Afro-Caribbean school opens in London

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Dance class at I Am School of Excellence

The Saturday school, I Am School of Excellence, which runs fortnightly offers a variety of black history classes, African and Caribbean inspired dance lessons and food lessons at Chobham Academy, in Cheering Lane, East Village.

Founder and Owner, Julia Kibela, who used to teach in multiple schools across the borough started the school to raise awareness for the exotic cultures.

“It’s something that I have noticed is not really taught in the curriculum,” she explained.

“I think it’s important to understand what is happening with other cultures.

“I just want children to know more about African and Caribbean cultures.”

The 36-year-old, from Forest Gate, decided to take the leap and start planning for the school a year ago, but now its finally come together, with the aim to keep growing.

“I would love to start doing it every weekend soon,” she said.

“I would to start including languages and textiles, so they can make outfits and give everyone braids or cane rolls.”

The first few classes have already taken place and the school is booked up until December at Chobham Academy.

“It’s been really successful and really positive,” she added.

“There is so much I have learnt already doing the classes about these cultures and I want to pass them on.”

Visit for more information on the school.

This is the school that all true sjw/blm loving Somali bootyclapper should aspire to send their kids to!:ahh:
Imagine the outcry if there was a school only for English kids, hypocrisy at it's finest...

Ngl if i was an Englishmen and i walked down a street in London i'd be pissed off.


Roasts aside, it might be good for the kids so long as their hiring standards aren't bootleg like most alternative schools.
Roasts aside, it might be good for the kids so long as their hiring standards aren't bootleg like most alternative schools.

Several years ago, the coalition led govt (conservatives & liberal democrats) approved free schools via the academies act 2010.

These schools are similar to UK academies in how they're ran (they can be fiscally independent/control their finances even though they receive funding from the govt) but there seems to be less regulation of free schools in comparison to state comprehensives/academies which is why we get horror stories like this.

I'm not sure if this Afro-Caribbean school is a free school but it sure sounds like one.
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Your superior
There are classes also in stabbing, rioting and rudeness. Furthermore, the cooking classes will focus on baking chocolate chip cookies big enough for student shoulders
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