Are Somalis chronically online or is there another reason why anything Somali related tends to attract a lot of attention?


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Hey, if you don't want non-somalis here, you can ask moderators to ban us all, or ban those who happen to have a different perspective; so that you only see the things that you agree with.
Dont put words in my mouth. I hate ethiopians with a passion but im glad you guys are here and reveal your true expansionist faces here. You didnt answer my question either. Now dont be emotional be a logical man


Djiboutian 🇩🇯
Is telling the truth misogynistic ? Men are the rulers, for a reason. This is what Alllaah decreed, not me dude.
Learn to be a decent man and have the decorum to be able to talk to women without degrading their opinions based on their gender, ma salama brother.
Maybe its cus ur shisheeye and dont understand the cultural gap but somali women are very well informed in somali politics and tend to have more nuanced and balanced viewpoints than qabilist somali men. We are in the government too. You are not giving a good representation of your culture, feel bad for oromo women fr. Also how am I sowing division? Because I’m a somali nationalist and hate Ethiopia? LOL

Being in the government, is one thing, but being the heads of the government is an entirely different thing. I also didn't say somali women, or other women, aren't intelligent and informed; but that ultimately; men are the leaders for a reason.
Hating an entire government is okay, but hating an entire country is silly to say the least, especially when at least half of that country is Muslim and has nothing to do with what occurs or occurred in Somalia. It's not something a fair or intelligent person does.
Dont put words in my mouth. I hate ethiopians with a passion but im glad you guys are here and reveal your true expansionist faces here. You didnt answer my question either. Now dont be emotional be a logical man

Then why ask me such questions? I do not know if somalis go to ethiopian forums, but I guarantee you that, Ethiopians in general, wouldn't care. We have eritreans on our forums, so why not Somalis?
Learn to be a decent man and have the decorum to be able to talk to women without degrading their opinions based on their gender, ma salama brother.

I am not degrading them, but when she or any woman, insults an entire nation or ethnic group; I cannot help but attribute that to their emotions getting the best of them + such a woman isn't being fair or just, but ultimately, I get it, because they tend to be more emotional than men, this is an irrefutable fact my brother. When a man does such a thing, I'd say he's being foolish and not being just either.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Then why ask me such questions? I do not know if somalis go to ethiopian forums, but I guarantee you that, Ethiopians in general, wouldn't care. We have eritreans on our forums, so why not Somalis?
One day ethiopia will be in ashes wa wacdi. Your takes are actually very refreshing. Please share to us your expansionist agendas.


Djiboutian 🇩🇯
I am not degrading them, but when she or any woman, insults an entire nation or ethnic group; I cannot help but attribute that to their emotions getting the best of them + such a woman isn't being fair or just, but ultimately, I get it, because they tend to be more emotional than men, this is an irrefutable fact my brother. When a man does such a thing, I'd say he's being foolish and not being just either.
sorry to break it to you saxiib but women are also capable of being foolish as are men with being emotional but you do you, ma salama walaalo.
sorry to break it to you saxiib but women are also capable of being foolish as are men with being emotional but you do you, ma salama walaalo.

That's true sxb, I don't disagree there, but women are more likely than men, to be emotional; that's what I was trying to convey.
One day ethiopia will be in ashes wa wacdi. Your takes are actually very refreshing. Please share to us your expansionist agendas.

One day, Somaliland will be recognized, Puntland will be too, then this land, that land, til all u guys have are fragmented clan states at war; then you will blame us for that too, while wishing evil upon us and wondering why some ethiopians wish the same upon you, Lol.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
One day, Somaliland will be recognized, Puntland will be too, then this land, that land, til all u guys have are fragmented clan states at war; then you will blame us for that too, while wishing evil upon us and wondering why some ethiopians wish the same upon you, Lol.
Bahahahahaa LOOOL yall I cracked this oromo egg. Thats what you want isnt it. No ones gonna blame you trust me. Yes I said f*ck Ethiopia what are you going to do about it? Nothing.
Bahahahahaa LOOOL yall I cracked this oromo egg. Thats what you want isnt it. No ones gonna blame you trust me. Yes I said f*ck Ethiopia what are you going to do about it? Nothing.

that is the equivalent of what u are wishing for ethiopia. has nothing to do with what I want.
I am simply saying, if u wish evil on others, do not cry when others wish the same upon you. You brought it upon yourself. Of course, this is the internet, and you're a woman, I am not gonna do anything, and neither can you do anything to ethiopia.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
that is the equivalent of what u are wishing for ethiopia. has nothing to do with what I want.
I am simply saying, if u wish evil on others, do not cry when others wish the same upon you. You brought it upon yourself. Of course, this is the internet, and you're a woman, I am not gonna do anything, and neither can you do anything to ethiopia.
If I’m a “woman” then you’re an oromo. Yeah thats much worse. Have a good afternoon🤣
I'd argue men aren't, look at most qabilist who started the civil war? It's all just men

that is true, it is men who usually start wars and participate. and it is men who usually end them, whether through victory, defeat, negotiations, etc.
Only Islam can unite Somalis, not clans. But of course, sadly, there are countries who do not want to see Somalia stable,
I wonder how your mom feels, birthing an oromo andrew tate

Lol andrew tate? No way warya, that guy is something else. I am just saying the truth, that men are leaders, and we have to be more patient with women than they have to be with us; even the shaykh ibn uthaymeen (ra) said the same thing. And all scholars agree that men are rulers, not women; so there is more responsibility for us than them.

