A wedding in Garoowe turned into an open sex act

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Taasi iyo biyaha guduudan keebaa xaraam ah?

Please invite me if you ever contemplate hosting a wedding like that. Once in Melbourne, I heard on Somali females (only) wedding ceremonies, they play Arabic music and all the women belly-dance because it was deemed to be halal since it's played in every Arab wedding party. It reminded me listening to an argument between two Somali blokes, one claiming if Shisha is not Sunnah, it wouldn't have been smoked in Mecca and Medina.

The PL members will have terrible effort to recover from this
They will recover from this , like how they usually recover, by embracing them and boasting about it. "Habo Ayan hirsi"
Athiests, gays, sex deviants all get some PL love :friendhug:
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Weeping for the Nation of 68

We already have so much L's to take care of. This one is too much, too powerful L
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