets or article eh? Carqaladayn means disrupt if you didnt know, ATMIS is pro Farmajo and nothing you can do about it.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
So tell me something genius-atmis will what?keep your uncle.in villa Somalia? Without elections? In hawiye land? And what's the end goal? Mise all this is niyad dhis for you?
Good work, remember ATMIS comes under FGS which tactically means Farmaajo. The IC can't have possible terrorist attacks in the green zone.
So atmis includes kenya,how do you reckon that works?farmajo controls kenya?..masjidka ciyaarta ka daaya!
This is just politics my friend, Obviously i am against Amxaaro, Bantu etc. But by supporting Farmaajos claims they work to N&Ns favour and humiliate the reckless limp wristed opposition. ATMIS will leave towards the end of this decade if N&N or a N&N adjacent party stays in party.

Moreover you should be supporting N&N for its destruction of this Federalist project that your people and mine suffer abuse from.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
Atmis does not have that mandate and if all else fails reer muqdisho poped farmajo uncle like he was a pimple-what do you think he can do?
Thats not politics sxb,thats naive ameture talk.

My people love federalism who are ur people?


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
This is just politics my friend, Obviously i am against Amxaaro, Bantu etc. But by supporting Farmaajos claims they work to N&Ns favour and humiliate the reckless limp wristed opposition. ATMIS will leave towards the end of this decade if N&N or a N&N adjacent party stays in party.

Moreover you should be supporting N&N for its destruction of this Federalist project that your people and mine suffer abuse from.
ATMIS command and control comes under 'Taliska Ciidanka XDS' whose commander is Taliye Odaawaa. They are no longer like AMISOM which was a peacekeeping mission. They are here to defend FGS from any threats internal or external. People don't understand how much of a game changer this is. Obviously they won't attack opposition directly but they will defend.

