Any of you guys using minoxodil(propecia) for your hair? What are you using to combat balding?

I look 5 x better with hair, my head structure wasn’t built to be bald. If I ever start balding let’s hope I have enough funds to make a quick Turkey pitstop
kkk. how old are you?

The rule of thumb is if you make it to 30 without balding, then you'll be alright, and even if you begin to bald, it'll be slow and gradual. You'll probably still have hair by the age 40.

If you are unfortunate enough to go bald in your mid or even early 20s, then you just have no hope and should accept your fate.
Luckily my head look like this



kkk. how old are you?

The rule of thumb is if you make it to 30 without balding, then you'll be alright, and even if you begin to bald, it'll be slow and gradual. You'll probably still have hair by the age 40.

If you are unfortunate enough to go bald in your mid or even early 20s, then you just have no hope and should accept your fate.
yeah I would get a hair transplant when im 35-40 for sure.
I started minoxidil + dermarolling first about 2 years ago and managed to gain minor regrowth near the temples and generally more thicker hair but I still had a bald spot in my crown area, so I hopped on finasteride roughly a year ago which helped it grow back.

if you’re worried about hair loss or start to see signs of it don’t waste your time and start taking finasteride, don’t listen to the fear-mongering it’s a well-researched and generally safe drug to take.


I started minoxidil + dermarolling first about 2 years ago and managed to gain minor regrowth near the temples and generally more thicker hair but I still had a bald spot in my crown area, so I hopped on finasteride roughly a year ago which helped it grow back.

if you’re worried about hair loss or start to see signs of it don’t waste your time and start taking finasteride, don’t listen to the fear-mongering it’s a well-researched and generally safe drug to take.
whats your current test levels at and how old are you

I wouldn't say its safe especially when FDA has been lying about its side effects and falsifying data


"Her husband, John, was supposed to be taking their 4-year-old daughter to school. But the girl and the nanny were still at the Pfaffs’ house near San Diego. So were John’s wallet, cellphone and wedding ring. John was gone.
Kelly was alarmed, but not surprised. For four years, she had watched her husband, once a successful information-technology executive, avid skier and doting father, spiral inexplicably into despair.
It had started with dark, sulking moods. Then he lost interest in sex. His wife asked him if he was having an affair. “No … Something’s just not right down there,” Kelly said her husband told her. Panic attacks set in.
He suspected the cause might have been Propecia, the popular Merck & Co drug he had been taking to treat hair loss since around the time his problems started. He quit the pills, but still he couldn’t sleep, and he flashed random anger at the children. He started talking about killing himself.
On the morning of March 5, 2013, about 45 minutes before his wife got home, John Pfaff stepped onto the railroad tracks a block away and into the path of a southbound Amtrak train. He was killed on impact.
Kelly Pfaff blames Merck for her husband’s death at age 40. In a lawsuit filed in 2015, she alleges that the pharmaceuticals company for years knew but concealed from the public that Propecia could cause the persistent sexual dysfunction and depression that led to her husband’s suicide about a year after he quit taking the drug.

John Pfaff wasn’t the only man who experienced sexual problems after taking Propecia. His widow’s lawsuit was one of more than 1,100 filed across the United States and consolidated in so-called multidistrict litigation (MDL) in federal court in Brooklyn, New York. They accuse Merck of not adequately warning patients of the drug’s possible side effects and their duration."

What's funny is that propecia/finasteride is use to aid Transwomen
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whats your current test levels at and how old are you

I wouldn't say its safe especially when FDA has been lying about its side effects and falsifying data

View attachment 237358

"Her husband, John, was supposed to be taking their 4-year-old daughter to school. But the girl and the nanny were still at the Pfaffs’ house near San Diego. So were John’s wallet, cellphone and wedding ring. John was gone.
Kelly was alarmed, but not surprised. For four years, she had watched her husband, once a successful information-technology executive, avid skier and doting father, spiral inexplicably into despair.
It had started with dark, sulking moods. Then he lost interest in sex. His wife asked him if he was having an affair. “No … Something’s just not right down there,” Kelly said her husband told her. Panic attacks set in.
He suspected the cause might have been Propecia, the popular Merck & Co drug he had been taking to treat hair loss since around the time his problems started. He quit the pills, but still he couldn’t sleep, and he flashed random anger at the children. He started talking about killing himself.
On the morning of March 5, 2013, about 45 minutes before his wife got home, John Pfaff stepped onto the railroad tracks a block away and into the path of a southbound Amtrak train. He was killed on impact.
Kelly Pfaff blames Merck for her husband’s death at age 40. In a lawsuit filed in 2015, she alleges that the pharmaceuticals company for years knew but concealed from the public that Propecia could cause the persistent sexual dysfunction and depression that led to her husband’s suicide about a year after he quit taking the drug.

John Pfaff wasn’t the only man who experienced sexual problems after taking Propecia. His widow’s lawsuit was one of more than 1,100 filed across the United States and consolidated in so-called multidistrict litigation (MDL) in federal court in Brooklyn, New York. They accuse Merck of not adequately warning patients of the drug’s possible side effects and their duration."

What's funny is that propecia/finasteride is use to aid Transwomen
Finasteride is a 5 alpha reductase enzyme inhibitor, an enzyme which is responsible for the conversion of testosterone into DHT (DHT being the main culprit behind male pattern baldness); your testosterone levels won’t be negatively impacted, in fact it’ll probably increase slightly since it isn’t being converted into DHT.

DHT is a androgen that plays a key role during your physical development during puberty as a man but it’s relevance as you get older decreases; just testosterone is enough to support your sexual function if you’re a healthy male; as for mental sides associated with finasteride, although largely susceptible to bias there may be some validity to those claims as the 5 alpha reductase enzyme is responsible for the biosynthesis of endogenous neurosteroids such as allopregnenolone which exerts neurogenetic, neuroprotective, antidepressant, and anxiolytic effects, so inhibiting this enzyme with finasteride may increase the likelihood of depression and anxiety; however, there are steps you can take such as using topical or oral progesterone which’ll help increase the biosynthesis of allopregnanolone.

This study ( in Japan tracked people over 10 years and said that the rate of side effects was 6.8%, but that all the reactions were mild and everyone continued their treatment. There was another 10-year Italian study that had similar numbers but I can't seem to find it.

As for transgenders using anti-androgens like finasteride, that’s mainly due to DHT being an antagonist to estrogen so it would minimise the feminising effect of other hormones that they take to transition, taking finasteride on its own wouldn’t feminise you as you’re still actively producing testosterone and not bombarding your endocrine system with exogenous estrogen like transgenders would do.


Finasteride is a 5 alpha reductase enzyme inhibitor, an enzyme which is responsible for the conversion of testosterone into DHT (DHT being the main culprit behind male pattern baldness); your testosterone levels won’t be negatively impacted, in fact it’ll probably increase slightly since it isn’t being converted into DHT.

DHT is a androgen that plays a key role during your physical development during puberty as a man but it’s relevance as you get older decreases; just testosterone is enough to support your sexual function if you’re a healthy male; as for mental sides associated with finasteride, although largely susceptible to bias there may be some validity to those claims as the 5 alpha reductase enzyme is responsible for the biosynthesis of endogenous neurosteroids such as allopregnenolone which exerts neurogenetic, neuroprotective, antidepressant, and anxiolytic effects, so inhibiting this enzyme with finasteride may increase the likelihood of depression and anxiety; however, there are steps you can take such as using topical or oral progesterone which’ll help increase the biosynthesis of allopregnanolone.

This study ( in Japan tracked people over 10 years and said that the rate of side effects was 6.8%, but that all the reactions were mild and everyone continued their treatment. There was another 10-year Italian study that had similar numbers but I can't seem to find it.

As for transgenders using anti-androgens like finasteride, that’s mainly due to DHT being an antagonist to estrogen so it would minimise the feminising effect of other hormones that they take to transition, taking finasteride on its own wouldn’t feminise you as you’re still actively producing testosterone and not bombarding your endocrine system with exogenous estrogen like transgenders would do.
In clinical trials, 1 percent or more of men who took Propecia suffered erectile dysfunction, decreased libido and/or ejaculatory disorder. Additional studies showed these side effects persisted in men even after they stopped taking the drug.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires the drug’s maker, Merck & Co., to warn users that these side effects have occurred and that they haven’t always gone away when the drug was discontinued.




There's a lot of people on different forums/subreddits/youtube that have discussed receiving permanent side effects even after discontinuing use

At the end of the day, its a gamble to take it. If it's working for you and your blood tests are fine, then that's good to hear. But that doesn't mean it works for everyone.

I rather not take my chances on a controversial drug.
I am on finasteride was experiencing some balding but after being on it for 1 year all my hair regrew back to how it was when I was 16 alhamdulilah

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sxb I've been on fin for like 3 months now and it just seems like I'm getting balder. Is it just a matter of waiting for like 1 year to see if I'm getting results?

This is anecdotal but I haven't had any sides. Libido is ironically higher than before. Too much fear mongering wllhi
sxb I've been on fin for like 3 months now and it just seems like I'm getting balder. Is it just a matter of waiting for like 1 year to see if I'm getting results?

Not even 1 year, you gotta get wait at least 18 months for results, if you get sides don't about it sxb :ohno:


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
I started balding at the temples at 14. Currently I apply minoxidil twice a day to my crown and my temples. I then use a pill cutter to take half a pill of finasteride a day (DHT blocking is basically the same but reduces risk of any side effects). I also use a 1.5mm dermaroller on my crown and temples every 10 days. Luckily I have experienced some regrowth and halting in my hair loss


I started balding at the temples at 14. Currently I apply minoxidil twice a day to my crown and my temples. I then use a pill cutter to take half a pill of finasteride a day (DHT blocking is basically the same but reduces risk of any side effects). I also use a 1.5mm dermaroller on my crown and temples every 10 days. Luckily I have experienced some regrowth and halting in my hair loss
god damn, at 14? That's fucked up.

Also aren't you like 18? You should really consult a medical professional before doing any of this if you are.


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
god damn, at 14? That's fucked up.

Also aren't you like 18? You should really consult a medical professional before doing any of this if you are.
Yeah I only started finasteride when I turned 18. I also use minoxidil on my face so that the finasteride doesn’t inhibit facial hair growth
I started balding at the temples at 14. Currently I apply minoxidil twice a day to my crown and my temples. I then use a pill cutter to take half a pill of finasteride a day (DHT blocking is basically the same but reduces risk of any side effects). I also use a 1.5mm dermaroller on my crown and temples every 10 days. Luckily I have experienced some regrowth and halting in my hair loss
I don’t know about whether using a dermaroller for hair loss is worth the potential risks, watch this for more detailed information:

