Are you gaal for having doubts and questions?


if you can read obviously you would know why some people have doubts the people inside Mecca trusted allah but that didn’t stop the Qaramatians from killing all around the Kaaba and the Muslims did not fight them BELIEVING that Allah would save them...but he did not what type of god would see his people die and suffer like this knowing in the Quran allah says do not fight in the Kaaba as I will protect you
They as a martyr and will enter Jannah. There is a hadith where it says if they had the chance they would go back on earth and get themselves killed again to experience the joy of Jannah/martydom all over again. Sometimes their are knowledge we can't fully comprehended but has benefits at the end.
if you can read obviously you would know why some people have doubts the people inside Mecca trusted allah but that didn’t stop the Qaramatians from killing all around the Kaaba and the Muslims did not fight them BELIEVING that Allah would save them...but he did not what type of god would see his people die and suffer like this knowing in the Quran allah says do not fight in the Kaaba as I will protect you
ok and what type of nation says a lie about a terriost attack by gulf countries and goes for Iraq, a sensationalism of a historical massacre that happening during a time of a power vacuum. What time of country founded on the basis of free thinking and capitalism does this during a time of globalisation of multiculturalism.

You problem with your faith is one-sided, you've already came out as gaal, go live it why find continuous never-ending discourse or are you not fulfilled with your new confession?
the Qaramatians Did the sack of Mecca during that time they entered Mecca and killed an estimated 20k pilgrims after they slaughtered people like sheep they stood on top of the Kaaba and urinated on it mocking allah daring him to send the supposed birds carrying hot stone as he mentioned in the Quran nothing was sent and the qaramatians stole the black stone and used it as a bathroom for 20 years then they returned it

this is the first story that gave me doubts about Islam why would allah let all these People die and why couldn’t he prove the miracle of the birds why couldn’t allah protect the black stone

Allah does whatever He wills. those of em that died upon kufr without an excuse shall certainly suffer a humiliating punishment.
Who said their duas arnt answered? Dua is accepted in three ways. you say you know about the deen but you should understand that everything allah decrees has a wisdom as he is the most wise
1) it’s answered in the dunya
2) Allah will store it for him in the Hereafter where it will be more valuable that even the believer would say he wished his duas was never answered in the dunya
3) He will divert an evil from him similar to it. when your under going hardship, that is the time when people turn to allah and draw nearer to them. allah puts them in a position where he wants his slaves to call out to him for their own benefit in the hereafter.

Yeah your duas are unlikely to be answered if you earn haram money and eat haram food. Fix up and try to get right if you want to get your duas answered. staying away from haram motivates us to have our prayers accepted by allah. You not even a muslim if you don’t pray 5 times a day so how could you expect allah to answer your dua for you?

Allah does what he pleases. Allah doesn’t need us we need him. What he decreed upon us, we shouldn’t complain and us being tested is for our own good as it shows us who is sincere in their faith and turns to allah when calamities strike. We are slaves of god he created us he makes the rules so you make the choice if your gonna submit or not.

know if we agree this life’s a test, Wouldn’t you want your sins to be expidated in this life instead of the afterlife which we know is going to be more painful and tormenting then this life? this life is nothing compared to the afterlife

It was narrated in al-Saheehayn that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “No tiredness, exhaustion, worry, grief, distress or harm befalls a believer in this world, not even a thorn that pricks him, but Allaah expiates some of his sins thereby.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5210; Muslim, 4670).

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When Allah wills good for His slave, He hastens the punishment for him in this world, and when Allah wills ill for His slave, he withholds the punishment for his sins from him until he comes with all his sins on the Day of Resurrection.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (2396); classed as saheeh by al-Albani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi.

Shaykh al-Islam [Ibn Taymiyah] (may Allah have mercy on him) said: A calamity that makes you turn to Allah is better for you than a blessing which makes you forget the remembrance of Allah.”

^this also goes with the duas being “unanswered” anything. that befalls you whether it be a calamity or provision that brings is a blessing from allah. Allah puts us in situations where we depend and call out to him. Surely with hardship comes with ease
to add to this, being tested in this life is an amazing thing
if you can read obviously you would know why some people have doubts the people inside Mecca trusted allah but that didn’t stop the Qaramatians from killing all around the Kaaba and the Muslims did not fight them BELIEVING that Allah would save them...but he did not what type of god would see his people die and suffer like this knowing in the Quran allah says do not fight in the Kaaba as I will protect you
there have been literal prophets(upon whom be peace and blessings from Allah) that have been killed. people who believe in Allah dying in whatever manner is not an argument against islam

Allah decrees whatever He wills. Again, this life is a test, those people who fought in the sake of Allah and died as martyrs are probably so happy they'd do it a million times over
there have been literal prophets(upon whom be peace and blessings from Allah) that have been killed. people who believe in Allah dying in whatever manner is not an argument against islam View attachment 327891

Allah decrees whatever He wills. Again, this life is a test, those people who fought in the sake of Allah and died as martyrs are probably so happy they'd do it a million times over
So the black stone being stolen and used as a bathroom for 23 years is ok with Allah ?
No it doesn't. It's fundamental to seek islamic knowledge and not be kept in the dark. However you are in a very dangerous territory if you continue to have these ill thoughts about your religion. This is a very smart tactic from shaytan to make you continously doubt your imaan to the point you keep looking for doubts until you finally explode and leave islam altogether. It has happened to plenty of people and the last thing I and you want is to become a murtad. You must shun these clear waswas from shaytan and seek the path of truth. Seek knowledge from trustworthy sheikh and websites like Islamqa. That website has helped throughout the years (May Allah bless the creators of that website) Alhamdulilah I have never had doubts as I seeked the path of truth. If there was something I didn't have knowledge I would seek to the truth, rather than open the doors of waswas and doubt. And to answer your question. Allah certainly answers dua like he has to me l my family and to many I know. Ofcoutse we can't always get a quick respond due to peoppe falling short e.g not praying on time, engaging in haram, not doing dua correctly and perhaps not doing dua in times where you get answered quicker. Sometimes the answer can also be yes now, yes but not now or yes but I have something better for you. For Palestine situation is not that Allah isn't answering our dua but because the answer is either Yes but not now. he is indeed accepting our dua and rewarding us for making the dua so there's even more of a bonus when making dua since you are pleasing the creator you get rewarded and ofcourse accepted. Palestine will be freed in the future so the answer is YES but not now. Your other question is why do kuffar have a better life? that's because it's Allah decree and not all fo them have a good life. And if you think is for the good than you are mistaken. Allah is only delaying their punishment for a horrendous day waiting for them. They are only enjoying life for a small amount of time. everyone including them will be returned to Allah by force. And don't think the Muslims who are having hardship won't be rewarded. Allah certainly rewards the patient and anyone that's suffering even if its little. I hope this helped
I know I am in no man's land but I am hoping I survive it, just because my intention isn't to become gaal but to escape these intrusive thoughts.
Another question I can ask is why does satan exist? I mean he is responsible for many people going astray right, so why even create him to begin with? Allah not punish me for saying this, but doesn't the whole thing seem like it's.....?:browtf:
Also if satan is to blame, why should we be punished man?
Every answer I come across only raises more questions.
I think my only solution that works is just to ignore everything and continue praying and doing all the things a muslim is expected of. I am not satisfied with any answer given, either on here or by a shaikh.
Who said their duas arnt answered? Dua is accepted in three ways. you say you know about the deen but you should understand that everything allah decrees has a wisdom as he is the most wise
1) it’s answered in the dunya
2) Allah will store it for him in the Hereafter where it will be more valuable that even the believer would say he wished his duas was never answered in the dunya
3) He will divert an evil from him similar to it. when your under going hardship, that is the time when people turn to allah and draw nearer to them. allah puts them in a position where he wants his slaves to call out to him for their own benefit in the hereafter.

Yeah your duas are unlikely to be answered if you earn haram money and eat haram food. Fix up and try to get right if you want to get your duas answered. staying away from haram motivates us to have our prayers accepted by allah. You not even a muslim if you don’t pray 5 times a day so how could you expect allah to answer your dua for you?

Allah does what he pleases. Allah doesn’t need us we need him. What he decreed upon us, we shouldn’t complain and us being tested is for our own good as it shows us who is sincere in their faith and turns to allah when calamities strike. We are slaves of god he created us he makes the rules so you make the choice if your gonna submit or not.

know if we agree this life’s a test, Wouldn’t you want your sins to be expidated in this life instead of the afterlife which we know is going to be more painful and tormenting then this life? this life is nothing compared to the afterlife

It was narrated in al-Saheehayn that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “No tiredness, exhaustion, worry, grief, distress or harm befalls a believer in this world, not even a thorn that pricks him, but Allaah expiates some of his sins thereby.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5210; Muslim, 4670).

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When Allah wills good for His slave, He hastens the punishment for him in this world, and when Allah wills ill for His slave, he withholds the punishment for his sins from him until he comes with all his sins on the Day of Resurrection.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (2396); classed as saheeh by al-Albani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi.

Shaykh al-Islam [Ibn Taymiyah] (may Allah have mercy on him) said: A calamity that makes you turn to Allah is better for you than a blessing which makes you forget the remembrance of Allah.”

^this also goes with the duas being “unanswered” anything. that befalls you whether it be a calamity or provision that brings is a blessing from allah. Allah puts us in situations where we depend and call out to him. Surely with hardship comes with ease
I know Allah does as he pleases, but doesn't this mean whatever we do doesn't matter in the end?
Also, if someone or a group of people like the Palestinians are going through very difficult times, and they make dua, they are making dua for relief, a relief now. I can't ask why God will delay their dua for the afterlife because I think that will make me gaal, but if they are asking for help now and in this world, do they not deserve to get it?
But why do we need to suffer now to get rewarded in the next life when Allah can give us both worlds? I am talking about sincere Muslims who do as they are expected of. You are going to go to Jannah for being a sincere Muslim right? so why is the extra suffering required?
look at my earlier replies.





dont get so stuck up on this worldly life. this world is not the place for the muslim to live free from trials and in luxuries.






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I know I am in no man's land but I am hoping I survive it, just because my intention isn't to become gaal but to escape these intrusive thoughts.
Another question I can ask is why does satan exist? I mean he is responsible for many people going astray right, so why even create him to begin with? Allah not punish me for saying this, but doesn't the whole thing seem like it's.....?:browtf:
Also if satan is to blame, why should we be punished man?
Every answer I come across only raises more questions.
I think my only solution that works is just to ignore everything and continue praying and doing all the things a muslim is expected of. I am not satisfied with any answer given, either on here or by a shaikh.
Satan is not at all to blame for your own faults. Allah tells us what he shall say on that day.

Satan is not at all to blame for your own faults. Allah tells us what he shall say on that day.

View attachment 327905
It also says in the Qu'ran that satan was the reason Adam(AS) and Hawa were removed from heaven. It also says that satan makes a promise with God to let him live for a long time so he can lead many people astray and God says okay but "I will put you and those who accept your devious ways to hell" in surah S'ad.

How do you reconcile these seemingly contradicting Ayas?
It also says in the Qu'ran that satan was the reason Adam(AS) and Hawa were removed from heaven. It also says that satan makes a promise with God to let him live for a long time so he can lead many people astray and God says okay but "I will put you and those who accept your devious ways to hell" in surah S'ad.

How do you reconcile these seemingly contradicting Ayas?
could you send these verses?

also, what is there to reconcile, are you saying Adam (upon whom be peace and blessings from Allah) should be in hell?
could you send these verses?

also, what is there to reconcile, are you saying Adam (upon whom be peace and blessings from Allah) should be in hell?
No That's not what I am saying. Let me ask you this, whose fault was it that Adam(AS) was removed from Janah?
if it was prophet Adam's fault, then why does the quran say it was the satan's fault? If you do believe that it was Satan's fault, how can you say Satan is not all to blame?
That's the contradiction I am talking about?


I know I am in no man's land but I am hoping I survive it, just because my intention isn't to become gaal but to escape these intrusive thoughts.
Another question I can ask is why does satan exist? I mean he is responsible for many people going astray right, so why even create him to begin with? Allah not punish me for saying this, but doesn't the whole thing seem like it's.....?:browtf:
Also if satan is to blame, why should we be punished man?
Every answer I come across only raises more questions.
I think my only solution that works is just to ignore everything and continue praying and doing all the things a muslim is expected of. I am not satisfied with any answer given, either on here or by a shaikh.
The more you say why does this happen and so on the more your going to be stuck in this loop of misery and doubts, the only solution is to shut them down. We know Allah exists as there's so many evidence to suggest this. So if we know Allah exists we should surely put our trust in him. Since he literally created you and is keeping an eye on you e.g you being alive and the universe being alive etc. It wouldn't make sense having doubt in your faith when we know Allah exists and is everywhere with us through his wisdom.
Imagine being a murtad and you know Allah exists, does that make sense? what will happen when you die? you think Allah pleased? absolutely not but rather you will relieve a welcome to an eternal misery with no hope of redemption.

But to answer your question. Allah created shaytan for the same reason why Allah created us. Remember the verse, “And I did not create the jinnkind and the mankind except to worship me.” So this tells us that Allah created Shaytan who is from the jinnkind so that Shaytan can worship Him. But since Shaytan also had free will, he used that to disobey Allah. Shaytan than went on to further threaten to get humanity to disobey Allah.
Humans have free will and WILLINGLY choose to follow shaytan just like the waswas your getting, you are willingly allowing it to get to you when you can just simply seek the truth to get your answer and not entertain the doubts. This is not the fault of shaytan as he's only giving you invitation to hellfire. This is the fault of humans by accepting his invitation and willingly disobeying Allah. Shaytan is also a test for us to see if we will follow him or follow Allah.

Ofcourse us human beings aren't perfect and that's why Allah doors ti forgiveness is always open no matter how many sins you commit. And the correct answers we are giving you should make any muslim satisfied because its the truth. The Quran is the truth the sunnah is the truth so there's nothing to worry about unless you invite these worries.
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No That's not what I am saying. Let me ask you this, whose fault was it that Adam(AS) was removed from Janah?
if it was prophet Adam's fault, then why does the quran say it was the satan's fault? If you do believe that it was Satan's fault, how can you say Satan is not all to blame?
That's the contradiction I am talking about?
There's no contradiction, ibliis didn't force Adam AS he only whispered .
No That's not what I am saying. Let me ask you this, whose fault was it that Adam(AS) was removed from Janah?
if it was prophet Adam's fault, then why does the quran say it was the satan's fault? If you do believe that it was Satan's fault, how can you say Satan is not all to blame?
That's the contradiction I am talking about?
again, provide the verse