Are Somalis chronically online or is there another reason why anything Somali related tends to attract a lot of attention?


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
It's why I said what I said initially, remember, u were replying to what I said first?
When I said, that somalis were conquered within ethiopia, and never been the conquerors within the context of ethiopia, while oromos have been both, so we have a more complicated relationship with ethiopia than somalis have. That was my point that you took offense to, when It wasn't meant to offend in the first place.
That complicated relationship is that you guys are second class citizens within ethiopia until maybe recently meanwhile somalis want to rule their people and area and would rather be with other somalis. Do you remember the oromo blm movement years ago? At least you guys got your lickback kudos
It's not ''dissing,'' it's based on facts. That's good that you conquered amxaaros, but I am talking about the somalis within Ethiopia. They were brought into the empire through conquest. While they never participated in the government at the level of the other groups, like amxaaros, oromos, tigrayans, etc. It is what it is, it's not to be disrespectful. We just have different experiences with the Ethiopian state, so we're not going to view it the same way.
No they were not conquered but the British decided to give Somali galbeed to haile the cocksucker as a reward for his obedience to the British empire
That complicated relationship is that you guys are second class citizens within ethiopia until maybe recently meanwhile somalis want to rule their people and area and would rather be with other somalis. Do you remember the oromo blm movement years ago? At least you guys got your lickback kudos

Some of us were, true, and others were generals, rulers, and elites. Hence the reason why our view of the state of ethiopia, is once again, very different from somalis, who have always been part of the conquered in Ethiopia. Now some are rising in the ranks, which is good, I have always thought it would be better for Somalis in Ethiopia to work in the government and get more influence and power; that would be more beneficial for them and their people; especially since somali region is the 2nd biggest state and somalis are what, the 3rd biggest ethnic group in Ethiopia I think?
No they were not conquered but the British decided to give Somali galbeed to haile the cocksucker as a reward for his obedience to the British empire

When Menelik's general, father of haile selassie, ras makonnen, went to the ogaden, he made alliances with clans and built what is called 'ketemas', or military posts, taking advantage of the fact that some clans there used ethiopians against their rival clans, the claim to the ogaden region, or what is known as the ogaden, precedes the british empires influence there.
When Menelik's general, father of haile selassie, ras makonnen, went to the ogaden, he made alliances with clans and built what is called 'ketemas', or military posts, taking advantage of the fact that some clans there used ethiopians against their rival clans, the claim to the ogaden region, or what is known as the ogaden, precedes the british empires influence there.
If so then in What world is making Aliances with a few clans ostracised by others conquering?


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Some of us were, true, and others were generals, rulers, and elites. Hence the reason why our view of the state of ethiopia, is once again, very different from somalis, who have always been part of the conquered in Ethiopia. Now some are rising in the ranks, which is good, I have always thought it would be better for Somalis in Ethiopia to work in the government and get more influence and power; that would be more beneficial for them and their people; especially since somali region is the 2nd biggest state and somalis are what, the 3rd biggest ethnic group in Ethiopia I think?
Still second class conquered citizens though. Amxaar tigray are more landheere and civilised than you guys no offense. Imagine being the majority yet amharic is the official language. And no, somalis generally don’t want to work with ethiopia, thats why you dont see elites, generals, rulers like with your people. Its the somali disunity thats feeding ethiopia dont forget that.
If so then in What world is making Aliances with a few clans ostracised by others conquering?

What? What I said was, the Somalis within Ethiopia, historically, never ruled Ethiopia or had influence in it, while some Oromos did, while others were conquered and oppressed like many others. To sum it up: Oromos have been far more integrated within Ethiopia, than Somalis and others, such as the Afars. Afars today, though, and recently, have been 'Ethiopianists' or unionists.
Somali-Ethiopians today, are slowly but surely gaining more influence though.
Still second class conquered citizens though. Amxaar tigray are more landheere and civilised than you guys no offense. Imagine being the majority yet amharic is the official language. And no, somalis generally don’t want to work with ethiopia, thats why you dont see elites, generals, rulers like with your people. Its the somali disunity thats feeding ethiopia dont forget that.

Yes ..Some were, others weren't, while all somalis in ethiopia were 2nd class conquered citizens since they were conquered/brought into ethiopia.
You can see what you want, it's fine, the opinions of women when it comes to what men do in politics, isn't a big deal because men are the rulers, men are the generals, men are the shotcallers; not women.
Some Somalis are, because why would they purposely isolate themselves, when they can benefit more from working from within the system, for themselves and their people.
It's not our fault that you guys are divided, if you guys unite on Islam and not qabiil, you'd be united for sure. We want that for you guys, believe it or not. We scratch our heads in confusion when we see u guys divided.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
What? What I said was, the Somalis within Ethiopia, historically, never ruled Ethiopia or had influence in it, while some Oromos did, while others were conquered and oppressed like many others. To sum it up: Oromos have been far more integrated within Ethiopia, than Somalis and others, such as the Afars. Afars today, though, and recently, have been 'Ethiopianists' or unionists.
Somali-Ethiopians today, are slowly but surely gaining more influence though.
we dont want ethiopia ma qasab ba? Majority of us think somali galbeed should rejoin somaliweyn or be its own independent country. Also are there any Somalis infiltrating oromo spaces? Just curious.
What? What I said was, the Somalis within Ethiopia, historically, never ruled Ethiopia or had influence in it, while some Oromos did, while others were conquered and oppressed like many others. To sum it up: Oromos have been far more integrated within Ethiopia, than Somalis and others, such as the Afars. Afars today, though, and recently, have been 'Ethiopianists' or unionists.
Somali-Ethiopians today, are slowly but surely gaining more influence though.
Nigga is Happy his Amhara overlords threw him a couple of bones


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Yes ..Some were, others weren't, while all somalis in ethiopia were 2nd class conquered citizens since they were conquered/brought into ethiopia.
You can see what you want, it's fine, the opinions of women when it comes to what men do in politics, isn't a big deal because men are the rulers, men are the generals, men are the shotcallers; not women.
Some Somalis are, because why would they purposely isolate themselves, when they can benefit more from working from within the system, for themselves and their people.
It's not our fault that you guys are divided, if you guys unite on Islam and not qabiil, you'd be united for sure. We want that for you guys, believe it or not. We scratch our heads in confusion when we see u guys divided.
Im literally reiterating the most basic somali viewpoint and this oromo is dunking on women. Well im sorry we dont come from the treehugging highlander culture that shuns women. I am a somali woman not an oromo woman so I wont abide by your backwards cultural norms. Also whether we are divided or not thats our business. Your people arent even united by blood much less religion or culture. You guys have a bigger fish to fry
we dont want ethiopia ma qasab ba? Majority of us think somali galbeed should rejoin somaliweyn or be its own independent country. Also are there any Somalis infiltrating oromo spaces? Just curious.

that's fine, I am just saying, it's not realistic to assume that the somali region would secede anytime soon, so isolating yourself from the centre of power doesn't benefit you guys.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
that's fine, I am just saying, it's not realistic to assume that the somali region would secede anytime soon, so isolating yourself from the centre of power doesn't benefit you guys.
Ok but thats our business not yours. Worry about oromia. Good sir you didnt answer my question, are there any somalis infiltrating oromo spaces?
Im literally reiterating the most basic somali viewpoint and this oromo is dunking on women. Well im sorry we dont come from the treehugging highlander culture that shuns women. I am a somali woman not an oromo woman so I wont abide by your backwards cultural norms. Also whether we are divided or not thats our business. Your people arent even united by blood much less religion or culture. You guys have a bigger fish to fry

So all Somalis think the same based on what a random person on a forum says?
I don't know, hmm, I don't agree, sorry.
I am not disrespecting women, I am being honest, it's the men that rule, this is how Allaah willed for things to be, not me.
You mentioned your divisions, not me, so of course I am going to comment on something that you brought up.
Ok but thats our business not yours. Worry about oromia. Good sir you didnt answer my question, are there any somalis infiltrating oromo spaces?

Hey, if you don't want non-somalis here, you can ask moderators to ban us all, or ban those who happen to have a different perspective; so that you only see the things that you agree with.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
So all Somalis think the same based on what a random person on a forum says?
I don't know, hmm, I don't agree, sorry.
I am not disrespecting women, I am being honest, it's the men that rule, this is how Allaah willed for things to be, not me.
You mentioned your divisions, not me, so of course I am going to comment on something that you brought up.
Maybe its cus ur shisheeye and dont understand the cultural gap but somali women are very well informed in somali politics and tend to have more nuanced and balanced viewpoints than qabilist somali men. We are in the government too. You are not giving a good representation of your culture, feel bad for oromo women fr. Also how am I sowing division? Because I’m a somali nationalist and hate Ethiopia? LOL

