AS attack and capture ATMIS Burundi base in Ceel Baraf heavy losses!


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Jowhar (Caasimada Online) – Faah faahino dheeraad ah ayaa waxaa laga helayaa khawaaraha ka dhashay weerar culus oo saaka dagaalyahano ka tirsan Al-Shabaab ay ku qaadeen saldhig ciidamada Burundi ee qaybta howlgalka ATMIS ex AMISOM ay ku leeyihiin deegaanka Ceel Baraf oo hoostaga degmada Mahadaay ee gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe.

Weerarka ayaa wuxuu ku bilowday qaraxyo, waxaana kadib xigay dagaal foolka fool ah oo u dhexeeyey ciidamada Burundi ee ku sugnaa saldhigga la weeraray iyo xoogaga Al-Shabaab.

Sidoo kale waxaa dagaalka mar dambe ku biiray ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa milatariga Soomaaliya, kuwaas oo gurmad ahaan ugu tegay ciidamada ATMIS ee lagu weeraray halkaasi.

Wararka ayaa sheegaya in weerarkan lagu dilay ugu yaraan illaa 4 askari oo ka tirsanaa ciidamada dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya, halka ay ku dhaawacmeen 5 kale.

Al-Shabaab oo dhankeeda ka hadashay weerarka waxa ay shaacisay inay dagaalyahanadeeda gudaha u galeen saldhigga, ayna la wareegeen, sida ay hadalka u dhigtay.

Xaaladda ayaa haatan aad u kacsan, waxaan weli dhaq-dhaqaaqyo culus laga dareemayaa duleedka degmada Mahadaay ee gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe ee maamulka HirShabelle.

Inta badan dagaalyahanada kooxda Al-Shabaab ayaa weeraro ku dhufo oo ka dhaqaaq ah ku qaada saldhigyada ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa howlgalka ATMIS ee ku yaalla koonfurta iyo bartamaha Soomaaliya.


New video image released of the attack @Woke1.4rm.Shibis wheres Badbaado Qaran and San Yare! Your degaans are under siege! Bantus have fallen!

Middle shabelleh badbado qaran are beheading al kebaabis in middle shabelleh , its unfortunate the terrorists
Targeted the weaker and more vulnerable Burundi african union force .
African union force must fully comply with the natives of el baraf , theres no free lunch those ends.


ATMIS ku nool. Can't even defend themselves against al shabaab without government soldiers and ATMIS. No wonder 90 percent of their land is ruled by al shabaab.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
ATMIS ku nool. Can't even defend themselves against al shabaab without government soldiers and ATMIS. No wonder 90 percent of their land is ruled by al shabaab.
:wow1: Badbaado Qaran quick to fight Farmaajo but are no where to be seen when the real menace roll in. Burundi relied on a the local forces and they fled where are Badbaado Qaran?

john travolta GIF


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Funny thing about this attack is that i was watching a N&N mouth piece YouTube channel news and as you can see they reported that UK government warned Amison/ATIS and the FGS on this attack.

Walahi, it's crazy how the UK with no assets in Somalia received this eminent intelligence report or a chatter of an attack yet SNA and ATMIS with a combined 40k troops had no clue of whatsoever, Alshabaab is just Western funded group,Period.



Sad to hear we lost brave Burundian brothers to the terrorist filth, where is Badbaado qaran when you need them or are they only good for making empty threats against the President ?



Xoolo behaviour from Somalis but what do you expect.

Condolences to the Burundi soldiers. They and the Ugandans have always been more helpful than Kenyan/Ethiopians


Condolences to the good brothers of Burundi stationed in our district. New batch should arrive.

Dadka degaanka oo adeeganaayo. Wilasheeyna intee dhiman lahaayeen jarèérta aa ii joogto :kanyeshrug:


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Condolences to the good brothers of Burundi stationed in our district. New batch should arrive.

Dadka degaanka oo adeeganaayo. Wilasheeyna intee dhiman lahaayeen jarèérta aa ii joogto :kanyeshrug:
:drakelaugh: They are looting the dead Bantus stuff


Middle shabelleh badbado qaran are beheading al kebaabis in middle shabelleh , its unfortunate the terrorists
Targeted the weaker and more vulnerable Burundi african union force .
African union force must fully comply with the natives of el baraf , theres no free lunch those ends.
And no lowering of the head like nacas Sidii used to do in Lower Shabelle. I made a thread with a video where they shaved his head lol


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