NEWS ASWJ reject Elections by Nabar iyo Naxdin Dhuusomareeb on the brink of war!


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Ahlu-Sunna oo qaadacay doorashada Galmudug kuna baaqday doorasho kale

Dhuusomareeb (Caasimada Online) – Khilaaf ayaa ku yimid geedi-socodka Doorashada Madaxweynaha Maamulka Galmudug, iyadoona uu dib u dhac ku yimid soo saarista jadwalka, ay tahay in loo maro Doorashada Madaxweynaha Galmudug iyo Kuxigeenkiisa.Sida ay ogaatay Caasimada Online, Khilaafkan ayaa yimid, ka dib markii Ahlu Sunada Gobolada Dhexe ay ka hortimid Guddiga Doorashada Madaxtooyada Galmudug, oo Axadii uu magacaabay Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Galmudug, Maxamed Nuur Gacal.

Ahlu Sunada Galmudug ayaa u sheegtay Guddoonka Baarlamaanka Galmudug in Gudoomiyaha Guddiga Doorashada Madaxweynaha ay tahay inuu ka yimaado Ahlu Sunna, haddii Gudoomiyihii Guddiga Doorashada Guddoonka Baarlamaanka Galmudug uu ka yimid dhanka Dowladda Soomaaliya.

Madaxa Xukuumadda Galmudug, Sheekh Maxamed Shaakir Cali Xasan oo la kulmay Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Galmudug ayaa u sheegay inuu ku noqdo magacaabista Guddiga Doorashada Madaxweynaha iyo Madaxweyne Kuxigeenka, isla-markaana uu Gudoomiyaha Guddiga u soo magacaabo shakhsi ku saf ah Ahlu Sunna.

Wararka ayaa sheegaya in Sheekh Maxamed Shaakir uu ku goodiyay inay qaadici doonaan Doorashada Xafiiska Madaxtooyada, haddii aanu Gudoomiyaha Guddiga Doorashada ka imaan dhinaca Ahlu Sunna.

Wararka ayaa intaa ku daraya in Magaalada Dhuusamareeb ay ka socdaan dadaalo lagu doonayo in xal loogu helo khilaafka ka soo cusboonaaday dhismaha maamulka cusub ee lagu wado in loo yegleelo dadka reer Galmudug.

Guddiga uu shalay soo magacaabay Gudoomiye Gacal ayaa maanta lagu waday inay muddeeyaan waqtiga ay dhaceyso Doorashada Madaxweynaha iyo Kuxigeenkiisaba, hase yeeshee ay u baaqatay diidmada ka timid Ahlu Sunna.

Dowladda Federaalka iyo Guddoonka Baarlamaanka Galmudug ma doonayan inay Ahlu Sunna ka baxo hannaanka maamul u samaynta Galmudug, xilli ay ka walaacsan yihiin tallaabada uu dhismaha maamulkaasi kaga maqan yahay Madaxweynaha weli talada Galmudug haya, waa Axmed Ducaale Geelle (Xaaf). Villa Somalia ayaa juhdi kasta ku bixin doonto, sidii ay Ahlu Sunna uga sii mid ahaan laheyd saamileyda Galmudug ee ku hawlan dhismaha maamulkaasi.

Khilaafka horgudban habsami socodka dhismaha Galmudug oo muddooyinkii ugu dambeysay soo jiitamaayay ayaa marba meel cagaha la gelaayay, taasoo keentay in dhismaha maamulkaasi lagu kala qaybsamo.

Khilaafkan wiiqay dhismaha Galmudug-ta cusub ayaa laga cabsi qabaa in uu horseedo waddo uu laba maamul ku yeelanayo Maamul Goboleedka ka dhisan Gobolada Dhexe.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Warya how come they were not given speaker or VP job?
The tuug Farmaajo wants to bring back his inadeer Carabay the former VP while kicking out Xaaf? He is refusing ASWJ VP AND wants to give Khayrlaawe homeless people speaker. What a fucking joke.

Xaaf is right to reject this failed govt.


Farmaajo for president 2021
As much as I support n&n i have to agree that asjw deserves more representation considering they had major stake in kicking AS out of the major galmudug cities.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
OP are you bipolar?

You do everything in extremes.
Your murusade took all the jobs and are keeping Farmaajo as a figurehead. You are the worst most corrupt people to take office. Terrorism is your name and Cali dheere ia your leader. Nacatullahi cala Nabar iyo Naxdin for giving out Qalbidhagax


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
What changed mudane? What happened?
This Farmajo is useless maqaarsaar, tolkiis waxba uma qabo he is a Murusade pussywhipped plant. Daroodoow wan tawbad keenay, wallahi nimankan wana khiyaaneen. Ahmed Madoobe xaal qaado, wiil iyo abtigiis ban nahay :meleshame:


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
This Farmajo is useless maqaarsaar, tolkiis waxba uma qabo he is a Murusade pussywhipped plant. Daroodoow wan tawbad keenay, wallahi nimankan wana khiyaaneen. Ahmed Madoobe xaal qaado, wiil iyo abtigiis ban nahay :meleshame:

He's seeking honour from Hawiyes, while honour lies in darodnimo.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
He's seeking honour from Hawiyes, while honour lies in darodnimo.
He has done nothing but make enemies for us In Cabudwaaq we have a new front in Kilinka 5aad and Kismaayu issue to deal with. He has brought no development, I have been campaigning 3 years adamantly on social media and he refused to even consider hiring me after much effort but murusade gets in easily with Khayre and Zaynab:francis:

Wa tuug tuug dhalay, Daroodoow you were right to opoose this Condom who doesnt deserve to be fit for President. Look at Khayre who is in Galmudug for months asna tolkiis cunaqabatayn bu saaray caqlixumadiis.

Waan tawbad keenay never again:friendhug:


North-West, London
This Farmajo is useless maqaarsaar, tolkiis waxba uma qabo he is a Murusade pussywhipped plant. Daroodoow wan tawbad keenay, wallahi nimankan wana khiyaaneen. Ahmed Madoobe xaal qaado, wiil iyo abtigiis ban nahay :meleshame:

I rate your honesty you are a true wadani bro.
He has done nothing but make enemies for us In Cabudwaaq we have a new front in Kilinka 5aad and Kismaayu issue to deal with. He has brought no development, I have been campaigning 3 years adamantly on social media and he refused to even consider hiring me after much effort but murusade gets in easily with Khayre and Zaynab:francis:

Wa tuug tuug dhalay, Daroodoow you were right to opoose this Condom who doesnt deserve to be fit for President. Look at Khayre who is in Galmudug for months asna tolkiis cunaqabatayn bu saaray caqlixumadiis.

Waan tawbad keenay never again:friendhug:
Loool so you’re mad you weren’t hired for a job you’re obviously not fit for judging by how extreme and unstable you are on here.
They cut his monthly salary and didn't give him the UN job he wanted which is why he took a U-turn.
He’s freaking out because he wasn’t handed a job. Lol unreal.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
They cut his monthly salary and didn't give him the UN job he wanted which is why he took a U-turn.

Walahi Tekniko deserves the UN job more than this handicap who can't even express himself sufficiently.

While Tekniko is now forced to weather the storm in ville Toronto, the speech impediment having loser is chilling in New York. Tekniko would flourish in NY. I'm mourning with him walahi.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Walahi Tekniko deserves the UN job more than this handicap who can't even express himself sufficiently.

While Tekniko is now forced to weather the storm in ville Toronto, the speech impediment having loser is chilling in New York. Tekniko would flourish in NY. I'm mourning with him walahi.
They give this qashin a high paying job while I have been campaigning for much longer this guy doesnt even know Somali, I am taking my talents to Kismayo.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
He has done nothing but make enemies for us In Cabudwaaq we have a new front in Kilinka 5aad and Kismaayu issue to deal with. He has brought no development, I have been campaigning 3 years adamantly on social media and he refused to even consider hiring me after much effort but murusade gets in easily with Khayre and Zaynab:francis:

Wa tuug tuug dhalay, Daroodoow you were right to opoose this Condom who doesnt deserve to be fit for President. Look at Khayre who is in Galmudug for months asna tolkiis cunaqabatayn bu saaray caqlixumadiis.

Waan tawbad keenay never again:friendhug:

No, you're not a dimwit. You supported your uncle, but he didn't get the memo. I swear Yuulka would've given you a post.

A reer Diini guy from abroad, with western certificates who speaks English living in Xamar...? Every other leader would hire such a guy.

They give this qashin a high paying job while I have been campaigning for much longer this guy doesnt even know Somali, I am taking my talents to Kismayo.

I would understand if they have him the job as a retribution if his dad was killed by a Marehan, like a mag. But his dad was blown up by a fellow hu.tu


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
No, you're not a dimwit. You supported your uncle, but he didn't get the memo. I swear Yuulka would've given you a post.

A reer Diini guy from abroad, with western certificates who speaks English living in Xamar...? Every other leader would hire such a guy.

I would understand if they have him the job as a retribution if his dad was killed by a Marehan, like a mag. But his dad was blown up by a fellow hu.tu

Yup his dad was blown up by h.utu cause he was an honest bloke who was returning darood houses. Khayre knew it thats why no Murusade were present during the meeting.

Even if they offer me a job now I will never accept it out of principle, too little to late Ive come to despise this Farmaajo character as a loser.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Yup his dad was blown up by h.utu cause he was an honest bloke who was returning darood houses. Khayre knew it thats why no Murusade were present during the meeting.

Even if they offer me a job now I will never accept it out of principle, too little to late Ive come to despise this Farmaajo character as a loser.

He's reer dalal as well. He is probably your dad's 4th cousin.

Walahi Abdiweli Gaas would've given me a job if I was in xamar during his pmship, uqsimubillah. In PL it's different, because there's more of tolka there but in Xamar? Uqsimubillah he'd give me a job.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
He's reer dalal as well. He is probably your dad's 4th cousin.

Walahi Abdiweli Gaas would've given me a job if I was in xamar during his pmship, uqsimubillah. In PL it's different, because there's more of tolka there but in Xamar? Uqsimubillah he'd give me a job.
Not only rer dalal but hes also rer allemagan dalal same as me

If your murusade hell give you a job 100% cause he listens to his wife, the guy is totally controlled bafoon. Laughing stock of tolka is that he wont meet you unless his wife approves