Anyone work in big data

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future pirate king
I currently work in big data, I wouldn't call myself a dba that's a bit more advanced then what I do but I use alot of sql and unix to schedule alot of different procedures and checks.

Just wondering where do I go from here currently learning shiny to build front end apps using sql for backend, might go into machine learning and AI
so yeah advice guys?


Self imposed exile
Your drug-addled brain won't be able to handle the basic maths required for machine learning.

For front end stuff just look into D3.js for basic visualisations or more specific charting libraries depending on the type of data you're working with.

Don't try to learn everything since you'll fall flat on your face.

Specialise in stuff you're good at instead of chasing after popular skills or technologies.


future pirate king
Your drug-addled brain won't be able to handle the basic maths required for machine learning.

For front end stuff just look into D3.js for basic visualisations or more specific charting libraries depending on the type of data you're working with.

Don't try to learn everything since you'll fall flat on your face.

Specialise in stuff you're good at instead of chasing after popular skills or technologies.

you have a dark soul, you will not succeed in life.
What did you study? Computer Science? Software Engineering? Statistics? Mathematics?

Data Science is becoming the new hot thing in academics. You would need a highly mathematical computer science degree or a degree/postgrad in mathematics/statistics.


future pirate king
What did you study? Computer Science? Software Engineering? Statistics? Mathematics?

Data Science is becoming the new hot thing in academics. You would need a highly mathematical computer science degree or a degree/postgrad in mathematics/statistics.

I did business. All my statistical analysis skills is self taught, currently learning alot of R, undecided between that and python.

If i ever do a masters it will be in data science
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