23andMe discounts

When are the next discounts on 23andMe I wanna get a test done but £79 is wayy more than I’m willing to pay. Also can someone break down what information 23andMe actually provides and if it’s accurate for somalis or not. (since I know someone’s gonna ask this I’m abgaal)
You can actually get 23&Me for free, here is the link: https://www.23andme.com/global-genetics/

They use your DNA for research however, use that information however you want


Islam wins doesnt take Ls Long Live Somalia 🇸🇴
Idk dna is Confusing since I think the ppl tht made tht company or companies made those name up I don't believe those what companies say but no one Realy knows original somali lineage
We know Arab lineage is lies now though