Andrew Tate getting Alex Jones treatment! Banned from YouTube & TikTok!

He was actually a smart guy, and due to his following and large audience, he was actually enlightening people about the false narrative that the Western elites pass onto the masses. In particular, he challenged their current propaganda efforts against Russia and the West's hand in generating this conflict.


Humiliator in Chief
Staff Member
If they take down Jimmy Dore, I'm going to get involved in riots. Enough is enough. Corporate media are demanding these bannings because no one watches their crap anymore even with government bailout money.


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The champ champ is back. Long live King ANDREW !
Ethan that H3 dude, is one of the slimiest motherfucker to ever have existed, and normally i'm not an aggressionist, but damm that guy needs a good sock on his face to make him snap back to reality, I mean what alot of people don't seem to get is that banning Tate isn't going to solve any problems that he may have posed


Ethan that H3 dude, is one of the slimiest motherfucker to ever have existed, and normally i'm not an aggressionist, but damm that guy needs a good sock on his face to make him snap back to reality, I mean what alot of people don't seem to get is that banning Tate isn't going to solve any problems that he may have posed
lol that ethan klein is the biggest loser ever.

He also said racist things before against black and brown people.

White Liberals are disgusting. Only good use of them is to attack right wingers. Let them fight each other off while we dominate in silence.


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