Are there any minorities on here?

I do recall a few Barawani users (mainly seen them in the history & culture section rewriting Somali history lol.) but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Bantu Somali on here before.
Isaaqs count as a persecuted minority group considering how often we get dragged on here because of those few deranged Landers on Twitter who dickride white supremacists that ruin our image.


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Just say your Bantu we will accept you.

Beenta jooji, you're the one of the most cunsuuri ones on here, bro.
Always going on about Bantu deportation from Soomaaliweyn and masculinising madow women like crazy.
I believe since this a western play they should use there own people and we East African should stay out of it. There's enough fetishization about our people. And yes Zendaya would have made a better candidate over Babatunde