26 degrees in London

Prime Minister

Somali Promotion Agent
Sweating James Mcavoy GIF

I can't function.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
No way you Are tripping over 78 Degrees You could probably wear a Fleece Hoodie in that weather TBH depends on the breeze and Work load..


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
26โ€™ Celsius (Uk temperatures) convert in Fahrenheit is 78.8 degrees
cars will GIF

Ive watched that Mister Bean episode, and what do you mean by the last sentence? You are not making any sense... British somalis are so insignificant the only notable thing about that place is the Notorious Gangs but other then that... Nothing maybe a few lander rallies
26 degrees is a walk in the park. Baby level heat.
The reason why reer UK canโ€™t handle the heat when it gets fairly warm is because the weather in the UK is always changing and temperamental. For a human to acclimatise to weather, they need a full two weeks (scientifically proven) of that weather to adapt to it long term. Problem is, when it gets โ€˜ hotโ€™ in the UK it only lasts 3-4 days at a time , thus the Brit will never get a chance to acclimatise. Thereโ€™s a reason why every hot countryโ€™s people can handle it whilst they canโ€™t